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Showing posts with label THAT MEN CAN BE JUSTIFIED FROM THE CURSE BEFORE GOD. 349. Show all posts
Showing posts with label THAT MEN CAN BE JUSTIFIED FROM THE CURSE BEFORE GOD. 349. Show all posts

19 June, 2024



First, the first sort, though they may seek life, yet thus continue, are never likely to find it. Wherefore? Because they seek it not by faith but, as it were, by the works of the law. Indeed, they will not be merit-mongers; they will not wholly trust the law; they will partly venture on Christ and partly trust the law. Well, but therefore they shall be damned because they trust to Christ but in part, and in part, as it were, to the works of the law; for such sinners make Christ but a Saviour in part—why, then, should he be their Saviour in whole? No; because they halt between Christ and the law, they shall fall between Christ and the law; yea, because they will trust to their works in part, they shall be but almost saved by Christ. Let not that man think that he shall obtain anything from the Lord. What man? Why did he doubt or waver in his mind about the truth of the mercy of God in Christ? Therefore, the exhortation is, 'But let him ask in faith.—For he that wavered,' or, that halted between the law and Christ for life, 'is like a wave of the sea, driven off the wind and tossed' (James 1:6). In conclusion, he resteth nowhere—a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways' (v 8). This man, therefore, must miscarry; he must not see the good land that flows with milk and honey; no, let him not have thought of life in his heart; let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord.

This was the case of many in the primitive times, for whose sake this caution was written; for the devout and religious Jew and proselyte, when they fell away from the word of the gospel, they did not fall to those gross and abominable pollutions in which the open profane, like sows and swine, do wallow, but they fell from the grace of God to the law; or, at least, did rest betwixt them both, doubting of the sufficiency of either; and thus, being fearful, they distrust; wherefore, being found at length unbelieving, they are reputed of God abominable, as murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolators, and liars, and so must have their portion in the lake, with them, that burns with fire and brimstone (Rev 21:8). The reason is, because where Christ is rejected sin remaineth, and so the wrath of God for sin. Neither will he be a Saviour in part; he must be all thy salvation or none. 'Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord' (James 1:7; John 3:36). Not anything. There is no promise for him, no pardon for him, no heaven for him, no salvation for him, no escaping of his fire! What condition is this man in? Yet he is a religious man, for he prays; he is a seeking man, a desiring man, for he prays; but he halts between two, leaneth to his righteousness, and committeth iniquity. He is afraid to venture all upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Let not that man think of receiving anything from the Lord!

Yet the words suggest that he is apt to think he shall receive something because God is merciful because his promise is great, but this expectation is, by this word, cut off, and this sinner is cast away. Let not that man think, let him forbear to think, of having anything at the hand of God. The Israelites thought to go up to the land the day after they had despised it. Agag thought the bitterness of death was past, even that day in which he was hewn to pieces. Rechab and Baanah, his brother, thought to have received the reward of David that day they were hanged over the pool in Hebron. Let not that man think he shall receive anything from the Lord (Num 14:40-45; 1 Sam 15:32,33; 2 Sam 4:12).

Second. As for those that professedly deny the sufficiency of this most blessed righteousness, the whole book is a conviction to them and shall assuredly, if it comes to their hands, rise up in judgment against them. They have rejected the wisdom and mercy of God; they have rejected the means of their salvation; they have trampled upon the blood of the Son of God; wherefore judgment waiteth for them, and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.