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08 April, 2024

Works of John Bunyan: The Greatness of The Soul And Unspeakableness of the Loss Thereof; Advantages To The Man That Comes To Christ, 278


These words, therefore, “I will not cast out,” will prove great words one day to them that come to Jesus Christ (2 Peter 2:4; John 20:31; Luke 20:35).

2. Second, and more particularly,

(1.) Christ hath everlasting life for him that cometh to him, and he shall never perish; “For he will in no wise cast him out;” but for the rest, they are rejected, “cast out,” and must be damned (John 10:27–28).

(2.) Christ has everlasting righteousness to clothe them with that which come to him, and they shall be covered with it as a garment. Still, the rest shall be found in the filthy rags of their own stinking pollutions and shall be wrapped up in them, as in a winding sheet, and so bear their shame before the Lord, and also before the angels (Dan 9:27; Isa 57:20; Rev 3:4–18, 15, 16).

(3.) Christ hath precious blood, that, like an open fountain, stands free for him to wash in, that comes to him for life; “And he will in no wise cast him out;” but they that come not to him are rejected from a share therein, and are left to ireful vengeance for their sins (Zech 13:1; 1 Peter 1:18,19; John 13:8; 3:16).

(4.) Christ hath precious promises, and they shall have a share in them that come to him for life; for “he will in no wise cast them out.” But those that come not can have no share in them because they are true only in him; for in him, and only in him, all the promises are yes and amen. Wherefore they that come not to him, are no whit the better for them (Psa 50:16; 2 Cor 1:20,21).

(5.) Christ hath also fullness of grace in himself for them that come to him for life: “And he will in no wise cast them out.” But those that come not unto him are left in their graceless state; and as Christ leaves them, death, hell, and judgment find them. “Whosoever finds me,” said Christ, “finds life, and shall obtain favor of the Lord. But he that sinneth against me wrongs his own soul: all they that hate me love death” (Prov 8:35,36).

(6.) Christ is an Intercessor, and ever lived to make intercession for them that come to God by him: “But their sorrows shall be multiplied, that hasten after another,” or other gods, their sins and lusts. “Their drink offerings will I not offer, nor take up their names into his lips” (Psa 16:4; Heb 7:25).

(7.) Christ hath wonderful love, bowels, and compassion, for those that come to him; for “he will in no wise cast them out.” But the rest will find him a lion rampant; he will one day tear them all to pieces. “Now consider this,” saith he, “ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver” (Psa 50:22).

(8.) Christ is one by and for whose sake those that come to him have their persons and performances accepted of the Father: “And he will in no wise cast them out;” but the rest must fly to the rocks and mountains for shelter, but all in vain, to hide them from his face and wrath (Rev 6:15-17).

07 April, 2024

Works of John Bunyan: The Greatness of The Soul And Unspeakableness of the Loss Thereof; Advantages To The Man That Comes To Christ, 277


Now, we have yet to inquire into two things that lie in the words, to which nothing has been said. First, what it is to cast out. Second, how does it appear that Christ has the power to save or cast out?


FIRST. For the first of these, what is to cast out. To this, I will speak, first, Generally. Second, More particularly.

[First, Generally.]

1. To cast out, is to slight, despise, and contemn; as it is said of Saul’s shield, “it was vilely cast away,” (2 Sam 1:21), that is, slighted and contemned. Thus it is with the sinners that come not to Jesus Christ. He slights, despises, and contemns them; that is, “casts them away.”

2. Things cast away are reputed as menstruous cloths, and as the dirt of the street (Isa 3:24; Psa 18:42; Matt 5:13; 15:17). And thus it shall be with the men that come not to Jesus Christ, they shall be counted as menstruous, and as the dirt in the streets.

3. To be cast out, or off is to be abhorred, not to be pitied; but to be put to perpetual shame (Psa 44:9; 89:38; Amos 1:11). But,

Second, More particularly, to come to the text. The casting out here mentioned is not limited to this or the other evil: therefore, it must be extended to the most extreme and utmost misery. Or thus: He that cometh to Christ shall not want anything that may make him gospely-happy in this world, or that which is to come; nor shall he like anything that cometh not, that may make him spiritually and eternally miserable. But further, as it is to be generally taken [to respect the things that are now], it respects things that shall be hereafter.

I. For the things that are now, they are either, 1. More general:
Or, 2. More particular.

1. More generally, thus:

(1.) It is “to be cast out” of the presence and favor of God. Thus was Cain cast out: “Thou has driven,” or “me out this day; from thy face,” that is, from thy favor, “shall I hide.” A dreadful complaint! But the effect of a more dreadful judgment! (Gen 4:14; Jer 23:39; 1 Chron 28:9).

(2.) “To be cast out,” is to be cast out of God’s sight. God will look after them no more, care for them no more; nor will he watch over them anymore for good (2 Kings 17:20; Jer 7:15). Now they, who are so, are left like blind men, to wander and fall into the pit of hell. This, therefore, is also a sad judgment! Therefore, here is the mercy of him that cometh to Christ. He shall not be left to wander in uncertainty. The Lord Jesus Christ will keep him, as a shepherd does his sheep (Psa 23). “Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out.”

(3.) “To be cast out,” is to be denied a place in God’s house, and to be left as fugitives and vagabonds, to pass a little time away in this miserable life, and after that to go down to the dead (Gal 4:30; Gen 4:13, 14; 21:10). Therefore, here is the benefit of him that cometh to Christ, he shall not be denied a place in God’s house. They shall not be left like vagabonds in the world. “Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out.” See Proverbs 14:26, Isaiah 56:3-5, Ephesians 1:19–22, and 1 Corinthians 3:21–23.

(4.) In a word, “to be cast out,” is to be rejected, as are the fallen angels. Their eternal damnation began at their being cast down from heaven to hell. So then, not to be cast out, is to have a place, a house, and habitation there; and to have a share in the privileges of elect angels.


06 April, 2024

Works of John Bunyan: The Greatness of The Soul And Unspeakableness of the Loss Thereof; Advantages To The Man That Comes To Christ, 276


Again, how did Satan ply it against Peter, when he desired to have him, that he might sift him as wheat? That is, if possible, sever all grace from his heart, and leave him nothing but flesh and filth, to the end that he might make the Lord Jesus loathe and abhor him. “Simon, Simon,” said Christ, “Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.” But did he prevail against him? No: “But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not.” As who should say, Simon, Satan hath desired me that I would give thee up to him, and not only thee but all the rest of thy brethren—for that the word you imports—but I will not leave thee in his hand: I have prayed for thee, thy faith shall not fail; I will secure thee to the heavenly inheritance (Luke 22:30–32).

(2.) As Satan, so every sin of the coming sinner, comes in with a voice against him, if perhaps they may prevail with Christ to cast off the soul. When Israel was coming out of Egypt to Canaan, how many times had their sins thrown them out of the mercy of God, Had not Moses, as a type of Christ, stood in the breach to turn away his wrath from them! (Psa 106:23). Our iniquities testify against us. They would certainly prevail against us, to our utter rejection and damnation, had we not been advocated with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous (1 John 2:1,2).

The sins of the old world cried them down to hell; the sins of Sodom fetched upon them fire from heaven, which devoured them; the sins of the Egyptians cried them down to hell because they came not to Jesus Christ for life. Coming sinner, thy sins are no whit less than any; perhaps, they are as big as all theirs. Why is it then, that thou lives when they are dead, and that thou hast a promise of pardon when they have not? “Why, thou art coming to Jesus Christ;” and therefore sin shall not be thy ruin.

(3.) As Satan and sin, so the law of Moses, as it is a perfect holy law, hath a voice against you before the face of God. “There is one that accused you, even Moses,” is his law (John 5:45). Yea, it accuses all men of transgression that have sinned against it; for as long as sin is sin, there will be a law to accuse for sin. But this accusation shall not prevail against the coming sinner; Christ died, and ever lived, to make intercession for them that “come to God by him” (Rom 8; Heb 7:25).

These things, I say, do accuse us before Christ Jesus; yes, and also to our own faces, if perhaps they might prevail against us. But these words, “I will in no wise cast out,” secure the coming sinner from them all.

The coming sinner is not saved, because no one comes in against him; but because the Lord Jesus will not hear their accusations and will not cast out the coming sinner. When Shimei comes down to meet King David, and to ask for pardon for his rebellion, he gets up and puts in his caveat, saying, Shall not Shimei die for this? This is his case when it comes to Christ. He has this Abishai, and that Abishai presently steps in against him, saying, Shall not this rebel’s sins destroy him in hell? Read further. But David answered, “What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah, that ye should this day be adversaries unto me? Shall there any man be put to death this day in Israel, for do not I know, that I am king this day over Israel?” (2 Sam 19:16–22). That is Christ’s answer in the text, to all that accuse the coming Shimei. What have I to do with you, that accuses the coming sinners of me? I count you adversaries, who are against my showing mercy to them. Do not I know that I am exalted this day to be king of righteousness and king of peace? “I will in no wise cast them out.”

2. But again, these words do closely imply, that the coming souls are afraid that these accusers will prevail against them, as is evident, because the text is spoken for their relief and succor. For that need not be, if those who are coming were not subject to fear and despondency upon this account. Alas, there is guilt, and the curse lies upon the conscience of the coming sinner!

Besides, he is conscious of what a villain, what a wretch he has been against God and Christ. Also, he now knows, by woeful experience, how he has been at Satan’s beck, and at the motion of every lust. He has now also gained new thoughts about the holiness and justice of God. Also, he feels, that he cannot forbear sinning against him. For the motions of sins, which are by the law, doth still work in his members, to bring forth fruit unto death (Rom 7:5). But none of this needs to be discouraged since we have such a good, tender-hearted, and faithful Jesus to come to, who will rather overthrow heaven and earth than suffer a tittle of this text to fail. “And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”

05 April, 2024

Works of John Bunyan: The Greatness of The Soul And Unspeakableness of the Loss Thereof; Advantages To The Man That Comes To Christ, 275


Suppose that one man had the sins, or as many sins as a hundred, and another should have a hundred times as many as he; yet, if they come, this word, “I will in no wise cast out,” secures them both alike.

Suppose a man hath a desire to be saved, and for that purpose, he is coming in truth to Jesus Christ; but he, by his debauched life, has damned many in hell; why, the door of hope is by these words set as open for him, as it is for him that hath not the thousandth part of his transgressions. “And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”

Suppose a man is coming to Christ to be saved, and hath nothing but sin, and an ill-spent life, to bring with him; why, let him come, and welcome to Jesus Christ, “And he will in no wise cast him out” (Luke 7:42). Is it not this love that passes knowledge? Is not this love the wonder of angels? And is not this love worthy of all acceptance at the hands and hearts of all coming sinners?

Second, That which is implied in the words is, 1. The coming souls have those who continually lie to Jesus Christ to cast them off. 2. The coming souls are afraid that those will prevail with Christ to cast them off. For these words are spoken to satisfy us and to keep up our spirits against these two dangers: “I will in no wise cast out.”

1. For the first, coming souls have those that continually lie to Jesus Christ to cast them off. And three things thus bend themselves against the coming sinner.

(1.) There is the devil, that accuser of the brethren, that accuses them before God, day and night (Rev 12:10). This prince of darkness is unwearied in this work; he doth it, as you see, day and night; that is, without ceasing. He continually puts in his caveats against you; if so, he may prevail. How did he apply it against that good man Job, if possibly he might have obtained his destruction in hellfire? He objected against him, that he served not God for naught, and tempted God to put forth his hand against him, urging, that if he did it, he would curse him to his face; and all this, as God witnessed, “he did without a cause” (Job 1:9–11; 2:4,5). How did he apply it to Christ against Joshua, the high priest? “And he showed me, Joshua,” said the prophet, “the high priest, standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him” (Zech 3:1).

To resist him; that is, to prevail with the Lord Jesus Christ to resist him; objecting to the uncleanness and unlawful marriage of his sons with the Gentiles; for that was the crime that Satan laid against them (Ezra 10:18). Yea, and for all I know, Joshua was also guilty of the fact; but if not of that, of crimes no whit inferior; for he was clothed with filthy garments, as he stood before the angel. Neither had he one word to say in vindication of himself, against all that this wicked one had to say against him. But notwithstanding that, he came off well; but he might for it thank a good Lord Jesus, because he did not resist him, but contrariwise, took up his cause, pleaded against the devil, excusing his infirmity, and put justifying robes upon him before his adversary’s face.

“And the Lord said unto Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan, even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem, rebuke thee. Is this not a brand plucked out of the fire? And he answered and spoke to those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him; and unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with a change of garment” (Zech 3:2-4).


04 April, 2024

Works of John Bunyan: The Greatness of The Soul And Unspeakableness of the Loss Thereof; Advantages To The Man That Comes To Christ, 274


Reader, if thou loves thy soul, take this caution kindly at the hands of Jesus Christ. Thou sees thy sickness, thy wound, and thy necessity of salvation. Well, go not to King Jareb, for he cannot heal you nor cure your wound (Hosea 5:13). Take the caution, I say, lest Christ, instead of being a Saviour unto thee, becomes a lion, a young lion, to tear you and go away (Hosea 5:14).

There is a coming, but not to the Most High; there is a coming, but not with the whole heart, but as it were feignedly; therefore, take the caution kindly (Jer 3:10; Hosea 7:16).

“And him that cometh TO ME;” Christ as a Saviour will stand alone because his own arm alone has brought salvation unto him. He will not be joined with Moses, nor will John Baptist be tabernacled by him. I say they must vanish, for Christ will stand alone (Luke 9:28–36). Yea, God the Father will have it so; therefore, they must be parted from him, and a voice from heaven must come to bid the disciples hear only the beloved Son. Christ will not suffer any law, ordinance, statute, or judgment, to be partners with him in the sinner’s salvation. Nay, he saith not, and him that cometh to my WORD; but, and him that cometh to ME. The words of Christ, even his most blessed and free promises, such as this in the text, are not the Saviour of the world; for that is Christ himself, Christ himself only. The promises, therefore, encourage the coming sinner to come to Jesus Christ, and not to rest in them, short of salvation by him. “And him that cometh TO ME.” The man, therefore, that comes aright, casts all things behind his back, and looked at, nor hath his expectations from ought, but the Son of God alone; as David said, “My soul, wait for thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. He is only my rock and my salvation; he is my defense; I shall not be moved” (Psa 62:5,6). His eye is to Christ, his heart is to Christ, and his expectation is from him only.

Therefore, the man who comes to Christ, has deep considerations of his own sins, slight thoughts of his own righteousness, and high thoughts of the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ; yea, he sees, as I have said, more virtue in the blood of Christ to save him, than there is in all his sins to damn him. He, therefore, set Christ before his eyes; there is nothing in heaven or earth, he knows, that can save his soul and secure him from the wrath of God, but Christ; that is, nothing but his personal righteousness and blood.

“And him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out.” IN NO WISE: by these words, there is [First,] Something expressed; and [Second,] Something implied.

First, That which is expressed in Christ Jesus, his unchangeable resolution to save the coming sinner; I will in no wise reject him, or deny him the benefit of my death and righteousness. This word, therefore, is like that which he speaks of the everlasting damnation of the sinner in hellfire: “He shall by no means depart thence;” that is, never, never come out again, no, not to all eternity (Matt 5:26; 25:46). So that as he that is condemned into hell-fire hath no ground of hope for his deliverance thence; so him that cometh to Christ, hath no ground to fear he shall ever be cast in thither.

“Thus saith the Lord, If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel, for all that they have done, saith the Lord” (Jer 31:37). “Thus saith the Lord, If my covenant be not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth, then will I cast away the seed of Jacob” (Jer 33:25–26). But heaven cannot be measured, nor the foundations of the earth searched out beneath; his covenant is also with day and night, and he hath appointed the ordinances of heaven; therefore, he will not cast away the seed of Jacob, who are the coming ones, but will certainly save them from the dreadful wrath to come (Jer 50:4,5). Therefore, it is manifest, that it is not the greatness of sin, nor the long continuance in it, nor yet the backsliding, nor the pollution of thy nature, that can put a bar in against, or be a hindrance of, the salvation of the coming sinner. For, if indeed this could be, then would this solemn and absolute determination of the Lord Jesus, of itself, fall to the ground, and be made of no effect. But his “counsel shall stand, and he will do all his pleasure,” that is, his pleasure in this; for his promise, as to this irreversible conclusion, arises of his pleasure; he will stand to it, and will fulfill it, because it is his pleasure (Isa 46:10, 11).

03 April, 2024

Works of John Bunyan: The Greatness of The Soul And Unspeakableness of the Loss Thereof; Advantages To The Man That Come To Christ, 273


1. In Peter. Peter denied his master, once, twice, and three times, and that with an open oath; yet Christ receives him again without the least hesitation or stick. Yea, he slips, stumbles, falls again, in downright dissimulation, and that to the hurt and fall of many others; but neither of this doth Christ make a bar to his salvation, but receives him again at his return, as if he knew nothing of the fault (Gal 2).

2. The rest of the disciples, even all of them, did backslide and leave the Lord Jesus in his greatest straits. “Then all the disciples forsook him and fled,” (Matt 26:56), they returned, as he had foretold, everyone to his own, and left him alone; but this also he passes over as a very light matter. Not that it was so indeed in itself, but the abundance of grace that was in him did lightly roll it away; for after his resurrection, when first he appeared unto them, he gave them not the least check for their perfidious dealings with him, but saluted them with words of grace, saying, “All hail! Be not afraid, peace be to you; all power in heaven and earth is given unto me.” True, he rebuked them for their unbelief, for which you also deserve the same. For it is unbelief that alone Christ and his benefits come to us (John 16:52; Matt 28:9–11; Luke 24:39; Mark 16:14).

3. The man who, after a large profession lay with his father’s wife, committed a high transgression, even one that, at that day, was not heard of—no, not among the Gentiles. Therefore, this was a desperate backsliding; yet, at his return, he was received and accepted again to mercy (1 Cor 5:1, 2; 2 Cor 2:6–8).

4. The thief that stole was bid to steal no more; not at all doubting but knowing that Christ was ready to forgive him for this act of backsliding (Eph 4:28). Now all these are examples, particular instances of Christ’s readiness to receive the backsliders to mercy; and, observe it, examples and proofs that he hath done so are, to our unbelieving hearts, stronger encouragements than bare promises that so he will do.

But again, the Lord Jesus has added to these, the encouragement of returning backsliders, to come to him. (1.) A call to come, and he will receive them (Rev 2:1-5; 14-16; 20-22; 3:1-3; 15-22). Therefore, New Testament backsliders have encouragement to come. (2.) A declaration of readiness to receive them that come, as in the text and many other places, is plain. Therefore, “Set thee up waymarks, make thee high heaps,” of the golden grace of the gospel, “set thine heart toward the highway, even the way which thou went.” When thou didst backslide; “turn again, O virgin of Israel, turn again to these thy cities” (Jer 31:21).

“And him that cometh.” He saith not, and it was him that talked, professed, that made a show, made a noise, or the like; but, him that came. Christ will take leave to judge, who, among the many that make a noise, is indeed coming to him. It is not him that saith he comes, nor him of whom others affirm that he comes; but him that Christ himself shall say doth come, that is concerned in this text. When the woman who had the bloody issue came to him for a cure, there were others as well, as she, who made a great fuss about him, touched him, and yes, thronged him. Ah, but Christ could distinguish this woman from them all; “And he looked round about” upon them all, “to see her that had done this thing” (Mark 5:25–32). He was not concerned with the thronging, or touching of the rest; for theirs were but accidental, or at best, void of that which made her touch acceptable. Wherefore Christ must be the judge of who they are that in truth are coming to him; Every man’s ways are right in his own eyes, “but the Lord weighs the spirits” (Prov 16:2). It stands therefore for everyone in hand to be certain of their coming to Jesus Christ; for as thy coming is, so shall thy salvation be. If thou come indeed, thy salvation shall be true; but if thou come but in outward appearance, so shall thy salvation be; but of coming, see before, as also afterward, in the use and application.

“And him that cometh TO ME.” These words to me are also well to be heeded; for by them, as he secured those that come to him, so also he shows himself unconcerned with those that in their coming rest short, to turn aside to others; for you must know, that everyone that comes, comes not to Jesus Christ; some that come, come to Moses, and to his law, and there take up for life; with these Christ is not concerned; with these, his promise hath not to do. “Christ becomes of no effect unto you; whosoever of you are justified by the law, ye are fallen from grace” (Gal 5:4). Again, some that came, came no further than to gospel ordinances, and their stay; they came not through them to Christ; with these, neither is he concerned; nor will their “Lord, Lord,” avail them anything in the great and dismal day. A man may come to, and also go from the place and ordinances of worship, and yet not be remembered by Christ. “So I saw the wicked buried,” said Solomon, “who had come and gone from the place of the holy, and they were forgotten in the city where they had so done; this is also vanity” (Eccl 8:10).

“TO ME.” These words, therefore, are by Jesus Christ very carefully put in, and serve for caution and encouragement; for caution, lest we take up in our coming anywhere short of Christ; and for encouragement to those that shall in their coming, come past all; till they come to Jesus Christ. “And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.”


02 April, 2024

Works of John Bunyan: The Greatness of The Soul And Unspeakableness of the Loss Thereof; Advantages To The Man That Comes To Christ, 272


3. That the backslider is intended is evident,

(1.) For that he is sent to by name, “Go, tell his disciples and Peter” (Mark 16:7). But Peter was a godly man. True, but he was also a backslider, yea, a desperate backslider: he had denied his Master once, twice, and three times, cursing and swearing that he knew him not. If this was not backsliding, if this was not a high and eminent backsliding, yes, a higher backsliding than thou art capable of, I have thought amiss.

Again, when David had backslidden and had committed adultery and murder in his backsliding, he must be sent to by name: “And,” saith the text, “the Lord sent Nathan unto David.” And he sent him to tell him, after he had brought him to unfeigned acknowledgment, “The Lord hath also put away, or forgiven thy sin” (2 Sam 12:1, 13).

This man was also far gone: he took a man’s wife and killed her husband, and he endeavored to cover all with wicked dissimulation. He did this, I say, after God had exalted him, and showed him great favor; therefore, his transgression was greatened also by the prophet with mighty aggravations; yet he was accepted, and that with gladness, at the first step, he took in his return to Christ. For the first step of the backslider’s return is to say, sensibly and unfeignedly, “I have sinned;” but he had no sooner said thus, but a pardon was produced, yea, thrust into his bosom: “And Nathan said unto David, The Lord hath also put away thy sin.”

(2.) As the person of the backslider is mentioned by name, so also is his sin, that, if possible, thy objections against thy returning to Christ may be taken out of thy way; I say, thy sin also is mentioned by name, and mixed, as mentioned, with words of grace and favor: “I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely” (Hosea 14:4). What sayest thou now, backslider?

(3.) Nay, further, thou art not only mentioned by name, and thy sin by the nature of it, but thou thyself, who art a returning backslider, put, (a) Amongst God’s Israel, “Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord; and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you; for I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger forever” (Jer 3:12). (b) Thou art put among his children and those to whom he is married. “Turn, O backsliding children, for I am married unto you” (verse 14). (c) Yea, after all this, as if his heart were so full of grace for them, that he was pressed until he had uttered it before them, he adds, “Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings” (verse 22).

(4.) Nay, further, the Lord hath considered, that the shame of thy sin hath stopped thy mouth, and made thee almost a prayerless man; and therefore he saith unto thee, “Take with you words, and turn to the Lord: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously.” See his grace, that himself should put words of encouragement into the heart of a backslider; as he saith in another place, “I taught Ephraim to go, taking him by the arms.” This is teaching him to go indeed, to hold him up by the arms; by the chin, as we say (Hosea 14:2; 11:3).

From what has been said, I conclude, even as I said before, that him in the text, and him that cometh, include both these sorts of sinners, and therefore both should freely come.

Quest. 1. But where doth Jesus Christ, in all the word of the New Testament, expressly speak to a returning backslider with words of grace and peace? For what you have urged as yet, from the New Testament, is nothing but consequences drawn from this text. Indeed, it is a full text for carnal ignorant sinners that come, but to me, who is a backslider, it yields little relief.

Answ. How! But little encouragement from the text, when it is said, “I will in no wise cast out”! What more could have been said? What is here omitted that might have been inserted, to make the promise more full and free? Nay, take all the promises in the Bible, all the freest promises, with all the variety of expressions of what nature or extent soever, and they can but amount to the expressions of this very promise, “I will in no wise cast out;” I will for nothing, by no means, upon no account, however, they have sinned, however, they have backslidden, however, they have provoked, cast out the coming sinner. But,

Quest. 2. Thou sayest, Where doth Jesus Christ, in all the words of the New Testament, speak to a returning backslider with words of grace and peace, that is under the name of a backslider?

Answ. Where there are plenty of examples of receiving backsliders, there is less need to express words to that intent; one promise, as the text is, with those examples that are annexed, is instead of many promises. And besides, I reckon that the act of receiving is of as much, if not more, encouragement, that is a bare promise to receive; for receiving is the promise and the fulfilling of it too; so that in the Old Testament thou hast the promise, and in the New, the fulfilling of it; and that in divers examples.


01 April, 2024

Works of John Bunyan: The Greatness of The Soul And Unspeakableness of the Loss Thereof; Advantages To The Man That Come To Christ, 271


"And him that COMES" There are two sorts of sinners that are coming to Jesus Christ. First, Him that has never, while of late,  at all began to come. Second, Him that came formerly, and after that went back; but had since bethought himself, and is now coming again. Both these sorts of sinners are intended by HIM in the text, as is evident; because both are now the coming sinners. "And him that comes."

First. [The newly-awakened comer.]—For the first of these: the sinner that had never, while of late, began to come, his way is easier; I do not say, more plain and open to come to Christ than is the other—those last not having the clog of a guilty conscience, for the sin of backsliding, hanging at their heels. But all the encouragement of the gospel, with what invitations are therein contained to coming sinners, are as free and as open to the one as to the other; so that they may with the same freedom and liberty, as from the Word, both alike claim interest in the promise. "All things are ready;" all things for the coming backsliders, as well as for the others: "Come to the wedding." "And let him that is athirst come" (Matt 22:1-4; Rev 22:17).

Second. [The returning backslider.]—But having spoken to the first of these already, I shall here pass it by; and shall speak a word or two to him that is coming, after backsliding, to Jesus Christ for life. Thy way, O thou sinner of a double dye, thy way is open to come to Jesus Christ. I mean thee, whose heart, after long backsliding, doth think of turning to him again. Thy way, I say, is open to him, as is the way of the other sorts of comers; as appears by what follows:—

1. Because the text makes no exception against thee. or excludes anyone, even a backslider, from coming, but indefinitely open wide its golden arms to every coming soul, without the least exception; therefore thou may come. And take heed that thou shut not that door against thy soul by unbelief, which God has opened by his grace.

2. Nay, the text is so far from excepting against thy coming, that it strongly suggests that thou art one of the souls intended, O thou coming backslider; else what need that clause have been so inserted, "I will in not cast out?" As who should say, Though those that come now are such as have formerly backslidden, I will in "no way" cast away the fornicator, the covetous, the trailer, the drunkard, or other common sinners, nor yet the backslider neither.

31 March, 2024

Works of John Bunyan: The Greatness of The Soul And Unspeakableness of the Loss Thereof; Advantages To The Man That Is Come To Christ, 270


“And him that COME.” There is further to be gathered from this word come, these following particulars:—

1. That Jesus Christ has his eye upon, and takes notice of, the first moving of the heart of a sinner after himself. Coming sinner, thou can not move with desires after Christ, but he sees the working of those desires in thy heart. “All my desire,” said David, “is before thee; and my groaning is not hidden from thee” (Psa 38:9). This he spoke, as he was coming after he had backslidden, to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is said of the prodigal, that while he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, had his eye upon him, and upon the going out of his heart after him (Luke 15:20).

When Nathanael came to Jesus Christ, the Lord said to them that stood before him, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.” But Nathanael answered him, “Whence knowest thou me?” Jesus answered, “Before Philip called thee, when thou was under the fig tree, I saw thee.” I suppose Nathanael was pouring out of his soul to God for mercy, or that he would give him a good understanding about the Messiah to come, and Jesus saw all the workings of his honest heart at that time (John 1:47,48).

Zaccheus also had some secret moving of heart, such as they were, towards Jesus Christ, when he ran before and climbed up the tree to see him; and the Lord Jesus Christ had his eye upon him: therefore, when he came to the place, he looked up to him, bids him come down, “For today,” said he, “I must abide at thy house;” to wit, to the further completing the work of grace in his soul (Luke 19:1-9). Remember this, coming sinner.

2. As Jesus Christ hath his eye upon, so he hath his heart open to receive, the coming sinner. This is verified by the text: “And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” This is also discovered by his preparing of the way, in his making of it easy (as may be) to the coming sinner; which preparation is manifest by those blessed words, “I will in no wise cast out;” of which more when we come to the place. And while “he was yet a great way off, his Father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him” (Luke 15:20). All these expressions strongly prove that the heart of Christ is open to receive the coming sinner.

3. As Jesus Christ has his eye upon, and his heart open to receive, he has already resolved that nothing shall alienate his heart from receiving the coming sinner. No sins of the coming sinner, nor the length of the time that he hath abode in them, shall by any means prevail with Jesus Christ to reject him. Coming sinner, thou art coming to a loving Lord Jesus!

4. These words, therefore, are dropped from his blessed mouth, so that the coming sinner might be encouraged to continue on his journey until he becomes indeed to Jesus Christ. It was doubtless a great encouragement to blind Bartimaeus, that Jesus Christ stood still and called him, when he was crying, “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me;” therefore, it is said, he cast away his garment, “rose, and came to Jesus” (Mark 10:46). Now, if a call to come hath such encouragement in it, what is a promise of receiving such, but an encouragement much more? And observe it, though he had a call to come, yet not having a promise, his faith was forced to work upon a mere consequence, saying, He calls me; and surely since he calls me, he will grant me my desire. Ah! but coming sinner, thou hast no need to go so far about as to draw (in this matter) consequences, because thou hast plain promises: “And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” Here is full, plain, yea, what encouragement one can desire; for, suppose thou was admitted to make a promise thyself and Christ should attest that he would fulfill it upon the sinner that cometh to him, Could thou make a better promise? Could thou invent a more full, free, or larger promise? a promise that looks at the first moving of the heart after Jesus Christ? A promise that declares, yea, that engages Christ Jesus to open his heart to receive the coming sinner? Yea, further, a promise that demonstrates that the Lord Jesus is resolved freely to receive, and will in no wise cast out, nor means to reject, the soul of the coming sinner! For all this lieth fully in this promise, and doth naturally flow therefrom. Here thou needs not to make use of far-fetched consequences, nor strain thy wits, to force encouraging arguments from the text. Coming sinner, the words are plain: “And him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.


30 March, 2024

Works of John Bunyan: The Greatness of The Soul And Unspeakableness of the Loss Thereof; Advantages To The Man That Is Come To Christ, 269


A man that is come to Christ hath the advantage of him that is but coming to him; and that in seven things.

1. He that is come to Christ is nearer to him than he that is but coming to him; for he that is but coming to him is yet, in some sense, at a distance from him; as it is said of the coming prodigal, "And while he was yet a great way off" (Luke 15:20). Now he that is nearer to him hath the best sight of him; and so can make the best judgment of his wonderful grace and beauty, as God saith, "Let them come near, then let them speak" (Isa 41:1). And as the apostle John saith, "And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world" (1 John 4:14). He that is not yet come, though he is coming, is not fit, not being indeed capable to make that judgment of the worth and glory of the grace of Christ, as he is that comes to him and hath seen and beheld it. Therefore, sinner, suspend thy judgment till thou art come nearer.

2. He that is come to Christ has the advantage of him that is but coming, in that he is eased of his burden; for he that is but coming is not eased of his burden (Matt 11:28). He that is come has cast his burden upon the Lord. By faith he hath seen himself released thereof; but he that is but coming hath it yet, as to sense and feeling, upon his own shoulders. "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden," implies, that their burden, though they are coming, is yet upon them, and so will be till indeed they are come to him.

3. He that is come to Christ has the advantage of him that is but coming in this also, namely, he hath drank of the sweet and soul-refreshing water of life; but he that is but coming hath not. "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink" (John 7:37).

Mark, He must come to him before he drinks: according to that of
the prophet, "Ho! every one that thirsts, come ye to the waters."
He drinks not as he comes, but when he comes to the waters
(Isa 55:1).

4. He that is come to Christ hath the advantage of him that as yet is but coming in this also, to wit, he is not so terrified with the noise, and, as I may call it, hue and cry, which the avenger of blood makes at the heels of him that yet is but coming to him. When the slayer was on his flight to the city of his refuge, he had the noise or fear of the avenger of blood at his heels; but when he came to the city and was entered thereinto, that noise ceased. Even so, it is with him that is but coming to Jesus Christ, he hears many a dreadful sound in his ear; sounds of death and damnation, which he that come is at present freed from. Therefore he said, "Come, and I will give you rest." And so he said again, "We that have believed, do enter into rest," as he said, &c. (Heb 4).

5. He, therefore, that is come to Christ, is not so subject to those dejections, and castings down, because of the rage and assaults of the evil one, as is the man that is but coming to Jesus Christ, though he has temptations too. "And as he was yet a-coming, the devil threw him down, and tare him" (Luke 9:42). For he has. However, Satan still roared upon him, those experimental comforts and refreshments, to wit, in his treasury, to present himself with, in times of temptation and conflict; which he that is but coming has not.

6. He that is come to Christ has the advantage of him that is but coming to him, in this also, to wit, he hath upon him the wedding garment, &c., but he that is coming has not. The prodigal, when coming home to his father, was clothed with nothing but rags, and was tormented with an empty belly; but when he has come, the best robe is brought out, also the gold ring, and the shoes, yea, they are put upon him, to his great rejoicing. The fatted calf was killed for him; the music was struck up to make him merry; thus, the Father himself sang of him, "This my son was dead, and is alive again; was lost and is found" (Luke 15:18,19).

7. In a word, he that comes to Christ, his groans and tears, his doubts and fears, are turned into songs and praises; for that, he had now received the atonement, and the earnest of his inheritance; but he that is but yet coming, had not those praises nor songs of deliverance with him; nor has he as yet received the atonement and earnest of his inheritance, which is, the sealing testimony of the Holy Ghost, through the sprinkling of the blood of Christ upon his conscience, for he is not come (Rom 5:11; Eph 1:13; Heb 12:22-24).