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07 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 29 — Acts 15:13-34

Study 29 From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 15:13-34

  1. Verses 14-21. Here James, the leader of Jerusalem church, the Lord’s brother, and probably President of the Council, sums up. What judgment does he give, and for what reasons? Do you think this would satisfy both Jew and Gentile?
  2. Verses 22, 23. In what ways was the decision to be made known to the Gentiles and with what results? From the whole debate what principles can you draw out to guide you when there is a disagreement among fellow-Christians (a) on essentials of the faith and (b) about non-essentials and matters of individual conscience?

06 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 28 — Acts 15:1-12

Study 28 From The Book of Acts Is: Acts 15:1-12

  1. The point at issue between the newly-established Gentile church at Antioch and the older Jewish church at Jerusalem was: ‘On what terms can Gentiles be saved?’ What answer was given by (a) Paul and Barnabas (see 14:27), and (b) the teachers from Judaism (verses 1, 5)?  Write down what you think is essential for Salvation.
  2.  Verses 7-11. Of what three facts did Peter remind the Council at Jerusalem, and what conclusions does he draw from them? Is it possible for old established churches to impose upon young churches of a different culture, or for mature Christians to impose upon new converts patterns of behaviour or ceremonies that are not essential to Christianity?
Note. Verses 6-21. Luke records only the closing speeches of a discussion that may have lasted for some days and been marked by deep feeling.


05 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 27 — Acts 14:13-28

Study 27 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 14:3-28

  1. What five elemental truths about God are set forth by Paul in verses 15-17?  What application does he draw from them? Cf. verses 11, 14, 15.  To whom do you think Paul would bring this kind of message today?
  2. Verses 19-25. Despite opposition Paul and Barnabas return to the cities where churches have been founded to strengthen them. In what ways did they encourage these young Christians? What may we learn from this about helping one another in our faith?
  3. Paul and Barnabas report to the Church that had sent them out. Cf. 13:1-4 with 14:26-28.  What is their emphasis in the way they report?

04 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 26 — Acts 14:1-12

Study 26 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 14:1-12

Paul continues his missionary visits to the towns and cities of Asia Minor. He always chose the strategic centres from which to work. Iconium was a prosperous commercial city on one of the main trade routes from east to west, where there would be both Jews and Gentiles. Lystra was a smaller and more country town, with a simpler and less-educated population.

  1. Each verse of verses 1-7 describes a fresh development in the events at Iconium.  From these identify the three main stages of the work.  Are you finding that opposition (human or satanic) follows blessing in your Christian work?
  2. Verses 8-12.  At Lystra a cripple is healed.  What are (a) the condition of the man, (b) the cause and the character of his faith, and (c) the reaction of the people?

03 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 25 — Acts 13:44-52

Study 25 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 13:44-52

The Jews Antioch became Jealous (verse 45) because Paul’s message of forgiveness through Christ was drawing away the God-fearers, whom they hoped would eventually become fully committed to Judaism.

  1. What was the result of this jealous opposition upon the work of Paul and Barnabas? Cf. 18:5, 6; 28:28. Do you ever allow opposition to silence your testimony or halt your Christian work? Of what may the refusal of some to respond be an indication?
  2. Paul and Barnabas now turn to the Gentiles. What two reasons are given in verses 46, 47 (see Note 1), and what two results follow in (a) the wider proclamation of the gospel and the ingathering of believers, and (b) the experience of the converts?
  1. Verse 47. Cf. Is. 49:6. Supremely this refers to Jesus Christ, but Paul sees himself as continuing the mission to the Gentiles that Jesus began.
  2. Verses 46 and 48. The Jew’s exclusion was their own fault.  The Gentiles’ inclusion was due wholly to God’s grace and a fulfillment of His foreordained purpose. This illustrates two sides of scriptural truth which need always to be held in balance.  

02 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 24 — Acts 13:13-43

Study 24 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 13:13-43

Paul’s journey from Paphos to Antioch involved an ascent of 3600 ft from the sea coast to a high plateau which was a flourishing region of Graeco-Roman civilization. This probably accounts for the return of John Mark, who was thus faced with more than he expected when he set out. Note also the presence in the synagogue at Antioch of two classes-Jews and God fearing Gentiles (verses 16 and 26).

  1. In the first part of his address (verses 16-25), how does Paul show that the coming of Jesus was the culminating point in God’s activity in the history recorded in the Old Testament?
  2.  When speaking of the resurrection (verses 30-39), what does Paul say about (a) the reasons for, (b) the Old Testament prophecies about, and (c) the result of, Jesus’s resurrection? Of what particular blessing is it a God-Given pledge? Cf. Rom. 4:25.
Note.  Verse 39. Paul here sets side by side two contrasting methods of justification: the one, by the works of the law, failing to achieve the end desired; the other, through faith in Jesus, bringing the person into the immediate blessing of full justification.  Cf. Phil. 3:6-9.

01 June, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 23 — Acts 12:25-13:12

Study 23 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 12:25-13:12

And now, we are back to the book of Acts and we will stick with it until the end. Once that is done, we will study Amos & Hosea together because they are two very short books.

With the return of Barnabas and Saul to Antioch (12:25) begins the story of a great expansion of the gospel among the Gentiles.
  1. What parts were played by (a) the Holy Spirit and (b) the local church in initiating the new advance? Note that the church may have been praying about possible future developments of their work when guidance came through a prophet inspired of the Holy Spirit. What does this teach you about guidance?
  2. Paul and Elymas meet in a head-on clash (verses 6-12). What was (a) the cause of the clash, (b) the reason for Paul’s strong condemnation of Elymas, (c) one purpose of the judgment which visibly fell upon him? Are you as prepared as Paul to rebuke and resist direct opposition to the Lord Jesus?
  1. Verses 6-8. As a court magician Bar-Jesus or Elymas feared his job would be in danger if the proconsul became a Christian.
  2. Verse 9. ‘Saul, who is called Paul’: Luke changes from the apostle’s Jewish name to his Roman and gentile name to stress Paul’s special ministry as the apostle to the Gentiles which was now beginning. Note also that Paul takes over as leader from Barnabas: Cf. verse 1 with verse 13. Doubtless, because Paul was a Roman citizen, the proconsul treated him as superior to Barnabas.

31 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 14 — Exodus 19 and 20

Study 14  From The book of Exodus Is: Exodus 19 and 20

We are stopping here to go back to the book of Acts and finish it. It will take us a little while before we go back to the book of Exodus again.

  1. What revelation is given in these chapters concerning (a) the character of God, and (b) His purposes for His people?
  2. What are the standards of worship and behaviour that God expects of His people? Try to summarize them briefly in your own words.

30 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 13 — Exodus18

Study 13 From The book of Exodus Is: Exodus 18

  1. Consider the parts played by Jethro, Moses and God in this chapter.  What can we learn about guidance from this?
  2. What kind of men are to be chosen as rulers of the people of God?  Cf. Acts 6:1-4

29 May, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 12 — Exodus 17

Study 12  From The book of Exodus Is: Exodus 17

  1. What is the significance of the sequence of the two events recorded in this chapter?
  2. What lessons are taught here about the importance of prayer and its relationship to activity in the life and witness of the church? What further lesson was Israel meant to learn from the defeat of Amalek (verses 14-16)?