Ezek. xix. 12.—Her strong rods were broken and withered.
In discoursing on this proposition, I would,
I. Show what kind of rulers may fitly be called strong rods.
II. Show why the removal of such rulers from a people, by death, is to be looked upon as an awful judgment of God on that people and is great to be lamented.
I. I would
observe what qualifications of those who are in public authority and rule may
properly give them the denomination of strong rods.
1. One qualification of rulers whence they may properly be denominated strong rods is a great ability for the management of public affairs. When they that stand in place of public authority are men of great natural abilities, when they are men of uncommon strength of reason and largeness of understanding; especially when they have remarkably a genius for government, a peculiar turn of mind fitting them to gain an extraordinary understanding in things of that nature, giving ability, in an especial manner, for insight into the mysteries of government, and discerning those things wherein the public welfare or calamity consists and the proper means to avoid the one and promote the other; an extraordinary talent at distinguishing what is right and just from that which is wrong and unequal, and to see through the false colors with which injustice is often disguised, and unravel the false, subtle arguments and cunning sophistry that is often made use of to defend iniquity; and when they have not only great natural abilities in these respects, but when their abilities and talents have been improved by study, learning, observation and experience; and when by these means they have obtained great actual knowledge; when they have acquired great skill in public affairs and things requisite to be known in order to their wise, prudent, and effectual management; when they have obtained a great understanding of men and things, a great knowledge of human nature and of the way of accommodating themselves to it, so as most effectually to influence it to wise purposes; when they have obtained a very extensive knowledge of men with whom they are concerned in the management of public affairs, either those that have a joint concern in government or those that are to be governed; and when they have also obtained a very full and particular understanding of the state and circumstances of the country or people that they have the care of, and know well their laws and constitution and what their circumstances require; and likewise have a great knowledge of the people of neighbor nations, states, or provinces with whom they have occasion to be concerned in the management of public affairs committed to them; these things all contribute to the rendering those that are in authority fit to be denominated strong rods.
2. When they have not only great understanding but the largeness of heart and greatness and nobleness of disposition, this is another qualification that belongs to the character of a strong rod.
Those that are by divine Providence set in places of public authority and rule are called gods, and sons of the Most High, Psalm lxxxii. 6. And therefore ’tis peculiarly unbecoming them to be of a mean spirit, a disposition that will admit of their doing those things that are sordid and vile; as when they are persons of a narrow, private spirit, that may be found in little tricks and intrigues to promote their private interest, will shamefully defile their hands to gain a few pounds, are not ashamed to nip and bite others, grind the faces of the poor and screw upon their neighbors, and will take advantage of their authority or commission to line their own pockets with what is fraudulently taken or withheld from others. When a man in authority is of such a mean spirit, it weakens his authority and makes him justly contemptible in the eyes of men and is utterly inconsistent with his being a strong rod.
But on the
contrary, it greatly establishes his authority, and causes others to stand in
awe of him, when they see him to be a man of greatness of mind, one that abhors
those things that are mean and sordid, and not capable of compliance with
them; one that is of a public spirit, and not of a private, narrow disposition;
a man of honor, and not a man of mean artifice and clandestine management for
filthy lucre, and one that abhors trifling and impertinence, or to waste away
his time, that should be spent in the service of God, his king, or his country,
in vain amusements and diversions and in the pursuit of the gratifications of
sensual appetites; as God charges the rulers in Israel, that pretended to be
their great and mighty men, with being mighty to drink wine and men of strength
to mingle strong drink. There doesn’t seem to be any reference to their being men
of strong heads and able to bear a great deal of strong drink, as some have
supposed. There is a severe sarcasm in the words; for the prophet is speaking
of the great men, princes, and judges in Israel (as appears by the verse next
following), which should be mighty men, strong rods, men of eminent
qualifications, excelling in nobleness of spirit, of glorious strength and
fortitude of mind; but instead of that, they were mighty or eminent for nothing
but gluttony and drunkenness.