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21 June, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 8 — 1 Peter 5

Study 8 From the Book of 1 Peter is: 1 Peter 5

With this lesson, we end the book of 1Peter. Tomorrow we will delve into the very small book of Ruth.
  1. Verses 1-4. How is oversight or the shepherd-care of God's flock to be exercised? What characteristics should a good pastor (a) avoid, and (b) exhibit? Note (a) how Peter speaks of himself, and (b) who is the chief Shepherd.
  2. Verses 5:14. What according to these verses is 'the true grace of God', and how are we to 'stand fast in it' (verse 12)? In other words, what purpose is God working out for our good, and what must we do to cooperate with Him, and to enjoy the full enrichment of all His grace?

20 June, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — 1 Peter 4:7-19

Study 7 From the Book of 1 Peter is: 1 Peter 4:7-19
  1. Verses 7-11. In what practical activities ought al
    l Christians to engage? Make a brief list of them from this passage. In what way do they all start? At what end should they all aim? What is my gift (verse 10), and am I properly exercising it in ministry?
  2. Verses 12-19. What kinds of suffering should the Christian (a) avoid, and (b) rejoice in? How should the latter kind of suffering be faced, and what good may be expected to issue from enduring it?
Note. Verse 14b: i.e., because God will specially manifest His presence to you and with you Cf. Ex. 40:34.

19 June, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — 1 Peter 3:13-4:6

Study 6 From the Book of 1 Peter is: 1 Peter 3:13-4:6

1. 3:13-17. In what spirit should the Christian (a) face suffering 'for righteousness' sake', and (b) explain his faith and hope to a hostile questioner?
  1. 3:18 – 4:3. What were the nature, purpose and issue of Christ's sufferings? How, in consequence, ought we to face, and to spend, the rest of our earthly lives?
  1. 3:14. Such sufferings should be regarded not as one's unhappy lot, but as an added privilege. Cf. 4:13, 14. It means one is the object of special divine favour. Cf. Lk. 1:48. If God so wills it (3:17), such suffering must be for some good reason and purpose. See 3:18; 4:1.
  2. 3:18b-20. After His death on the cross Christ was at once able, as One alive in the spirit, to go and proclaim His triumph to the rebellious and imprisoned evil spirits who had involved men in sin and judgment.
  3. 3:20. In the ark Noah and his family were 'saved through water', ie., brought safely through the judgment of God which fell upon a sinful world.
  4. 4:6. This is best understood as meaning that this is why the gospel was preached during their earthly lives to those believers who are now dead.

18 June, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — 1 Peter 3:1-12

Study 5 From the Book of 1 Peter is: 1 Peter 3:1-12

1. Versed 1-7. What qualities in wife and husband make for a happy and harmonious wedded life? In addition, what special results can sometimes follow if the individuals concerned behave as a Christian wife or husband should?
2. Verses 8-12. What characteristics are mentioned here which should mark Christians in their relations (a) with one another, and (b) with non-Christians who work or speak evil against them? What is the way to blessing according to (a) Ps. 34:12-16 (here quoted), and (b) our Christian calling? Cf. Mt. 5:11, 12, 44, 45. Apply these standards to your own life in self-examination and prayerful concern.

17 June, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — 1 Peter 2:18-25

Study 4 From the Book of 1 Peter is: 1 Peter 2:18-25
  1. In what ways does Christ's suffering provide an example for us to follow? What does Peter here suggest that 'servants' or 'slaves' should learn from it? Do I need to appreciate that this is also part of my Christian calling?
  2. Why was the sinless Jesus willing without protest to submit to the full penalty due to the worst sinners? What purpose was His sacrifice intended to serve? What response and what results ought to follow in my life?
Note. Verse 24. 'Bore our sins': to 'bear sin' means to 'endure its penalty'. 'On the tree': the wording suggests 'up on the tree', i.e., to the extreme limit of shameful crucifixion and, in Jewish eyes, of coming openly under the curse of heaven. Cf. Dt. 21:23; Gal. 3:13.

16 June, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — 1 Peter 2:4-17

Study 3 From the Book of 1 Peter is: 1 Peter 2:4-17

1. Verses 4-10. Under what figures dos Peter here speak of the Christian church? What determines whether men find a place in it or not? Each figure suggests special blessings and responsibilities. Seek to identify these, and to face up to the practical challenge of each.
2. Verses 11-17. What instructions concerning worthy Christian conduct are given here? In what ways are a right attitude and corresponding right action important (a) for our own spiritual well-being, and (b) for effective witness for God in the world? How can God use our 'good conduct'? Cf. Mt. 5:16.
  1. Verses 4-8. Peter justifies his comparison of Christ to a stone from three Old Testament passages: Ps. 118:22; Is. 8:14; 28:16. To the believer Christ is the corner-stone on which the whole building depends; to the unbeliever He is a cause of stumbling.
  2. Verse 16. 'A pretext for evil': an excuse for base conduct' (Weymouth) Cf. Gal. 5:13.

15 June, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — 1 Peter 1: 13-2:3

Study 2 From the Book of 1 Peter is: 1 Peter 1: 13-2:3

1. What has God provided to make possible (a) our redemption, (b) our birth, and (c) our growth to full salvation? What response is necessary on our part to enjoy the benefits divinely intended for us?
2. In what ways ought our new God-given life as Christians to be expressed? What changes or new standards should characterize our daily living?
1. 1:17. 'With fear' i.e., 'with reverence and awe'. Cf. Heb. 12:28.
2. 1:17. 'Your exile': i.e., your temporary sojourning in a place to which you no longer belong. Cf.. 2:11.
3. 1:19. 'Blood' here signifies blood shed or life laid down, in sacrificial death.
4 2:2. 'Spiritual milk': in Greek the adjective is logikos. 'Logical' milk suggests food for the mind rather than the stomach. Mention in 1:23 of the divine 'logos' or 'word' suggests a further reference here to the same divine agent, the 'milk of the word'.