"And him that COMES" There are two sorts of sinners that are coming to Jesus Christ. First, Him that has never, while of late, at all began to come. Second, Him that came formerly, and after that went back; but had since bethought himself, and is now coming again. Both these sorts of sinners are intended by HIM in the text, as is evident; because both are now the coming sinners. "And him that comes."
First. [The newly-awakened comer.]—For the first of these: the sinner that had never, while of late, began to come, his way is easier; I do not say, more plain and open to come to Christ than is the other—those last not having the clog of a guilty conscience, for the sin of backsliding, hanging at their heels. But all the encouragement of the gospel, with what invitations are therein contained to coming sinners, are as free and as open to the one as to the other; so that they may with the same freedom and liberty, as from the Word, both alike claim interest in the promise. "All things are ready;" all things for the coming backsliders, as well as for the others: "Come to the wedding." "And let him that is athirst come" (Matt 22:1-4; Rev 22:17).
Second. [The returning backslider.]—But having spoken to the first of these already, I shall here pass it by; and shall speak a word or two to him that is coming, after backsliding, to Jesus Christ for life. Thy way, O thou sinner of a double dye, thy way is open to come to Jesus Christ. I mean thee, whose heart, after long backsliding, doth think of turning to him again. Thy way, I say, is open to him, as is the way of the other sorts of comers; as appears by what follows:—
1. Because the text makes no exception against thee. or excludes anyone, even a backslider, from coming, but indefinitely open wide its golden arms to every coming soul, without the least exception; therefore thou may come. And take heed that thou shut not that door against thy soul by unbelief, which God has opened by his grace.
2. Nay, the text is so far from excepting against thy coming, that it strongly suggests that thou art one of the souls intended, O thou coming backslider; else what need that clause have been so inserted, "I will in not cast out?" As who should say, Though those that come now are such as have formerly backslidden, I will in "no way" cast away the fornicator, the covetous, the trailer, the drunkard, or other common sinners, nor yet the backslider neither.
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