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23 March, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Introduction of Jeremiah

Study 0 From the Book of Jeremiah is: The Introduction of the book of Jeremiah
Anathoth, the home of Jeremiah, was a small town some three miles north-east of Jerusalem. Jeremiah’s father was a priest, possibly a descendant of Abiathar (cf. 1 Ki. 2: 26), and the family owned some property in Anathoth (32:8). Jeremiah’s fellow-townsmen were among those who turned against him and sough to slay him (11:21).
Born probably towards the end of the reign of Manasseh, Jeremiah lived through the reigns of Josiah (thirty-one years), Jehoahaz (three months, Jehoiakim (eleven years), Jehoiahim (three months), and Zedekiah (eleven years). His prophetic ministry lasted for forty years, from his call in 626 BC, the thirteenth year of Josiah, to the fall of Jerusalem in 587 BC (1:2, 3). Of the five kings Josiah alone was loyal to the Lord. Jehoiakim was hostile to Jeremiah, and Zedekiah, though personally friendly, was weak and unstable. Under these two kings Jeremiah endured much physical suffering at the hands of his enemies. His life, however was preserved, and after the fall of Jerusalem he was permitted to stay with the remnant in the land, and was carried with them into Egypt (43:4-7).
In the earlier years of his ministry, though his outward lot was easier, Jeremiah suffered great mental conflict, revealed in a series of soliloquies in which he struggles to accept the burden of his prophetic calling and message. He saw more and more clearly that the nation was thoroughly corrupt, and that judgment was at hand. The false prophets’, who cried ‘Peace, Peace’, were misleading the people (14:13, 14). The inevitability of disaster filled Jeremiah’s heart with dismay and sorrow. It seemed as if God were annulling His covenant and casting off His people, and if that were to happen, what hope was left?  God, however, revealed to Jeremiah that He still had a purpose of good beyond the judgment, and that He could and would make a new covenant of a different kind, in which He would give His people a new heart and put His fear in their inmost being: and the hope of this glorious future sustained him as he watched the dying agonies of his nation, and suffered with them.  As a result of all this, ‘Jeremiah’s personality in the most sharply etched of any of the Old Testament prophets, and part of the distinctiveness of the book lies just here.
Jeremiah was appointed a prophet not only to Judah, but to the nations (1:5, 10) and he kept an ever-watchful eye on the movements of neighbouring peoples. In Josiah’s reign the power of Assyria was waning, and both Egypt and Babylon sought to take advantage of this for their own ends.  Three events especially affected the kingdom of Judah, and had a profound influence upon Jeremiah’s life and outlook. The first was the capture of Nineveh and of the Assyrian Empire by Babylon (612-609 BC), the second, the battle of Megiddo, when King Josiah was slain (608 Bc), and the third, the battle of Carchemish, when Pharaoh-Necho of Egypt and Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon met face to face in a trial of strength and the Babylonian armies won (605 BC) from that time Jeremiah was assured that Babylon was to reign supreme for many years, and that Judah would be wise to yield submission. In fearlessly proclaiming this he seemed in the eyes of many a traitor to his own nation, and aroused great opposition and enmity against himself; but his devotion to God and to his fellow-countrymen stand out clearly on every page, though  from time to time he breaks out into passionate cries for vengeance upon his persecutors.
The prophecies are not all in chronological order.  In some, mention is made of the king in whose reign they were uttered, but in others the date must be judged from the contents. The following may be taken as a rough guide:
The reign of Josiah: 1-6.
The reign of Jehoiakim: 7-20, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31, 35, 34, 45.
The reign of Zedekiah: 21, 23, 24, 27-29, 32-34, 37-39.

22 March, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 28 — Matthew 18:1-35

Study 28 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 18:1-35
We are stopping here to go to the book of Jeremiah. We will return to the book of Matthew later.
1.      Verses 1-14.  Consider Christ’s teaching on children (see also 19:13-15).  What are the qualities of the childlike spirit suggested in verses 3, 4? How should the Christian act towards children or those young in faith?
2.     What do verses 15-20 teach us about the way of reconciliation? What do we also learn here concerning the nature and the ministry of the local church, and concerning the practical value of acting together with others?
3.     How does the parable in verses 23-35 answer Peter’s question in verse 21?  What other lessons does it teach?
Note. Verse 18, 19.  There is a play on words in Greek in verse 18. ‘Petros’ means ‘stone’; ‘Petra means ‘rock’.  Note that Christ did not say, ‘On thee I will build my church.’ Peter had just made the classic confession of faith in Christ. Equally in verses 22, 23 he can be seen as an agent of Satan.  The power of the keys, i.e., of ‘loosing’ and ‘binding’, is one of great authority; but it is that of a steward rather than a door-keeper.  The keys are the keys of knowledge (cf. Lk. 11:52) which Christ entrusts to those who preach the gospel, and thus ‘open the kingdom of heaven to all believers’.

21 March, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 27 — Matthew 17:14-27

Study 27 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 17:14-27
1.      Verses 14-20. What were the reasons for the powerlessness of the disciples? What does Christ tell is the one indispensable secret of success?
2.     Verses 24:27. What practical lesson is enshrined in the story of the Temple tax? What does it teach about the Christian’s responsibility towards his fellow-men? Cf. 1 Cor. 10:31-33; Rom. 13:6, 7.

20 March, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 26 — Matthew 16:21 – 17:13

Study 26 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 16:21 – 17:13
      1.      16:21 indicates Christ’s clear awareness of the cross ahead.  The word ‘must’ expresses a sense of inward necessity.  What does this reveal about the character of Christ’s death?
      2.     What are the terms of discipleship (verse 24)? What incentive does Christ put forward in verses 25-28 to encourage His disciple to pay the cost?  What did Peter particularly need to learn (verse 22, 23)?
3.     In the story of the transfiguration (17:1-13), can you see its purpose (a) for Christ Himself, and (b) for His disciples?
Notes 16:28. The reference here to ‘the Son of man coming in his kingdom’ would seem to be not to His second advent but to His post-resurrection Triumph and exaltation to the throne. 

19 March, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 25 — Matthew 16:1-20

Study 25 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 16:1-20 
      1.      Christ condemns, in verses 1-4, the Jews’ inability to read ‘the signs of the times’.  What does He mean by this? How were the disciples similarly guilty? See verses 5-12.  What response should such signs produce?
     2.     Verses 13-20.  This incident at Caesarea Philippi is clearly the ‘hinge-point’ of the Gospel narrative.  From now on Christ withdraws from the crowds, and concentrates on teaching the disciples. Why is the question about His Person so crucial? Cf. 1 Jn. 4:2, 3; 5:1a, 5.
3.     Note the three things which our Lord says to Peter in verses 17-19. With verse 17, cf. 1 Cor. 12:3; with verse 18, cf. 1 Cor. 3:11; 1 Pet. 2:4-6; and with verse 19, cf. 18:18; Jn. 20:23

18 March, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 24 — Matthew 15:21-39

Study 24 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 15:21-39
      1.      Verses 21-28. Why did our Lord treat the Canaanite woman in this way? Do you see the purpose behind it? Cf. Lk. 11:8; 18:1; 1 Peter 1:7. Contrast Mt. 8:23, 26; 15:28, 30, 31.
      2.     In all the miracles in this passage Christ seems to be dealing with Gentiles.  Note the phrase ‘the God of Israel’ in verse 31. This seems to be contrary to the principle of verse 24. What was our Lord thus beginning to reveal concerning the full purpose of His mission?  Cf. Mt. 24:14; 28:19; Rom. 1:16 (the last nine words)
Note. Verse 37. The word for ‘basket’ here is spluris, the large Gentile basket, contrasted with the Jewish kophinos in 14:20.  The same accuracy of distinction is found in 16:9, 10.

17 March, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 23 — Matthew 15: 1-20

Study 23 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 15: 1-20
      1.      For what reasons does Christ condemn the religious outlook of the Pharisees? How may we be in danger of similar failure?
      2.     These verses emphasize the importance of man’s heart. Cf. 5:8, 28; 12:34; 18:35. What is meant here by the word ‘heart’? Cf. 18. Is. 10:7, av and RV. How then can a man’s actions be put right?
3.     What are the three groups of people to whom Christ speaks in these verses?  Do you notice any difference in His manner of teaching them?  Has this any implication for Christian teaching today?

16 March, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 22 — Matthew 14: 13-36

Study 22 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 14: 13-36
      1.      Consider the miracles of these verses as parables in action. What particularly do you learn from the response and failure of the disciples? For what qualities, do we need to pray if we are to be found faithful?
      2.     From the same stories consider the light cast upon the Person of Christ.  What characteristics are unmistakably revealed?

15 March, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 21 — Matthew 13:53 – 14:12

Study 21 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 13:53 – 14:12

      1)  What may we learn from the closing verses of chapter 13 about the nature of prejudice? Of what may it deprive us, and why?
     2   In the story of 14: 1-12, identify the distinctive characteristics of both Herod and John the Baptist; what is the difference between John’s faithfulness and Herod’s keeping of his promise?

14 March, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 20 — Matthew 13:24-52

Study 20 From the Book of Matthew is: Matthew 13:24-52
1.      What is the teaching of the parable of the wheat and the tares (verses 24-30)?
2.     Verses 31-33 record two parables on the theme of growth. What is the main message of these verses?  May these verses include warning against possible dangers?
3.     Verses 44-50 illustrate different ways by which individuals may enter the kingdom.  What are these? Why is there a mixture of good and bad? What is the condition of true enjoyment?