Study 1
From The Books of Amos & Hosea
Is: Amos 1& 2
- What are the particular sins of
the nations (1:3-2:3) which call for God’s judgment? What may be learnt
from this about the things God hates?
- Judah and Israel are judged
because they have failed to live up to God’s law—a different standard of
judgement from that applied to the nations. In what ways does 2:4-16 show
the social, economic, and religious guilt of God’s people? How do we fall
short on the same issues?
1:3. Heavy machines for threshing grain had been used as
instruments of torture on the people of Gilead.
2:1. Desecration
of the dead as considered specially wicked
2:8. Cf. Ex. 22:26.
The judges demanded unjust fines, accepting payment in clothing and
wine, then made use of these at their sacrificial feasts.