Study 14 From The Book of 1 Corinthians Is: 1
Corinthians 16
With this study we end the book of 1
Corinthians. The next study will take us once again to the Psalms
1. Verse 1: ‘The contribution for
the saints’. Paul was concerned about a fund which he had initiated among the
Gentile churches to aid the poor of the church in Jerusalem. What may we learn from his practical
directions about the collections and sending of this money?
2. What may we learn from this
chapter about the plans, movement and ministry of Christian workers? How may we
help such more effectively to do ‘the work of the Lord’?
3. How were the five commands of
verses 13, 14 particularly relevant for the church at Corinth as we know it
from this letter? Let me also examine my own life in order to discover in what
ways I, too need to heed these commands.