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02 January, 2015

Happy New Year to My Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus

Happy New Year to My Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, Lord Savior and Redeemer!

It is a good year to be alive, to be a Christian, free to worship our Lord and Saviour.
It is a very good year to know Him and get to know Him deeper.  
Let's live out  this year differently for Him, with Him, by Him, and through Him. 
Let fall in love all over with Him. Let's not be afraid to give Him back what already belongs to Him.

Oh! delightful truth! Oh! heart-cheering consolation! Let it be carried round the globe. Let it be echoed from hill to hill, from shore to shore, until all nations catch the joyful sound, that "God is love," that "God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Here, in this one truth, this precious gospel message, proclaimed by the Savior of sinners himself, is contained all peace, and strength, hope, joy, purity, yes, heavenly glory. Only believe this sweet declaration, with a loving obedience; only receive Christ, through whom this salvation is procured; and all the promises which cluster on the living Vine are your portion, O my soul, freely and fully given by the Father of mercies, through the Son of his love.

O eternal Spirit of light and truth, proceeding from the Father and the Son, work this saving faith even now in my heart. O make me this day, which commences another year of my earthly existence, a true member of the mystical body of Christ, a regenerated member of his Church, a sheep of his fold. Take away the darkness of my mind, and shed a flood of light into my soul. Pluck my feet out of the net of Satan's temptations; and enable me to walk in the path of your commandments. Give me to see the beauty of holiness, and to hunger and thirst after it; to discover the heinousness of sin, to flee from it, and abhor it.

If called into the furnace of affliction, be with me to support and comfort me. If led into the enjoyment of worldly blessings, preserve me from the snares of prosperity. Oh! grant that I may begin this year with earnest desires after Christ and his salvation, that, being kept by your power from day to day, I may be continually waiting for the Savior's coming, and rejoice, when his voice of mercy shall whisper to my soul; "Come up here;" "Enter into the joy of your Lord."

Jesus! I will praise your name,
While my life and being last; 
Your rich mercies are the same,
Which saints enjoyed in ages past; 
A dying pilgrim here below, 
'Tis my bliss, Your love to know.
With the lightning's rapid flight
All my moments hasten by; 
Day is soon o'erspread with night;
Flowers of Spring do quickly die. 
Jesus, in this land of woe, 
Let me Your salvation know.
Fleeting vapors are my days,
Life is but an airy dream; 
As the sun's declining rays,
Or the constant ebbing stream. 
Fix my heart on You alone, 
You, the Church's Corner-Stone.
You, my kind redeeming Lord,
Wean my heart from earthly joy 
Change me by your powerful word,
Every sin in me destroy. 
Let my treasure ever be, 
Safely hid, O Christ, in Thee.
Holy Spirit, Heavenly Fire, 
Burn the hated dross within,
Kindle every pure desire,
Save me from indwelling sin. 
Let my soul on You depend, 
Faithful and Almighty Friend

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