28 From the Book of Isaiah is: Isaiah 48
seems to have been a party among the exiles which received God's
message concerning Cyrus with disfavour. God has already rebuked
them more than once (45:9-13; 46:12, 13; and now in verses 1:11 of
this chapter He answers an objection they seem to have raised that
the teaching was novel, and not in accord with God's usual procedure.
He tells them that in spite of their rebellious attitude, He will
carry out His plans.
- What does God condemn in the nominal religiosity of the Jews? Why did this cause God to announce His intentions beforehand (verse 3:5), and yet to keep some of His purposes hidden (verses 7, 8)? Do we grieve God by failing to acknowledge Him, and to give Him glory?
- Verses 17:22. What conditions does God lay down before we can experience the fullness of His grace and peace in our lives?
- Verses 3:6a. 'The former things': a reference to prophesies long foretold and now fulfilled; see also verse 5a. In verse 6b God acknowledges that He has now used a different method, keeping back the revelation of His intended action until just before it happened, but in this also He had a purpose (verse7).
- Verse 10. 'But not like silver': a phrase that seems to express the divine sorrow that the refining process had not given a better result, such as happens when silver is refined. Cf. Je. 6:29, 30.
- Verse 14. 'All of you' refers to Israel; 'who among them' to the nation; and 'the Lord loves him' to Cyrus.