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11 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 16 — 1 Kings 19

Study 16 From the Book of 1 Kings: 1 Kings 19

Prophets among the people of Israel were held in high regard. Elijah therefore supposed that after so great a moral victory as that won on Mount Carmel king and nation would return to Jehovah. But, Jezebel had no such awe in her heart, and Elijah found himself faced by her wrathful fury. It was a rude shock to all his hopes.
  1. What difference do you notice between the account of Elijah's flight at this time and that of his previous flights to Cherith and Zerephath? What causes for his deep depression and sense of failure can you think of? Read the story of verses 4-18 in the light of Ps. 103, 13, 14. How did God comfort, teach and restore Elijah?
  2. When God's call came to Elisha, how did he respond? Are you thus ready to do God's will, in whatever sphere of service He may appoint? Cf. Mk. 1:15-20. What do we learn from this passage about the way God plans for His work to be begun by one of His servants and carried on by another? Cf. 1 Cor. 3:6.
  1. Verse 8. 'To Horeb the mount of God': the site of God's covenant with Israel (see Dt. 4: 9-20). This was probably the object of Elijah's journey from the first.
  2. Verse 19. 'Twelve yoke of oxen' indicates a wealthy farm.

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