The second inquiry follows, viz.—What peace is here meant that is attributed to the gospel. Peace is a comprehensive word. ‘We looked for peace,’ saith the prophet, ‘but no good came,’ Jer. 8:15. Peace brings, and carries away again with it, all good, as the sun doth light, to and from the world. When Christ would to the utmost express how well he wished his disciples, he wraps up all the happiness which his large heart could be term them in this blessing of peace—‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you,’ John 14:27. Now, take peace in its greatest latitude, if not spurious, and it will be found to grow upon this gospel-root. So that we shall lay the conclusion in general terms.
Doctrine. True peace is the blessing of the gospel, and only of the gospel. This will appear in the several kinds of peace, which may be sorted into this fourfold division:—first. Peace with God which we may call peace of reconciliation. second. Peace with ourselves, or peace of conscience. third. Peace with one another, or peace of love and unity. fourth. Peace with the other creatures, even the most hurtful, which may be called a peace of indemnity and service. Let us begin, where all the others begin, with peace of reconciliation with God. For when man fell out with God, he fell out with himself, and all the world besides; and he can never come to be at peace with these, till his peace be made with God. Tranquillus Deus tranquillat omnia—a tranquil God tranquilizes all things.