2 From the Book of Isaiah is: Isaiah 2-4
prophet's lofty vision of future possibility in 2:2-5 gives way to a
picture of coming judgment in 2:6-22, made inevitable by man's
failure. From a description of the anarchy (3:1-8) which will result
from the prevalent sins of the ruling, class, both men and women (3:9
-4:1), he turns to a more confident expectation of the glory which
will follow the judgment (4:2-6).
- Try to build a comprehensive picture of the hope for the future given in 2:2-5 and 4:2-6. What is said about the word of the Lord, the peace of the world, the holiness of God's people, and their blessedness under His protecting care?
- Can you detect from these chapters what Isaiah regarded as teh greatest sin, and why it is so abominable?
- 2:2-4. A prophecy almost identical with Mi. 4:1-3, and probably borrowed by Micah from Isaiah.
- 2:6. The striking of hands may refer not only to friendship but to trade bargaining. Commercial greed is further condemned in verse 7a.
- 3:12. A reference to the childishness and effeminacy of King Ahaz.