49 From the Book of Psalm is: Psalm 63
title of the psalm assigns it to the time when David was crossing
the wilderness of Judah, i.e., from Jerusalem to Jordan, in his
flight from Absalom, as described in 2 Sa. 16. The psalm begins in a
mournful way, but suddenly, at verse 2, the note changes, and the
psalm becomes one of the joyous praise. The most satisfactory
explanation of the change, and of David's words 'So I have looked
upon thee in the sanctuary', is that there, in the wilderness, David
was given a vision of Jehovah as vivid and glorious as ever he had
seen Him in the sanctuary, and it transformed for him the whole
- Consider how full of sorrow David's heart, must have been at leaving Jerusalem, and especially the sanctuary of God. See verse 1, and cf. 2 Sa. 15:24-30. Though he seemed outwardly to have lost everything, in what was he still able to rejoice?
- In what assurance about the future was David able to rest? Have you any similar confidence?