4 From the Book of Job is: Job 8:1 – 9:24. Bildad's first speech
and Job's reply
- To what authority does Bildad appeal for what he says? How trustworthy do you think that authority is? What are Bildad's views (a) about God, and (b) about wicked men?
- What difficulties does Job find in this way as he tries to make God explain Himself?
- 8:4. A cruel remark. Job's children died because they sinned, according to Bildad.
- 8:11. Reeds wither without water. So wicked men fade away.
- 9:2. The meaning is, 'How can a man establish his righteousness before God?
- 9:13b. Rahab is probably another name for the dragon. . See RSV mg. Note to 9:8b.