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25 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — Ephesians 6:10-24

Study 7 From the Book of Ephesians is: Ephesians 6:10-24

With this study, we end the book of Ephesians and tomorrow, we will delve into the book of Job
The same apostle and Epistle that show us how heavenly, complete and free is redemption in Christ, now indicate how certain, fierce and protracted is the conflict to be faced by those who belong to Christ.
  1. Why is conflict inevitable for all who belong to Christ? What is its character? What dangers which beset us are here particularly in mind? Cf. 2Cor. 10:3-5; 11:3. By what achievement is victory here repeatedly described? How alone may it be achieved?
  2. Some interpreters take 'truth' to mean inward sincerity and 'righteousness' to mean integrity and fidelity. Others think 'truth' here means the truth of the gospel, as in 4:21, and take ' righteousness' to mean 'the righteousness of God' given to us in Christ (see Rom 3: 22). Can you find a decisive answer? How alone can we make our standing sure before God, men and the devil? Cf. Rom. 5:1, 2; 8:33, 34; Pss. 15; 24:3-6; 51:6.
  3. Verses 18-20. Consider what is there implied about Christian praying—concerning its place, its character, its demands, its scope, and its particular interests and requests. Measure your praying by these standards.
  1. Verse 10. 'Be strong': literally 'be strengthened'. 'A person cannot strengthen himself; he must be empowered'. Our strength is to be continually maintained (present tense) by the outworked vigour of God's inherent power.
  2. Verses 11, 13. 'The whole armour of God': the complete outfit is thought of as one whole. What is most emphasized is its divine source.
  3. Verse 12. The word for 'contending', literally 'to wrestle' implies personal hand-to-hand conflict.
  4. Verse 15. For such fighting one needs to have a sure foothold.
  5. Verse 16. 'Flaming darts': devil inspired thoughts or desires, evil in their nature and tending to inflame the passions.

24 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — Ephesians 5: 3-6: 9

Study 6 From the Book of Ephesians is: Ephesians 5: 3-6: 9
  1. 5:3-20. What are the positive motives and guiding princi
    ples of worthy Christian action, which the apostle here emphasizes? Add further items to your list (from Study 5) of actions, words and thoughts which ought (a) to be abandoned, and (b) to be expressed. Test your own life in this light. Why is constant watchfulness so necessary? What helps does God give to make such living possible?
  2. 5:21-6:9. The opening verse states a governing, principle. Consider how it is here applied to the common personal relations of everyday life---particularly those of wives, children and servants. What are the distinctive complementary responsibilities of husbands, parents and masters? Particularly notice in each case how the person concerned is in his (or her ) action to relate himself (or herself) to Christ.
  3. 5: 23-32. Study in detail what we are here told concerning the relation between Christ and His Church. What is the goal in view? How is it reached and realized?
  1. 5:14. Paul is here possibly quoting from a Christian hymn, addressed to those who have not yet believe in Christ. Cf. Is. 60:1.
  2. 5:26. 'The washing of water with the word': here some simply compare Jn. 15:3; 17:17, but the majority recognize a reference to baptism. 'The word' may then refer to (a) the gospel preached, cf. Lk. 24:27; (b) the formula used in Christian baptism, cf. Mt. 28:19, or (c) the answering confession of the person being baptized, cf. 1 Pet. 3:21, AV; Rom. 10:9.
  3. 5:32. 'A great mystery': the word 'great' here does not indicate that this truth is something 'very mysterious', but that this 'mystery' or 'divinely-revealed truth' is one 'of great importance'.

23 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — Ephesians 4:1-5:2

Study 5 From the Book of Ephesians is: Ephesians 4:1-5:2

  1. Express in your own words the difference between the unity described in 4:3-7, as already existing among Christians, and that mentioned in 4:13-16,which Christians are to seek. How is the first to be preserved and how is the second to be attained?
  2. From 4:25-5:2 list the things which must be put away, and those which ought to take their place. Notice also in each case the reason given by the apostle why we must live thus.
  3. In what ways does Paul's fourfold description of the life of the Gentile world (4:17-19) apply to the life of the non-Christian today? In contrast, what three principles are to govern the behaviour of Christians (4:20-24)?
  1. Verse 7. 'Grace': under here, as also in 3: 2, 8, of God's gifts to His people in Christ in appointing them to His special work. Cf. Mk. 13:34; Mt. 25:14, 15.
  2. Verse 12 should be read with the first comma omitted, 'for the equipment of the saints for the work of ministry'.
  3. Verses 22-24. The tenses in the Greek show that the 'putting off' of the old man and 'putting on' of the new are definite acts whereas the 'being renewed' is a process. The living of this new Christian life is made possible for us through the continual renewing of the Spirit, enabling our minds to lay hold of the truth in Christ.
  4. Verse 26, 27. While there may be anger which is not sin, anger is dangerous. It may lead to some action which gives the devil scope to scribe a blow at the body of Christ.

22 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — Ephesians 3

Study 4 From the Book of Ephesians is: Ephesians 3

The apostle shows that the union of Jews and Gentiles in one body in Christ was in God's purpose from the beginning, though only now fully revealed to men.
  1. Verses 1 – 13. What were Paul's personal calling and commission in relation to (a) the gospel, and (b) the Gentiles? Why was he chosen, and how was he qualified, for such service? Do you share his conviction that to suffer in such a cause is something to glory in rather than to be depressed about?
  2. Verses 14:21. Trace the progressive stages in Paul's prayer for his readers. What blessings would its full answer bring into our lives? What guarantees that such an answer is more than possible? What ought we also to learn concerning the way to pray for our fellow-Christians?
  3. What are the things included in the eternal purpose of God in Christ, in which Paul and all members of Christ's church are called to share? How may we more fully enter into our calling?
  1. Verse 1. Cf. 6:19, 20. Paul knew that his imprisonment was in the will of God, and in the interests of the truth and the spread of the gospel.
  2. Verses 2 and 9. 'Stewardship', 'plan': Greek oikonomia. The word refers originally to household management. In verse 9 (cf. 1:10), the reference is to God's administration, to His working out of His purpose in Christ. In verse 2, it is used of Paul's part in this---i.e., of the special commission assigned to Paul. Cf. 1 Cor. 9:16, 17.
  3. Verses 3, 4, 9. 'The mystery': i.e., divine truth hidden from natural discovery by men, but now specially revealed by the Spirit---particularly here the full content of God's plan for men's salvation.

21 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — Ephesians 2

Study 3 From the Book of Ephesians is: Ephesians 2

  1. Verses 1-10. Work out the contrast between man's condition by nature and his position in Christ. What are we here said to be saved (a) from, and (b) for, or to enjoy? How has this amazing change been effected, and how does its enjoyment become ours?
  2. Verses 11-22. Before Christ came, Jew and Gentile remained separated-kept apart in the Temple courts by a 'dividing wall' (verse 14). How did God deal with this situation through Christ's coming? What is now the position of believers, whether Jews or Gentiles, in relation to (a) God, and (b) one another? What three metaphors are used in verses 19-22 to show the complete equality of privilege which Gentile believers enjoy in Christ with those of Jewish birth?
Note. Verse 2, 3. 'Son of disobedience', 'children of wrath': these phrases follow in their form Hebrew idioms. They describe those who are deliberately giving themselves to active rebellion against the will of God, and consequently are exposed to His active displeasure.

20 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Ephesians 1:15-23

Study 2 From the Book of Ephesians is: Ephesians 1:15-23

  1. What may we learn from this example concerning the way to pray for our fellow-Christians? When we do so, what ought to be our chief interest and concern? What are the three great spiritual truths which the apostle here prays that his readers may grasp?
  2. Consider Christ's present position as set forth in verses 20-23 in relation to (a) God, (b) other powers and authorities, (c) the universe, and (d) the church. In the light of these verses has our conception of Christ been big enough?
  1. Verse 18. 'His glorious inheritance in the saints': be careful to note that this is a reference not to our inheritance in Him but to His inheritance in us. Cf. Ex. 19:5-6; Tit. 2:14.
  2. Verses 22, 23. 'The church... his body, the fullness of him': the God of old dwelt in the Temple and filled it with His glory, or as the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Jesus.(Col. 1:19; 2:9, 10). Christ now dwells in His church in His fullness. He fills it with His presence.

19 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Ephesians 1 :1-14

Study 1 From the Book of Ephesians is: Ephesians 1:1-14

These verses deal with God's purpose to form a people for Himself and to sum up all things in Christ. Note the reiteration of 'in Christ' or 'in Him'.
  1. In verses 3:6 we are shown this people as conceived in the mind of God. What do we here learn concerning God's choice of us, His gifts to us, and His purpose for us? Do such thoughts immediately move us, as they moved Paul, to say 'Blessed be... God' See note 2 Below.
  2. In verses 7-14 we are shown this same people in process of redemption from sin. What parts are played in this work by (a) God the Father, (b) God the son, and (c) God the Holy Spirit? Of what benefits are we here assured? What response is necessary on our part for their enjoyment?
  1. Verse 3. 'In Heavenly places': a phrase emphasizing that the believer's blessings are spiritual, in contrast to the earthly and material blessings promised to Israel under the first covenant. Cf. Dt. 28:8. The phrase occurs five times in this Epistle. See 1:20; 2:6; 3:10; 6:12. It refers to what today we might term 'the spirit realm', or 'the heavenly sphere'.
  2. Verses 6, 12, 14. Note the recurring reference to 'the praise of his glory'. The design of redemption is to exhibit the grace of God in such a conspicuous manner as to fill all hearts with wonder and all lips with praise' (Charles Hodge).
  3. Verse 13. 'Sealed': a mark of God's ownership.
  4. Verse 14. 'Guarantee' or 'earnest': a first installment given as a pledge that all promised will be paid in full.

18 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Introduction of the book of Ephesians

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Introduction of the book of Ephesians

Study 0 From the Book of 1 Ephesians is: The Introduction of the book of Ephesians.


This epistle, together with Philippians, Colossians and Philemon' form a group known as the 'Prison' Epistles, because all four were' as is generally believed, written from Rome when Paul was a prisoner there, as described in Acts 28:16, 30, 31. The words 'at Ephesus' (1:1) are omitted in a number of important manuscripts, and this has led many to suppose that the Epistle was not intended for Ephesus alone, but for all the churches of the Lycus valley, of which the church at Ephesus was the chief.
It was God's purpose from before the foundation of the world to form a people for Himself. But, mankind fell into sin and death, and only when Christ came was it revealed that God's purpose was to find accomplishment through the creation of a new humanity in Christ, made up of both Jew and Gentile, reconciled to God and to one another through the blood of the cross, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. This 'new man' consists of the whole redeemed community of which Christ is the Head, and stands in contrast to the 'old man' whose head is Adam, and which is under the dominion of the world, the devil and the flesh, and its subject to divine condemnation.

The new humanity in Christ is the theme of the Epistle. The doctrine of individual salvation by faith, as expounded in Romans and Galatians, is here less prominent, and the apostle dwells rather upon the corporate aspects of salvation under the image of the church as the body of Christ, together with the vision of a final oneness of all things in Him.

17 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 23 — 1 Samuel 31 and Revision

Study 23 From the Book of 1 Samuel is: 1 Samuel 31 and Revision

With this lesson, we end the book of 1 Samuel. Tomorrow lesson starts with the book of Ephesians.
1. Compare the defeat of chapter 31 with that of chapter 4. What were the reasons for these defeats? Cf. 1 Ch. 10:13, 14. What challenge does this bring to your own life?
2. How did David's experiences as recorded in chapters 16-31, all serve to prepare him for his future work as King?

16 July, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 22 — 1 Samuel 29 and 30

Study 22 From the Book of 1 Samuel is: 1 Samuel 29 and 30

  1. Chapter 29. Into what great difficulty had David brought himself, and how was he delivered? Do I ever give the world cause to say, 'What is that Christian doing here?' Cf. 2 Cor. 6:14.
  2. Chapter 30. Strength in defeat and generosity in victory. How does this chapter illustrate these characteristics? Have you learnt Davids' secret of inner strength? Cf. 23:16; Ps. 18:2.