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03 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 40 — Luke 16:1-13

Study 40 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 16:1-13
The point of this parable lies not in the dishonesty of the steward’s plan, but in his prudent provision for the future.

     1.     Verses 1-9.  For what did the steward’s master commend him? What ought Christian disciples to learn from the wisdom of the world? How can money be used to provide spiritual capital’ for the future? Cf. 1 Tim. 6:18-19.

      2.     Verses 10-13. How do these verses show that Jesus was not condoning the steward’s dishonesty? How ought material possessions to be seen in perspective?

Note.  Verses 9, 11, 13. ‘Mammom’ means ‘money’. It is called ‘unrighteous’ because of the way it easily leads men to dishonesty.  Cf. 1 Tim. 6:10.


02 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 39 — Luke 15:1-32

Study 39 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 15:1-32

     1.     Show how these three parables answer the Pharisees’ objections (verse 2). What are the Son, the Spirit and the Father all eager to see happen and to bring about?

     2.     What does the story of the prodigal son teach about sin, repentance and the love of God?

    3.     Verses 25-32.  What were the Pharisees meant to learn from this episode? Can you see the same tendency in yourself?


01 March, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 38 —Luke 14:25-35

Study 38 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 14:25-35

    1.     Note the reason for this stern teaching (verse 25). What, according to verses 26, 27, does discipleship involve? Was this teaching for that time only, or does it apply still?
    2.     Verses 28-35.  What is the safeguard against spiritual wrecks and ineffectiveness?

   1.     Verse 26. ‘Hate’ i. e, love less than Me, especially when there are conflicting demands.  Cf. Mt. 10:37.

2.     Verse 27.  The picture is of the condemned criminal carving his cross through the jeering crowds to execution.


28 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 37 — Luke 14:1-24

Study 37 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 14:1-24

    1.     Verses 7-14.  How does Jesus’ teaching in these verses run counter to the ways of the world? How did His own life exemplify this teaching?

    2.     Verses 15-24.  How is Jesus’ parables related to the remark of verse 15?  What is it that keeps people out of the kingdom, and who will in fact get there? 


27 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 36 — Luke 13:18-35

Study 36 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 13:18-35

     1.     Verses 23-30. What is Jesus’ answer to the question of verse 23? What determines whether a person is saved or not? What inadequate ground of confidence are here exposed?
     2.     Verses 31:35. With what attitude and emotions does Jesus meet the opposition and unbelief of men?  What may we learn from Him in this?
     3.     Verses 18:21. What do these similes teach about the expansion of the kingdom of God? Cf. Mk. 14:9. What is the relevance of this evangelism?
Note.  Verses 32, 33. ‘Today and tomorrow and the day following’: and idiomatic expression for a short period


Abiding Is Sometimes Hard!

A few days ago God showed me, the time that I spent moping through the waiting process, I did not grow an iota in Him, spiritually speaking of course. This revelation happened after I wrote my post to come clean about my failure. Of course, I have been doing what needs to be done in order to bring myself to a place where I fulfill my part of the abiding process.  After 3 hours of sleep last night, I awoke in the middle of the night. I knew I should use the time to pray and talk to God, but it felt as if my mind had a mind of its own. It took extra efforts on my part after wasting at least an hour, to stop my mind from running away from me (this is what it felt like.)

I could see how easy it is for us human being, not to want to do what Christ wants to do. Honestly, this had nothing to do with Satan, but everything to do with me. My mind kept wandering off on its own. Finally, I got hold of it and stopped this nonsense. I stopped it because when you are a spiritual Christian, you know that is not the way He wants you to spend time. God’s goal is for us to want to do what Christ likes doing.

My point is, in John 15, God made it clear to us that the abiding process is to be reciprocated.  The Bible also tells us that those who abide in Him will cherish His words, meditate on them, believe in Him, obey His words and depends on Him.  If when I was sulking for a few weeks I did not grow spiritually, obviously I failed to fulfill those things, hence I did not avail myself to share His sap in order to get the spiritual nutrition that I needed to grow stronger as a branch.

The spirit showed me this morning, another part of abiding that I was not thinking of at all because I have been taking things for granted.  He showed me, if I want to reciprocate to Him, perhaps I might want to stop that runaway train mode that my mind is on, grab the bull by the horn and make every effort on my part to start bringing my mind to a level where I know that I am doing what Christ likes doing.

 Anyway, I interrupted my reading to share this tiny bit with you.  Have a great day, as for me, I am going back to my time with God.

26 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 35 — Luke 13:1-17

Study 35 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 13:1-17

     1.     Trace the connection of thought between verse 1-5 and the parable of verses 6-9.  In the light of the parable, what is meant by ‘repent’ (verses 3,5)? Cf. 3:8a.
     2.     Verses 10-17.  What, in Jesus’ view, was wrong with the attitude of the ruler of the synagogue? Compare his reaction to Jesus’ miracle with that of the woman and the crowd.  What made the difference?

Note.  Verse 1.  The reference is to some massacre in the Temple, typical of Pilate’s brutality.


25 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 34 — Luke 12:35-59

Study 34 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 12:35-59

     1.     Verses 35-48. What reasons do these verses give us for being alert? In what ways can we be ready for our Master’s return? Against what dangers are we here warned?
     2.     Verses 49-59. Jesus addresses first His disciples (verse 49-53), and then the crowds (verses 54-59); what warnings does He give to each group about the effects of His coming?
     1.     Verse 50. The ‘baptism’ is His coming suffering.  The agony of Gethsemane was already felt.

2.     Verses 58, 59.  A parable of the need to be reconciled with God before the day of judgement. 


24 February, 2015

Search The Scriptures — Study 33 — Luke 12:13-34

Study 33 of "Search The Scriptures” Is:

Luke 12:13-34

    1.     Was the rich man wrong to make provision for the future? Where did he go wrong? In what does a man’s life consist (verse-15)

    2.     What should be the central motive in the life of a Christian? If this is taken seriously, what does Jesus here promise with regard to material needs? How could this apply practically in your own situation?


Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked A man reaps what he sows

This morning God taught me how prevalent it is in this day and age that Satan has a counterfeit of everything that He does. This lesson happened after I read Jeremiah 20:7-9 and I was meditating, God showed me my heart and some people on the internet that are passionate about Him. It felt good to know that some of them are part of what I consider my close circle and spiritual friends on Facebook.  The joy evaporated quickly when He showed me one website where there is equal passion operating through this site’s owner.  While he calls many pastors by name and write about them so passionately, in the name of Christ, he smears their names and denounce them as false Christians. In God’s book this guy is no better than Pashur the false prophets who persecuted Jeremiah. What God wanted me to see was the passion behind this website’s owner posts and goals, on the surface looks similar to Jeremiah’s passion for the truth that was burning his heart like fire.  I have to say that it felt disconcerting and discouraging to see how Satan can imitate God’s works so closely, that is until you look deeper into it.  

Ephesians 5:6 “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient.

There are several tests that can show us if we are being deceived by empty words. But, for the sake of today’s digital age, let’s assume the following: once you read something about true Christianity there are two ways to react to it.  The Godly way will cause you to be upset because that is the effect of the gospel of God, it contrasts with your own unholiness. However, if indeed you are in Him and He is in you, there will be some sort of yearning in your heart to be like this person or to obtain knowledge of God and intimacy with Him, in the same way. This is INEVITABLE because He lives in you and it is the Spirit’s job. If this yearning, however small, is not there, then what does that say about Him, if indeed He is in you?

The other way to react, is that this person is truly getting on your nerves to the point where he or she is  not only intolerable with his or her truth of Christianity, but something about this person’s writing just plainly P**sed you off. (Pardon my French.) Yet, the writing of someone teaching, preaching or spreading a half truth and making you feel really comfortable and invite you to sit passively in a lukewarm kind of Christianity where the beliefs that you are ready to accept are welcomed and justifiable, you can be sure, you are dealing with a counterfeit. The truth and the love of God are missing.

Romans 1:18 “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.