Study 16 From The book of Acts Is: Acts 9:19b-31
- How did Paul prove his sincerity from the very beginning of
his Christian life? Cf. 1 Jn. 3:14; Acts 26:19,20.
- Comparing verse 31 with 6:7, notice how the church had
extended its boundaries. Notice, also the two marks of healthy spiritual life
that are especially mentioned in verse 31. Are these marks, together with
those seen in Paul’s life (Question 1), found in yours
- Compare the Jewish opposition and the Christian fellowship
that Paul experienced at Damascus (verses 22-25) and Jerusalem (verses
26-30). May becoming a Christian today still give a person new enemies and
new friends?
Note. The visit to Arabia of
which Paul speak in Gal. 1:17 should probably be fitted in between verses 21
and 22 of the story in Acts 9.