32 From the Book of Isaiah is: Isaiah
52:13 – 53:12
is the fourth of the 'Servant' passages, which portray with much marvelous
accuracy the mission, character, and redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
(see introduction). Today's portion falls into three parts:(1) an introductory
summary, announcing the Servant's exaltation after extreme suffering, and the
effect of this upon surrounding nations and kings (52:13-15); (2) the story of
His life and suffering unto death, told by His now penitent fellow-countrymen
(53:1-9) and (3) the glorious issue, both for Himself and others, of His
sufferings, and redemptive work (53:10-12).
- How
is God's Servant the Lord Jesus Christ depicted in 52:13-15? Notice the
depth of His suffering, His exaltation, and the effect of this upon the
nations. Cf. 49:7; Jn 19:1-5; Eph. 1:20, 21.
- Work
out in detail the many close parallels between 53:1-9 and the actual life
of the Lord Jesus, as for example, (a) the form of His manifestation to
the world; (b) the reception accorded Him; (c) His sufferings and the
meaning of them; (d) His behavior when arrested; (e) the manner of His
death and of His burial.
- Who
are the 'offspring' spoken of in 53:10, and what benefits are shown in
this whole passage to have been procured for them by the Servant's
substitutionary death? Cf. Heb. 2:10. Do you belong to this number?
53:1. The nation had not heard (52:15); but Israel, hearing, had not believed.
53:8. 'Considered': or possibly 'complained', in the sense of making an appeal
against the sentence. All were
indifferent and even scornful. Cf. Mt. 27:39-44.
53:11. 'By his knowledge' may mean 'by means of His knowledge or 'by the
knowledge of Him' (on the part of others). Cf. Jn. 17:3.