0 From the Book of 1 Samuel is the Introduction to the Book
two books of Samuel formed a single work known as “Samuel” in the
Hebrew Canon. The Septuagint translators made the division. They
grouped 1 and 2 Samuel with the two books of Kings to form the four
'Books of the Kingdoms'. The story is that of the development of the
nation from the state described at the end of Judges to the
established monarchy under David and the events of David's reign.
chief religious theme is that Israel are the people of God, who alone
is their true Ruler. First, they are rebuked for their decadence and
sin by Samuel, who accedes to their demands for a king. But, he warns
them fully of the consequences. Saul, the sort of king the people
wanted, is anointed at God's command and his history proves the
danger to the nation of a self-willed leader.
Finally, David is
appointed and leads the people with the one aim of pursuing the will
of God, until in his turn he falls into sin. The incidental events
are all evidences of the inherent sinfulness of the natural man and
proof of the enabling power of God granted to those who go forward in
faith, as Samuel and David did. The underlying history is a
continuation of that of the Pentateuch and Judges, with the theme 'a
people for my name'