23 From the Book of Revelation is: Revelation 20: 1-10
differences exist among Christians concerning the interpretation of ‘the
thousand years’ and ‘the first resurrection’.
Either the thousand years follow Christ’s second coming, or this section
is a fresh symbolic description of the period between Christ’s first coming and
His second coming. There does seem to be parallel sequence in the main events
of Rev. 11-14 and 20. It was through Christ’s first coming that Satan was
bound. Cf. Mk. 3:23-27; Lk. 10:17-19; Jn. 12:31. Rev. 20:7-9 can be understood
as yet another reference to Armageddon. Cf. 16:14-16; 19:19. ‘The first resurrection’, however understood,
is a privilege shared in only by faithful followers of the Lamb. Some think the
phraseology symbolically predicts that the age of the martyrs would be followed
by a far longer period of Christian supremacy during which the faith of Christ
for which the martyrs died would live and reign.
What activity is particularly attributed to Satan? In what
different ways is he dealt with? How is his activity made to serve God’s
purposes? Cf. 2 Thes. 2:9-12. What will be his end? Who will share the same
fate? Cf. Mt. 25:41.
What are the rewards of the martyrs who are faithful to death?
Cf. Lk. 22:28-30; 2 Tim. 2:12; Rev. 2:10, 11; 5:10. What grace should such
awareness make us covet?
Verses 1-3 ‘The bottomless pit’: as the abode of evil spirits (cf.
9-11) this is to be carefully distinguished from ‘the lake of fire’ (verse 10).
Verse 3. ‘Must’: for reasons hidden in the divine will.
Verse 8. ‘Gog and Magog’: the reference here is to Ezk. 38; 39,
where the prophet conceived of a great invasion of the land of Israel.