24 From the Book of Isaiah is: Isaiah 42:1 – 43:13
chapter 41 Isaiah has shown that God has great purposes for Israel,
His servant. That purpose is now declared. It is a purpose of
blessing to all nations (42:1-4 and 5:9; cf. Gn. 12: 3b). In order to
accomplish it, God will redeem His people from their present plight
(42:13-16), confounding those that trust in idols (42:17), and
calling forth from far and near a paeon of praise to His Name
(42:10-12). Israel's present condition, under God's chastisement for
her sins, is indeed pitiable (42:18-25), but God will ransom His
people, letting other nations suffer subjection in their stead
(43:1-7), and Israel shall then bear witness before the assembled
nations to Jehovah's sovereign might and glory (43:8-13).
- 42:1-4. The prophet, in this picture of God's ideal Servant, perfectly portrays the Lord Jesus, Cf. Mt. 12:18-21. What is said concerning (a) His relation to God; (b) His equipment for His task; (c) the purpose and scope of His mission; (d) the qualities that characterize Him; (e) the method of His ministry; (f) His endurance; (g) the final fulfillment of His work?
- What does God promise to do for His people Israel in their distress (42:16-17; 43:1-7)? What witness will Israel, when redeemed, bear to God and His saving power (43:10-13)? Have we a similar testimony to the world around us concerning the reality of God's work of redemption?
- 42:19. 'Blind: i.e., to destiny and mission.
- 43:3, 4. The meaning seems to be that God will give to Cyrus other people to serve him in payment for setting the Jews free.