6. What do you think Agnes saw in Christ when, rejoicingly, she went to meet the soldier who was appointed to be her executioner? I will willingly, said she, receive into my paps the length of this sword, and into my breast will draw the force thereof, even to the hilts; thus, being married to Christ, my spouse, may surmount and escape all the darkness of this world.
7. What do you think Julitta sees in Christ, when, at the Emperor’s telling of her, except she would worship the gods, she should never have protection, laws, judgments, or life? She replied, Farewell life, welcome death; farewell riches, welcome poverty; all that I have if it were a thousand times more, would I rather lose than speak one wicked and blasphemous word against my Creator?
8. What did Marcus Arethusa see in Christ, when, after his enemies had cut his flesh, anointed it with honey, and hanged him up in a basket for flies and bees to feed on, he would not give, to uphold idolatry, one halfpenny to save his life?
9. What did Constantine see in Christ, when he used to kiss the wounds of those who suffered for him?
10. But what need do I give thus particular instances of words and smaller actions, when by their lives, their blood, their enduring hunger, sword, fire, pulling asunder, and all torments that the devil and hell could devise, for the love they bare to Christ after they came to him?
What have you found in him, sinner?
What! Come to Christ, and find nothing in him!—when all things that are worth looking after are in him!—or if anything, yet not enough to wean thee from thy sinful delights, and fleshly lusts! Away, away, you are not coming to Jesus Christ.
He that has come to Jesus Christ has found in him, that, as I said, that is not to be found anywhere else. As,
1. He that is come to Christ hath found God in him reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses to them. And so God is not to be found in heaven and earth besides (2 Cor 5:19–20).
2. He that is come to Jesus Christ hath found in him a fountain of grace, sufficient, not only to pardon sin, but to sanctify the soul, and to preserve it from falling, in this evil world.
3. He that is come to Jesus Christ hath found virtue in him; THAT virtue, that if he does but touch thee with his Word, or thou him by faith, life is forthwith conveyed into thy soul. It makes thee wake as one that is awakened out of his sleep; it awakens all the powers of the soul (Psa 30:11, 12; Song 6:12).
4. Art thou come to Jesus Christ? Thou hast found glory in him, glory that surmounts and goes beyond. “Thou art more glorious than the mountains of prey” (Psa 76:4).
5. What shall I say? Thou hast found righteousness in him; thou hast found rest, peace, delight, heaven, glory, and eternal life.
Sinner, be advised; ask thy heart again, saying, Am I come to Jesus Christ? For this one question, am I coming or, am I not? hangs heaven and hell as to you. If thou canst say, I am come, and God shall approve that saying, happy, happy man art thou! But if you do not come, what can make you happy? Yes, what can make that man happy that, for not coming to Jesus Christ for life, he must be damned in hell?