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Showing posts with label AND HOW DISTINGUISHED FROM FAITH. 620. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AND HOW DISTINGUISHED FROM FAITH. 620. Show all posts

18 March, 2025



Some may say, Will God see that which is not? and will he judge a man just that is a sinner? But I will answer, The man that had the rainbow about his head, was to look on, or be looked upon, while he shone like a jasper and a Sardis-stone (Rev 4:3). The blood of the paschal lamb was to be looked upon by him that came to destroy the land of Egypt in their firstborn (Exo 12:13). I add, The rainbow that God gave to Noah for a token that he would no more destroy the earth with the waters of the flood, was to be looked upon, that God might remember to show mercy to his people (Gen 9:8-17). Now all these meet in the man Christ Jesus, who is the only one, for the sake of whom the sinner that believeth in him stands acquitted in the sight of God. His is the blood, he is the prince, that is more than the token of the covenant: nor do all the colors in the rainbow appear so beautiful in the eyes of man, as does the garment of Christ; which is from his loins, even upward, and from his loins, even downward, in the eyes of the God of heaven (Eze 1:27,28). And wilt thou say these are things that are not? Also, he can legally judge a man just because he is a sinner. Do but admit to a diverse consideration, and God will so consider that sinner which he justifieth, despite all the teeth in thy proud mouth! 'He justifieth the ungodly' (Rom 4:5). Not that were, but that are such now, in the judgment and verdict of the law, might deal with them in their own persons as men (Rom 5:5-10). He will then consider them in his Son, in, and under the skirt of his Son. He will consider them as washed in the blood of his Son and also consider 'that in him is no sin,' and so he will deal with them. 'We know that he was manifested to take away our sins, and in him is no sin' (1 John 3:5).

What though I have broken a thousand pounds in my creditor's debt—yet if another will discharge the whole freely, what has the law to do with me as to that? Or what if I cannot but live upon the spending of all my days, yet if my friend will always supply my need and, through his bounty, keep me from writ, bailiff, or jail, is it not well for me? Yea, what if what I can get shall be laid up for me for hereafter, and that my friend, so long as there is death or danger in the way, will himself secure me and bear my charges to the world's end; may I not accept thereof, and be thankful? Blessed be God for Jesus Christ! I believe he is more than all this to me. 'In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory' (Isa 45:25). I know similitudes will not hold in all things, but we who believe are set free from the curse of the law by another man's obedience. For 'by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous' (Rom 5:19). Let then the believer, as was said, study and pray, and read God's Word continually, for the sake of the glory of this truth, that it may be made more his own, and that his conscience may be more and more settled in the power and glory thereof.

Fourth. As the Christian should most labor to get into the power and glory of this doctrine, so let him see that he holds it fast. This doctrine is foreign to flesh and blood; it is not earthly, but from heaven (Matt 16:17). It is with many that begin with this doctrine, as it is with boys that go to the Latin school; they learn till they have learned the grounds of their grammar, and then go home and forget all. How have many, that as to the grounds of Christian religion, one would think, had been well taught, yet not taking such heed thereto as they should, they have let slip all. Their hearts have been filled with the world again, or else have drunk in some opinion that has been diametrically opposite to what they professed of the truth before (Heb 2:1-4). Wherefore hast thou anything of the truth of Christ in thy heart? 'Hold that fast, that no man take thy crown' (Rev 3:11). Yea, 'grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ' (2 Peter 3:18).

He that will retain and hold fast the doctrine of redemption, and so by that have, through faith, an inlet into all the abounding mercy of God, must not deal in God's matters with a slack hand. It is not enough for them that would do so to be content with sermons, family duties, and other public assemblies for worship, but there must be a continual exercise of the mind about these matters and labor of the soul to retain them in their glory and sweetness; else they will, first as to their excellency, then as to the very notion of them, slip from the heart and be gone (Heb 2:1-3). Not that there is treachery or deceit therein, but the deceit lies in the heart about them. He who will keep water in a sieve must use more than ordinary diligence. Our heart is the leaking vessel, and 'therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.'