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Showing posts with label A GODLY MAN IS A MAN OF KNOWLEDGE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A GODLY MAN IS A MAN OF KNOWLEDGE. Show all posts

27 February, 2018


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It will be inquired in the next place, "Who is the godly man?" For the full answer to this I shall lay down several specific signs and characteristics of a godly man.

A godly man is a man of KNOWLEDGE.
"The prudent are crowned with knowledge" (Proverbs 14:18). The saints are called "wise virgins" (Matt. 25:4). A natural man may have some head knowledge of God—but he "knows nothing yet as he ought to know" (1 Cor. 8:2). He does not know God savingly. He may have the eye of natural reason open—but he does not discern the things of God in a spiritual manner. Waters cannot go beyond their spring-head. Vapors cannot rise higher than the sun draws them. A natural man cannot act above his sphere; he is no more able to judge sacred things aright than a blind man is to judge colors.
(i) He does not see the evil of his heart. If a face is ever so black and deformed—yet it is not seen under a veil; the heart of a sinner is so black that nothing but hell can pattern it—yet the veil of ignorance hides it.
(ii) He does not see the beauties of a Savior. Christ is a pearl of great price—but a hidden pearl.
But a godly man is taught by God: "this anointing teaches you of all things" (1 John 2:27), that is, all things essential to salvation. A godly man has "the good knowledge of the Lord" (2 Chron. 30:22). He has "Sound wisdom" (Proverbs 3:21). He knows God in Christ. To know God out of Christ is to know him as an enemy—but to know him  in Christ is sweet and delicious. A gracious soul has "the savor of his knowledge" (2 Cor. 2:14). There is a great difference between one who has  read of a country, or viewed it on the map—and another who has lived in the country, and tasted its fruits and spices. The knowledge with which a godly man is adorned has these eight rare ingredients in it:
It is a GROUNDED knowledge
"If you continue in the faith grounded" (Col. 1:23). It is not simply believing "as my church believes." Saving knowledge rests upon a double basis: the Word and Spirit. The one is a guide, the other a witness. Saving knowledge is not changeable or doubtful—but has a certainty in it. "We believe and are sure that you are that Christ" (John 6:69); "being always confident" (2 Cor. 5:6). A godly man holds no more than he will die for. The martyrs were so confirmed in the knowledge of the truth, that they would seal it with their blood.
It is an APPRECIATIVE knowledge
The jeweler who has the skill to value a jewel is said to know it. He who esteems God above the comforts of the earth knows him (Psalm 73:25). To compare other things with God is to debase deity; as if you should compare a glow-worm with the sun.
It is an ENLIVENING knowledge
"I will never forget your precepts, for with them you have quickened me" (Psalm 119:93). Bible knowledge in a natural man's head is like a torch in a dead man's hand. True knowledge animates. A godly man is like John the Baptist, "a burning and a shining lamp". He not only shines by illumination—but he burns by affection. The spouse's knowledge made her "love-sick" (Song 2:5). "I am wounded with love." I am like a deer that is struck with an arrow; my soul lies bleeding, and nothing can cure me—but a sight of him whom my soul loves!
It is an APPLIED knowledge
"I know that my redeemer lives" (Job 19:25). A medicine is best when it is applied. This applicative knowledge is joyful. Christ is called a "surety" (Heb. 7:22). Oh what joy, when I am drowned in debt, to know that Christ is my surety! Christ is called an "advocate" (1 John 2:1). The Greek word for advocate, parakletos, signifies a comforter. Oh, what comfort it is when I have a bad cause, to know Christ is my advocate, who never lost any cause he pleaded!
Question: But how shall I know that I am making a right application of Christ? A hypocrite may think he applies when he does not. Balaam, though a sorcerer, still said, "my God" (Numb. 22:18).
(i) He who rightly applies Christ puts these two together, Jesus and Lord. "Christ Jesus my Lord" (Phil. 3:8). Many take Christ as Jesus—to save them; but refuse him as  Lord—to rule them. Do you join "Prince and Savior" (Acts 5:31)? Would you as well be ruled by Christ's laws as saved by his blood? Christ is "a priest upon his throne" (Zech. 6:13). He will never be a priest to intercede—unless your heart is the throne where he sways his scepter. A true applying of Christ is when we so take him as a husband, that we give up ourselves to him as Lord.
(ii) He who rightly applies Christ derives virtue from him. The woman in the Gospel, having touched Christ, felt virtue coming from him and her fountain of blood was dried up (Mark 5:29). This is to apply Christ—when we feel a sin-mortifying virtue flow from him. That knowledge which is applicatory, has an antipathy against sin, and will not allow the heart to be dominated by sin.
It is a TRANSFORMING knowledge
"We all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image" (2 Cor. 3:18). As a painter looking at a face draws a face like it in the picture; so looking at Christ in the mirror of the gospel, we are changed into his likeness. We may look at other objects that are beautiful—yet not be made beautiful by them. A deformed face may look at beauty, and yet not be made beautiful. A wounded man may look at a surgeon, and yet not be healed. But this is the excellence of divine knowledge, that it gives us such a sight of Christ as makes us partake of his nature! Like Moses when he had seen God's back parts, his face shone; some of the rays and beams of God's glory fell on him.
It is a SELF-EMPTYING knowledge
Carnal knowledge makes the head giddy with pride (1 Cor. 8:1,2). True knowledge brings a man out of love with himself. The more he knows—the more he blushes at his own ignorance. David, a bright star in God's church, still thought himself rather a cloud than a star  (Psalm 73:22).
It is a GROWING knowledge
"Increasing in the knowledge of God" (Col. 1:10). True knowledge is like the light of the morning, which increases on the horizon until it comes to the full meridian. So sweet is spiritual knowledge that the more a saint knows—the more thirsty he is for knowledge. It is called "the riches of knowledge" (1 Cor. 1:5). The more riches a man has, the more still he desires. Though Paul knew Christ—yet he wanted to know him more: "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection" (Phil. 3:10).
It is a PRACTICAL knowledge
"His sheep follow him because they know his voice." (John 10:4). God requires a knowledge accompanied by obedience. True knowledge not only improves a Christian's sight—but improves his  pace. It is a reproach to a Christian to live in a contradiction to his knowledge, to know he should be strict and holy—yet to live loosely. Not to obey—is the same as not to know: "the sons of Eli knew not the Lord" (1 Sam. 2:12). They could not but know, for they taught others the knowledge of the Lord; yet they are said not to know—because they did not obey. When knowledge and practice appear together, then they herald much happiness.