5 From the Book of Ephesians is: Ephesians 4:1-5:2
- Express in your own words the difference between the unity described in 4:3-7, as already existing among Christians, and that mentioned in 4:13-16,which Christians are to seek. How is the first to be preserved and how is the second to be attained?
- From 4:25-5:2 list the things which must be put away, and those which ought to take their place. Notice also in each case the reason given by the apostle why we must live thus.
- In what ways does Paul's fourfold description of the life of the Gentile world (4:17-19) apply to the life of the non-Christian today? In contrast, what three principles are to govern the behaviour of Christians (4:20-24)?
- Verse 7. 'Grace': under here, as also in 3: 2, 8, of God's gifts to His people in Christ in appointing them to His special work. Cf. Mk. 13:34; Mt. 25:14, 15.
- Verse 12 should be read with the first comma omitted, 'for the equipment of the saints for the work of ministry'.
- Verses 22-24. The tenses in the Greek show that the 'putting off' of the old man and 'putting on' of the new are definite acts whereas the 'being renewed' is a process. The living of this new Christian life is made possible for us through the continual renewing of the Spirit, enabling our minds to lay hold of the truth in Christ.
- Verse 26, 27. While there may be anger which is not sin, anger is dangerous. It may lead to some action which gives the devil scope to scribe a blow at the body of Christ.