Study 0 From the Book of Esther is: The Introduction of the Book of Esther
The book of Esther is a swiftly-moving story which repays reading at one sitting. Its author and date of composition cannot be identified with certainty. Its author and date of composition cannot be identified with certainty. The wealth of detail and local colour, however suggest, that it was written in Persia not long after the events recorded in the book had taken place. Perhaps its Persian origin may account for the long time that elapsed before it was accepted as canonical by the Palestine Jews.
Ahasuerus is usually identified with Xerxes (485 – 465 BC), and the action takes place in Susa, one of the three capitals of the Persian Empire. Chronologically this places the events some years before those recounted in Ezra and Nehemiah, which relate to the following reign-that of Artazerzes (465-424 BC).
One of the most unusual features of the book is the absence of any mention of the name of God. There is, however, a strong undercurrent throughout of patriotism and a sense of overriding providence, as the Jews in exile as saved from destruction. Their deliverance provides the origin of the Feast of Purim.