Study 1 9 From The Book of Deuteronomy
is: Deuteronomy 27: 1-28:14
- What ways does God use, through His servants, Moses, the
elders and the priests, to impress upon His people how absolutely He
requires obedience to all the laws of chapters 5:26?
- What abiding principles emerge from chapter 27 concerning (a)
the authority of ministers to pronounce judgment on sinners in God’s name
(cf. 1 Tim. 5:20; Tit. 1:13; 2:15), and (b) the failure of the law to
bring life? E.g., although Israel literally obeyed verses 2-8 (see Jos.
8:30-35), they soon broke the other laws. Cf. Rom. 8:2-4; Gal. 3:10-12.
- Contrast the nature of the blessings of 28:1-14 with the New
Testament phrase ‘every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places’ (Eph.
1:3). What difference between the old and new covenants is here indicated?
To what extent do the promises of
Dt. 28:1-14 still apply to us?
Note. 27:15-26. Note that
the offences mentioned here are mainly such as might escape the detection and
punishment of courts of law.