That this doctrine may remain with us, we must also mortify our carnal reason: for that makes head against the truth thereof, and what can foolishness do else? And the wisdom of this world, which is carnal reason in its improvements, is foolishness with God (1 Cor 1:20-25). It is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can it be. It judges this doctrine that we have been speaking of as foolishness, wherefore it must be avoided, opposed, and mortified, and the word of faith must be submitted more carefully. 'Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding' (Rom 3:5). See here that trusting in the Lord and leaning to our own understanding are opposites; wherefore they must either be reconciled or one entirely adhered unto, in the way of mortification of the other. Now, it is safest in this matter to keep a continual guard upon our carnal powers and to give ourselves up to the conduct of our God, and in all our ways acknowledge him, that he, not ourselves, may direct our paths (v 6). When the Word and his reason clash, it is excellent for a man to adhere to the Word and let his reason fall to the ground. And this, indeed, is Christianity in the practical part thereof. The Spirit of Christ in the Word is to be hearkened unto, above all things (2 Cor 10:3-5).
There must also be a continual war maintained upon all the lusts of the flesh, that they may not draw away the heart from the study and delight, the love and faith, of the things that are hidden in Christ (Isa 28:9). This, I say, must be done, else the heart cannot be at liberty to wait upon the Lord without distraction, for the further communications of himself in his Son, according to his blessed gospel to us. Many Christians are lean in their faith and too barren in their lives, and all for want of being diligent here. Wherefore having faith in this blessed Lord Jesus Christ, as has been afore discoursed; in the next place, 'giving all diligence, add to your faith, virtue; and to virtue, knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance; and to temperance, patience; and to patience, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, charity. For if these things be in you and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour 'Jesus Christ' (2 Peter 1:5-8).
There is a method that the Holy Ghost has prescribed in the Word, for them that hath faith to observe, and without the observation thereof, though they indeed may be of the number of them that shall be saved, yet they shall not have much, nor do much, for Christ and his name, in this world. Now the unskilful, that are so in the word of righteousness, finding this method, and not discerning to whom it belongs, forthwith apply it to all; and forgetting that faith must go before, they press them as duties preparatory to faith, or else so call that which is not so; and so the blind leading of the blind, both fall into the ditch and are smothered. But do thou, O child of God, distinguish, and keep faith and duty for justification of thy person in the sight of God far asunder; also be sure to let faith go before, and be always with thy Saviour, but add unto thy faith, virtue, &c., not as though thy faith could not lay hold of Christ unless accompanied with these, but to show that thy faith is of the right kind, as also for the emboldening of thee to an holy endeavor yet to press further into his everlasting kingdom and his word; for he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and has forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.
Fifth. That thou mayest keep steadfast to this doctrine take heed of being offended, or of stumbling at the Word, because of the offensive lives and conversations of some professors. There will be offenses, and it is needful there should; yea, scandals and heresies also, that they that are approved of God 'may be made manifest among you' (1 Cor 11:19). There are many causes of the offensive lives of them that profess this faith, some of which I will give a touch upon here.
And those who profess this gospel are short of the power and glory of what they profess: now the word only will not bring those that profess it into. Many that adhere to and profess this gospel are short of the power and glory of the things they profess: now the word only will not bring those that profess it into conformity to it; into conformity in heart and life (1 Cor 4:18-20). Wherefore they that know it only in word, live scandalous lives, to the reproach of the faith, the emboldening of its enemies, the stumbling of the ignorant, and grief of the godly, that are so indeed, and such must bear their judgment in the next world.
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