Study 8 From The Books of Thessalonians I & II Is: 2
Thessalonians 2:13-3:17
With this study, we end
the books of Thessalonians and we are getting ready for the book of Joshua next…
1. 2:13-15. We are shown here that God has taken
the initiative in our salvation. What
steps has He taken? What is His purpose for us? And what part is our
2. Consider Paul’s four prayers for
his readers and also the prayer which he asks them to pray for himself. What can we learn about Paul’s circumstances
and about his ambitions, both for himself and for the Thessalonians? Do we share similar ambitions when we pray?
3. 2:6-13. What is the place and
importance of daily work and other mundane tasks in the life of the Christian?
Is there a tendency to underestimate the importance of these nowadays?
Note. 3:2-4. From the unbelief of men Paul turns to the
faithfulness of the Lord. This is now turning to the Lord to pray can afford
fresh confidence and hope.