Study 8 From The Book of 2 Corinthians Is: 2
Corinthians 8:1-15
Chapter 8 and 9 form the second section of the
letter which relates to the fund which Paul was collecting from the Gentile Churches
for the poor in the Church in Jerusalem. It lays very near to his heart, and
had great importance in his eyes, as a demonstration of the oneness of all
believers as members of one body in Christ.
1. In what condition were the
churches of Macedonia at this time in regard to their circumstances? Yet, what was their spiritual attitude, and
in what four ways did it show itself? To
what does Paul ascribe it?
2. What is the chief point in the
appeal which Paul makes in verses 7-15? Gather out the other points which he
makes, and consider them in their application to our own giving.
1. Verse 5. ‘Gave themselves’: i.e, for any personal
service the Lord might require of them.
2. Verse 15. The story of the manna indicates God’s
purpose that in material things His people should have neither surplus not
want. They should, therefore, mutually
help one another. Cf. Ex. 16:18.