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Showing posts with label Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Amos 1 & 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Amos 1 & 2. Show all posts

06 July, 2015

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Amos 1 & 2

Study 1  From The Books of Amos & Hosea  Is: Amos 1& 2

  1. What are the particular sins of the nations (1:3-2:3) which call for God’s judgment? What may be learnt from this about the things God hates?
  2. Judah and Israel are judged because they have failed to live up to God’s law—a different standard of judgement from that applied to the nations. In what ways does 2:4-16 show the social, economic, and religious guilt of God’s people? How do we fall short on the same issues?
1.         1:3. Heavy machines for threshing grain had been used as instruments of torture on the people of Gilead.
2.         2:1.  Desecration of the dead as considered specially wicked
3.         2:8. Cf. Ex. 22:26.  The judges demanded unjust fines, accepting payment in clothing and wine, then made use of these at their sacrificial feasts.