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01 July, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 65 — Psalms 84

Study 65 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 84

1.     Verses 1-4. ‘Blessed are those who dwell in thy house. ‘Consider the significance of the language which the psalmist uses. Note particularly the names he gives to God. What was the object of his deepest delight?
2.     What characteristic of the pilgrim to Zion are mentioned in verses 5-9? Whence does he derive strength to continue his journey? What is the basis of his security? What self-discipline must be practice? What are his crowning rewards (verses 10-12)?
1.     Verses 5b. The meaning seems to be ‘those whose hearts are set on pilgrimage’ (i.e., to Zion).
2.     Verse 6. ‘The valley of Baca’: some dry and barren valley where balsam tree (baca) grow, which the travellers approach with dread only to find that the God-given rain has transformed it.
3.     Verse 7. Far from being wearied by their journey the pilgrims are also strengthened by the prospect of the vision of God in Zion.
4.     Verse 9. A reference to the king, the Lord’s anointed, i.e., the Messiah.

30 June, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 64 — Psalms 81 - 83

Study 64 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 81- 83

1.     Ps. 81. What does God here demand of His people (verses 1-4)? Of what does He remind them (verses 5-7, 10-12), and with what promises and practical challenge does He confront them (verses 8, 9, 13-16)?
2.     Ps. 82 is a dramatic picture of the judgment and condemnation of divinely appointed judges who have failed to fulfill their office. What does God demand of such men (verses 2-4), and what is the effect upon society of their failure (verse 5)? In such circumstances, what hope is there of justice being done?
3.     Ps. 83. A strong coalition of enemy nations is plotting against Israel to destroy it. On what ground does the psalmist plead for God to act? What in particular does the ask of God, and to what end? Contrast with the prayer of Acts 4:29, 30. Is a prayer like the psalmist’s still legitimate?
1.     81:7. ‘The secret place of thunder’: i.e., from the midst of the thunder cloud. Cf. Ex. 14:10, 24.
2.     82:1, 6. From Jn. 10:34-35 it is clear that earthly judges are here referred to. They were called ‘gods’ and ‘sons of the Most High’ in virtue of their high office as dispersing the divine justice. Cf. Rom. 13:3, 4.

29 June, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 63 — Psalms 79 and 80

Study 63 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 79 and 80

These two psalms are national prayers in times of national disaster. In Jewish synagogue worship Ps. 79 was prescribed for use in commemoration of the destruction of the Temple in 586 BC and in AD 70. Try to recapture the sense of desolation which pervaded the nation (79: 1-4, 7, 11; 80:12, 13), together with the feeling that exile brought dishonour to the Lord’s name (79:10; cf. Ezk. 36:20).
1.     Ps. 79. Note here the plea for vengeance, coupled with prayer for forgiveness and deliverance. Cf. Is. 35:4; 59:16-19; 63:3, 4. The new Testament is no less concerned for God’s glory, but its spirit is different Cf., e.g., Mk. 11:25; Rom. 12:19-21. How do you account for this difference?
2.     Ps. 80. What do the Israelites here confess concerning god’s attitude toward them and His treatment of them? Where does their only hope of salvation lie? What ought we to learn from this?
1.     79:3. ‘there was none to bury them’: a disgrace threatened in Dt. 28:26; and repeatedly predicted by Jeremiah (7:33; 8:2; 9:22).
2.     80:1, 2. The three tribes here mentioned camped west of the tabernacle in the wilderness, and immediately followed the ark when the people were on the march. See Nu. 2:17-24.
3.     80:17. This verse point forward to the Messiah.

28 June, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 62 — Psalms 78: 40-72

Study 62 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 78: 40-72

1.     The detail of verse 43-51 sets the people’s disobedience (verses 40-42) in bold relief. What other purpose do you think the verses had? Cf. Ps. 103:2; 2 Pet. 1:9, 12, 13.
2.     What disasters did idolatry bring upon Israel? How did God in His grace come to their aid? Of what is such action of foreshadowing?
1.     Verse 61. A reference to the capture of the ark; see 1 Sa. 4:21.
2.     Verses 67-69. The tent at Shiloh, in the territory of Ephraim, was not rebuilt (for the reason given in verses 58-60), but Zion was chosen instead, in the territory of Judah, as the place for God’s sanctuary.

27 June, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 61 — Psalms 78: 1-39

Study 61 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 78: 1-39

1.     A nation’s history may teach many different lessons. From verses 1-8 what do you consider this
psalm’s main purpose is? What light do these verses throw upon the necessity and importance of family religion? Cf. Dt. 6:6-9, 20-25.
     2.     From verses 1-39 make a list of (a) God’s saving acts for His people; (b) the nation’s sins; (c) God’s judgments. In particular, from verses 34-37, consider the difference between true and false repentance. Cf. Je. 29:13. Is your life free from a similar monotonous. Cycle of relapses? How, according to verses 1-8, may we avoid such failure?

26 June, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 60 — Psalms 77

Study 60 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 77

1.     Observe in detail the depth of the psalmist’s depression. What was the chief question underlying his distress? How did he find an answer to it?
2.     What particular aspects of the character of God are mentioned in verses 11:20? How do these begin to resolve the psalmist’s problem? Do we in times of depression similarly call to mind the deeds of the Lord’ (e.g., Rom. 5:8)?

25 June, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 59 — Psalms 75 and 76

Study 59 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 75 and 76

Ps. Celebrates the deliverance of Jerusalem from the Assyrians in the reign of Hezekiah.  Though we cannot say that Ps. 75 belongs to this same historical situation, its theme of thanksgiving to God is certainly relevant to the events of 701 BC.
1.     In Ps. 75 what characteristics of God’s judgment are mentioned? What is the psalmist’s response?
2.     Ps. 76 falls into four sections of three verses each. How would you summarize the contents of each section? What was God’s purpose in acting in judgment?
3.     How does the teaching of Christ illustrate Ps. 75:4-7? Cf. Lk. 14:7-11; Mt. 20:20-28. Does your belief in such teaching control your ambition and your ideas about promotion?
1.     75:8. A picture of divine retribution; cf. Is. 51:17; Rev. 14:10.
2.     76:5, 6. A vivid picture of the enemy, silent and inactive in death.
3.     76:10. Even the violent acts of the wicked will be turned to God’s praise