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16 January, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 26 — Isaiah 44:24 – 45:25

Study 26 From the Book of Isaiah is: Isaiah 44:24 – 45:25
Allusion has already been made to Cyrus, but not to name (41:2, 25). Now he is directly and personally addressed, as one whom God has chosen as an instrument of His purpose of good towards Israel, and the purpose for which he has been raised up is declared (44:24-45:8). Those who object to this view of God's relation to Cyrus are rebuked (45:9-13), and there follows a remarkable prophecy of universal acknowledgment of the God of Israel as the one God, in whom alone is salvation (45:14-25).
  1. What is said in 44:24 -45:8 concerning (a) God's power in creation and in human history; (b) Cyrus, and what God will do for him and through him? What assurance should such a passage afford us?
  2. What is the twofold answer given in 45:9-13 to those who question God's purposes and ways? Cf. Rom. 9:20. Are you ever guilty of feeling resentment against God?
  3. In 45:14-25 what are the reasons given for the turning of men of all nations from their idols to the worship of the one true God? How does this anticipate the universal scope of Christ's redemption? Cf. Rom. 1:16.
  1. 44:28. 'Shepherd': used frequently with the meaning of 'ruler'.
  2. 45:13. 'Not for price or reward': this seems to contradict 43:3, 4, but that passage speaks of the reward God gave, this of Cyrus' motive.
  3. 45:14-17. Spoken to Israel. Verses 14b, 15 are the confession of the nations mentioned in verse 14.

15 January, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 25 — Isaiah 43:14 – 44:23

Study 25 From the Book of Isaiah is: Isaiah 43:14 – 44:23
In making reference to Babylon's impending downfall (43:14, 15) God answers an unspoken objection that such a thing is incredible. 'Do you not remember what I did at the Read Sea? He asks (43:16, 17). 'Yet what I am about to do now is greater still' (43:18-21). He answers, too, a deeper cause of their unbelief, namely, a guilty conscience (43:25). 'My purpose toward you is one of blessing' (44:1-25).
  1. What was the new thing that God was about to do, greater even than His deliverance of Israel at the Red Sea? Cf. Chapter 35. What application has it to ourselves?
  2. How does 43:22-28 show that Israel was not justified by works, but only by free grace? Cf. Rom. 3:23, 24. What further gift had God in store for His redeemed people, and what blessings will it bring (44:3-5)? Cf. Jn. 7:37-39).
  3. What is the effect of idolatry on the mind of the worshiper? See 44:18-20. Have you realized the greatness of our privilege in knowing the true God? See 44:6-8.
  1. 43:2224. During the exile, God had not burdened them with demands for sacrifice and offering. But, they had burdened Him with their sins.
  2. 43:27, 28. 'Your first father': a reference probably to Jacob; cf. 48:1. 'Your mediators' may refer to priests and prophets; cf. Je. 2:8.

14 January, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 24 — Isaiah 42:1 – 43:13

Study 24 From the Book of Isaiah is: Isaiah 42:1 – 43:13
In chapter 41 Isaiah has shown that God has great purposes for Israel, His servant. That purpose is now declared. It is a purpose of blessing to all nations (42:1-4 and 5:9; cf. Gn. 12: 3b). In order to accomplish it, God will redeem His people from their present plight (42:13-16), confounding those that trust in idols (42:17), and calling forth from far and near a paeon of praise to His Name (42:10-12). Israel's present condition, under God's chastisement for her sins, is indeed pitiable (42:18-25), but God will ransom His people, letting other nations suffer subjection in their stead (43:1-7), and Israel shall then bear witness before the assembled nations to Jehovah's sovereign might and glory (43:8-13).
  1. 42:1-4. The prophet, in this picture of God's ideal Servant, perfectly portrays the Lord Jesus, Cf. Mt. 12:18-21. What is said concerning (a) His relation to God; (b) His equipment for His task; (c) the purpose and scope of His mission; (d) the qualities that characterize Him; (e) the method of His ministry; (f) His endurance; (g) the final fulfillment of His work?
  2. What does God promise to do for His people Israel in their distress (42:16-17; 43:1-7)? What witness will Israel, when redeemed, bear to God and His saving power (43:10-13)? Have we a similar testimony to the world around us concerning the reality of God's work of redemption?
  1. 42:19. 'Blind: i.e., to destiny and mission.
  2. 43:3, 4. The meaning seems to be that God will give to Cyrus other people to serve him in payment for setting the Jews free.

13 January, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 23 — Isaiah 41

Study 23 From the Book of Isaiah is: Isaiah 41
In this magnificent chapter the supremacy of the God of Israel is further demonstrated. First the nations (verses 1, 2) and then their gods (verses 21 – 29) are summoned before Him, and challenged as to what counsel they can give, and what control they can exercise in regard to the world-shaking onward march of Cyrus. They know nothing and can do nothing. It is the holy One of Israel who alone can predict the future, for He has planned all, and brought it to pass. Let Israel lift up his head, for he is God's elect and for him He has great purpose in view (verses 8:20).
  1. The nations in their fear make new idols (verses 5-7). How are these idols shown to be worthless (verses 23, 24, 28, 29)? The reference in verses 2 and 25 is to Cyrus; what is God's relation to this mighty conqueror, and to the events of history in general (verses 2-4, 25-27)?
  2. Tabulate the promises make to Israel in verses 8-20. How far and in what sense are they true for us today? Cf. 2 Cor. 1:20. In what measure have we tried and proved God's promises?
  1. Verses 2, 3. Here the first actor is God, and the second Cyrus.
  2. Verses 21-24. The idols are now summoned before God. Note how they are challenged.

12 January, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 22 — Isaiah 40

Study 22 From the Book of Isaiah is: Isaiah 40
The prophecies of chapters 40-48 have as their main theme the proclamation that God is about to restore the exiled Jews in Babylon. They refer to a time when the words spoken to Hezekiah (39:5-7) have been fulfilled. The first eleven verses are a prologue in which the prophet hears heavenly voices declaring to Jerusalem the glad me sage of redemption.
  1. In verses 1-11 what four great facts are proclaimed by God to give comfort to His people? How does this prophecy of the future coming and glory of the Lord find fulfillment in the New Testament? Cf. Mt. 3:3; 1 Pet. 1:23-25; Jn. 10:11.
  2. In verses 12-26 how is God shown to be beyond the petty mind of man to comprehend or to explain? How may we, as His creatures, draw on His infinite strength and power? See verses 29-31.

11 January, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — The Epistle of 2 and 3 John

Study 7 From the Books of John is: The Epistles of 2 and 3 John
As I mentioned before the break from Isaiah was a short one. Tomorrow we will go back to the book of Isaiah chapters 40-66.
  1. Compare the tests of a true Christian found in 2 John with those given in 1 John.
  2. Consider the three men mentioned in 3 John, all professing Christians. What does the apostle praise in Gaius? What faults does he find in Diotrephes? What threefold witness does he give in praise of Demetrius?
  3. What dangers arise from listening to false teachers? What is John's answer to the claims of 'advanced thought'? See Notes 3.
  1. 2 Jn. 2. Cf. 'Whom I love in truth... for the sake of the truth'
  2. 2 Jn. 4. 'Following the truth...': i.e., living true Christian lives in obedience to the command which we have received from the Father.
  3. 2 Jn. 9. 'goes ahead': i.e., claims a knowledge superior to God's revelation.
  4. 3 Jn. 5. Cf. Heb. 13:2.

10 January, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — The Epistle of 1 John 5: 4-21

Study 6 From the Books of Epistle of John is: The Epistle of 1 John 5: 4-21
  1. The apostle has already given a warning against the subtle attraction of the world (see 2:15-17). Now he reveals how the world may be conquered. Who does he say will overcome the world, and by what means? See verses 4-6; see also Note 1 below.
  2. A faith that can effect such great results must be well attested. What five fold witness is given in verses 7-11, and what marvelous fact does the witness attest?
  3. Verses 13-20. There are here five great certainties concerning which John says 'We know'. What are they? Are you building your life upon this foundation?
  1. Verse 6. This verse probably refers to our Lord's baptism and death, and not to Jn. 19:34. He came not only to call us to repentance by the witness of His baptism, but also to wash away our sins with His blood. The two sacraments of the Christian church are the sanding memorials of these things.
  2. Verses 9 and 10. God has spoken to man in Jesus with the utmost clarity and finality. He that believes has an inward witness: he that believes not makes God a liar.
  3. Verses 16. ' A mortal sin': i.e, the deliberate, purposeful choice of darkness in preference to light.
  4. Verse 21. 'Idols': anyone professing to worship God, but who denies that Jesus is the Son of God is worshiping a false God. 'Be on your guard against all such idol's John's final word.

09 January, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — The Epistle of 1 John 4:7 – 5:3

Study 5 From the Books of John is: The Epistle of 1 John 4:7 – 5:3
We now begin the third section of the Epistle.
  1. 4:7-10. What arguments are used in verses 7 and 8 to show that true Christians must love one another? In verses 9 and 10 the apostle speaks of the manifestation of God's love in Christ. How does he describe the gift? What does he say of its purpose? By what means was this purpose achieved, and for whom did God do this?
  2. 4:11-18. The apostle goes over the same ground as before, but at a higher level. How does he here describe the Christian's relationship to God? How does he show that no higher or closer relationship can be conceived? Out of the depth of that relationship, the believer bears his testimony through the Spirit. (verses 13-16; cf. Jn. 15: 26, 27)
  3. 4:19-5:3. In view of Mt. 22:36, 37 why does not the apostle say in verse 11, 'Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love God? Why does John say. 'We ought also to love one another'? What other test of our love for God is also mentioned?
  1. 4:17, 18. 'Because as he is....' cf. Jn 3: 35 with 16:27. Those who are loved of the Father need not look forward with dread. If we are still afraid, the remedy is to concentrate more upon the love of God shown in the cross and the resurrection.
  2. 5:1 Faith in Jesus as the Christ implies receiving Him as such and to receive Him is to be born of God (Jn. 1:12, 13).

08 January, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — The Epistle of 1 John 3:11 – 4:6

Study 4 From the Books of John is: The Epistle of 1 John 3:11 – 4:6
  1. 3:11-18. By what various arguments does John show, in verses 11-15, that mutual love is the essential mark of the children of God and that hatred is inadmissible? After what manner should we love? See verses 16-18 and cf. Jn. 15:12; Eph. 5:1, 2.
  2. 3:19-24. A digression on the subject of assurance before God. The apostle first considers the case of a Christian whose heart condemns him. How is such a person to be reassured? See verses 19, 20. Cf. Heb. 6:9, 10. Next the apostle considers the case of a Christian whose heart does not condemn him, because he is practicing all the characteristics of a truly Christian life – obedience, love, and faith. What blessings does this man enjoy See verses 21-24.
  3. What two tests are given here by which to know whether a prophet is, or is not, speaking by the Spirit of God? See especially 4:2 and6; see also Note 2 below.
    1. 3:14. Cf. Jn. 5:24. This gives the practical test whether a professed faith in Christ is genuine. Cf. Gal. 5:6b; Jas. 2:15-17
    2. 4:6. 'We are the God': the pronoun 'we' in the first half of this verse refers primarily, as in 1:1-3, to John as representing the apostles while not excluding those who, following after them, base their teaching upon the apostolic foundation.

07 January, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — The Epistle of 1 John 2:28-3:10

Study 1 From the Books of John is: The Epistle of 1 John 2:28-3:10
We enter today upon the second section of the Epistle.
  1. 2:28 -3:3. The apostle, having begun in verse 29 to show that the test of sonship is righteousness of life, is carried away by the marvel of the new birth into a rapturous outburst of wonder and joy. Whence comes our shonship? How does the world regard it? What will be its future glory? How should this affect us now? Cf. Col. 3:4, 5.
  2. 3:4-9. These verses resume and expand the truth of 2:29. What five reasons are given to show that sinning is utterly incompatible with being a child of God?
  1. 2:28. This verse gives clear proof that John, no less than Paul and Peter, believed in the Lord's second coming. See also 3:2; 4:17
  2. 2:29. 'Born of him': the first reference of sonship in this letter.
  3. 3:6-9. These verses do not mean that a Christian is incapable of sinning, nor that one sin is proof of an unregenerate nature, but that it is impossible for a true child of God to persist in habitual sin.