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Showing posts with label Works of John Bunyan: THE DOCTRINE OF THE LAW AND GRACE UNFOLDED. 517. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Works of John Bunyan: THE DOCTRINE OF THE LAW AND GRACE UNFOLDED. 517. Show all posts

05 December, 2024




 [Objection to this head.] But, you will say, for all this, We cannot believe that we are under the law, for these reasons—As, First. Because we have found a change in our hearts. Second. Because we do deny that the Covenant of Works will save any. Third. Because, for our parts, we judge ourselves far from legal principles, for we are got up into as perfect a Gospel order as to matter of practice and discipline in church affairs, as any this day in England, as we judge.

[Answer to reason first.] That man's belief that is grounded upon anything done in him, or by him only, that man's belief is not grounded upon the death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and intercession of Jesus Christ; for that man that hath indeed good ground of his eternal salvation, his faith is settled upon that object which God is well pleased or satisfied withal, which is that man that was born of Mary, even her first-born Son—that is, he doth apply by faith to his soul the virtues of His death, blood, righteousness, etc., and doth look for satisfaction of soul nowhere else than from that, neither doth the soul seek to give God any satisfaction as to justification any other ways; but doth willingly and cheerfully accept of and embrace the virtues of Christ's death, together with the rest of His things done by Himself on the cross as a sacrifice, and since also as a priest, advocate, mediator, etc.; and doth so really and effectually receive the glories of the same, that thereby—mark that—thereby he is "changed into the same image, from glory to glory" (2 Cor 3:18). Thus in general; but yet more particular—

1. To think that your condition is good because there is some change in you from a loose, profane life to a more close, honest, and civil life and conversation; I say, to think this testimony sufficient to ground the stress of thy salvation upon is very dangerous. First, because such a soul doth not only lay the stress of its salvation besides the man Christ Jesus that died upon the cross; but secondly, because his confidence is not grounded upon the Saviour of sinners, but upon his turning from gross sins to a more refined life,—and it may be to the performance of some suitable duties—which is no Saviour; I say, this is very dangerous; therefore read it, and the Lord help you to understand it; for unless you lay the whole stress of the salvation of your souls upon the merits of another man—namely, Jesus—and that by what He did do and is doing without you, for certain, as sure as God is in Heaven, your souls will perish. And this must not be notionally either, as with an assenting of the understanding only. Still, it must be by the incredible, invisible, invincible power of the Almighty God, working in your souls by His Spirit, such a real, saving, holy faith, that can, through the operation of the same Spirit by which it is wrought, lay hold on and apply these most heavenly, most excellent, most meritorious benefits of the man Christ Jesus, not only to your heads and fancies, but to your very souls and consciences, so effectually, that you may be able by the same faith to challenge the power, madness, malice, rage, and destroying nature either of sin, the law, death, the devil, together with Hell and all other evils, throwing your souls upon the death, burial, resurrection, and intercession of that man Jesus without (Rom 8:32-39). But,

2. Do you think that there was no change in the five foolish virgins spoken of (Matt 25:1-3). Yes, there was such a change in those very people that the five wise ones could give them admittance of walking with them in the purest ways and institutions of the Gospel of Christ, and yet but foolish; nay, they walked with them or shall walk with them, until the Lord Jesus Christ shall break down from Heaven, and yet be but foolish virgins, and yet but under the law, and so under the curse, as I said before.

[Second part of the objection.] But, say you, We have disowned the Covenant of Works and turned from that also.

[Answer to reason second.] This is sooner said than done. Alas, alas! Poor souls think that because they say, "Grace, grace, it is freely by grace," they are under the Covenant of Grace. An extensive mistake. You must understand thus much, that though you be such as can speak of the grace of the Gospel, yet if you be not brought under the very Covenant of Grace, you are yet, notwithstanding your talk and profession, very far wide of a sense and of a share in the Covenant of the Grace of God held forth in the Gospel.