Study 33 From the Book of Jeremiah is: Jeremiah 49:34 – 50:46
Elam was a country north of the Persian Gulf and east of Babylon.
This prophecy, delivered soon after the first deportation from Judah om 597, no
doubt warns the exiles against expecting relief from this direction. Jeremiah
looked ahead, beyond the judgment of which Babylon was to be the instrument, to
the time when Babylon herself would be judged. Chapter 50 may be divided as follows: Babylon’s falls
(verses 1-3); a message of comfort to Israel (verses 4-7); attackers to begin
their work (verse 14-16); Israel’s return to her land and to her God (verses
17-20); the attackers bidden to press on (verse 21-28, 29-34, 35-40);
description of the attackers (verses 41-46).
Why are God’s people to be restored?
Consider the solemn truth that, while God may use a nation as
His instrument, this does not absolve that nation from responsibility before
God. Why would Babylon receive no mercy? See especially verses 7, 11-15, 24-25,
27-29, 31; Is. 14: 5, 6, 17; 47:6, 7; 51:22, 23; La. 1:7.
50:2. ‘Bel’ and ‘Merodach’ are names of the supreme god of
50:7. Cf. 40:3.
50:16. A reference to foreigners in Babylon. Cf. 46:16 and Note.
50:21. ‘Merathaim’ (perhaps a name for southern Babylonia) and
‘Pekod’ (a people of eastern Babylonia) are probably used here because they are
very close to the Hebrew words for ‘double rebellion’ (or ‘bitterness’) and
‘punishment’ (or ‘visitation’) respectively.
50:36a. Cf. Is. 44:25
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