37 From the Book of Isaiah is: Isaiah 59
chapter in its opening verses is an exposure of the sins that
separate from God (verses 1-8). In verses 9:15a the people describe
their sorrowful state, and make confession. But they feel that if
action on God’s part is to be for ever restrained by their
sinfulness the position seems hopeless indeed (see Note 2 on ‘justice
below’. Then in the closing verses of the chapter comes the
triumphant divine answer (verses 15b-21). God is not baffled, and
when there is not human help He Himself comes to the rescue, in
judgment upon evil-doers on the one hand, and in redemption for the
penitent on the other.
- Verses 1-15. What various sins are mentioned here, and what are the consequences in the personal, social and spiritual life of the people? With verses 1, 2 cf. 1:15-17; Mi. 3:4.
- What is the motive of God’s intervention, as described in verses 15b – 27)? What is its twofold purpose, and what its world-wide issue? When does St. Paul look for this to be fulfilled to Israel (Rom. 11:25-27)? Yet, for us who believe on Jesus Christ, it is not in part fulfilled to us now, and not least verse 21? Cf. Jn. 14:16, 26.
- Verse 5, 6. The plan and plots of evil doers working fresh evil, and giving no useful result.
- Verse 9. The word ‘justice’ is used in these verses in two senses, (a) as right done by man (verse 8, 15b), and (b)b as divine judgment, exercised on behalf of Israel against her oppressors (verses 9, 11, 14). The people’s lament was that the latter was withheld, because the former was lacking.