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31 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 16 — John 7:53 – 8:29

Study 16 From the Book of John is: John 7:53 – 8:29

  1. For the passage 7:53 – 8:11, see Introduction. It has perhaps been introduced here as an illustration of 8:15. What two different types of sinner can you see in the Pharisees and in the woman? Why did Jesus treat her so gently? His words to her bring conviction of her sin?
  2. In verses 13-29 what does Jesus say about His origin, His ultimate destination, His relation to the world, His relation to God?
  3. What was lacking in the Pharisees which prevented them from recognizing the truth of Jesus' words? How can I see the light of truth? How does light lead to life? See verses 12:24
  1. 8:12. An allusion to the pillar of fire which guided the Israelites on their journey through the wilderness (see Nu. 9:15-23), and which was commemorated during the Feast of Tabernacles by brilliant lighting of the Temple.
  2. Verses 13, 14. There is no contradiction with 5:31. There Jesus says that if He had been the sole witness in His own cause, His witness would not have been true. But in both passages He goes on to point out that He is not alone in His witness. See verses 17, 18.

30 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 15 — John 7:25-52

Study 15 From the Book of John is: John 7:25-52

  1. What illustrations are found in these verses (a) of the deep impression made by the Lord Jesus upon many; and yet (b) how their incipient faith was checked by ignorance (verses 27-29), or prejudice (verses 35, 36), or pride (verses 48-52)? Is one of these hindering me?
  2. The chief priests and the Pharisees by no means saw eye to eye in most matters, but they were united against Jesus. What action did they take at this time, and what prevented its success? It is often said, 'No thinking person now believes that ...' . What examples of this attitude can you find in this passage?
  3. In what way is the promise of verses 37, 38 in advance on that of 4:13, 14? What difference does the Holy Spirit make to your life? Cf. Acts 1:8.
Note. Verse 39. The Spirit was already present and active in the world, but the particular promise of Joel 2:28 was not fulfilled until the ascended and enthroned Christ gave the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. See Acts 2:16-18, 33.

29 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — John 7:1-24

Study 14 From the Book of John is: John 7:1-24

Chapter 7:1-10 give account of Jesus' visit to Jerusalem at the Feast of Tabernacles six months before His death. The story vividly portrays the various attitudes towards Jesus among different groups. These groups fall into two main classes: one, 'the Jews, who included the chief priests, Pharisees, rulers and the people of Jerusalem', and the other, 'the people'. That is, the general multitude from all parts, who were attending the feast. The first of these two classes was, in the main, hostile to Jesus.
  1. How do the words of Jesus' brothers in verses 3-8 show that they did not understand Him? What did Jesus mean by 'my time'? The world's attitude to Jesus prevented Him from showing Himself to them, as other men might (verses 4, 7). Can you expect any different reception from the world (cf. 15:18-21)? Has verse 13 any reproach for you?
  2. Verse 17, 18. What two tests does our Lord suggest by which a man can discover whether Jesus' teaching was true and of divine origin? What will it cots you to apply these tests?
  1. Verses 8, 10. Jesus did not break His word. He meant that He was not going up to the feast just then, and at their direction.
  2. Verses 21-24. The law of Moses commanded circumcision on the eight day after birth ( Gen. 17:12; Lv. 12:3), and it was the practice of the Jews to perform the rite on that day, even if it feel upon the sabbath, Jesus argued that to make a man's whole body well on the sabbath had even more justification than to circumcise him.

28 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 13— John 6:41-71

Study 13 From the Book of John is: John 6:41-71

Today's portion falls into four pars: (a) verses 41-51, Jesus' reply to murmurings of the Jews; (b) verses 52-59, Jesus answers to the wranglings of the Jews; (c) verses 60-65, Jesus reply to murmurings of His disciples; (d) verses 66-71, Jesus asks the Twelve, 'Will you also go away?'
  1. Comparing verses 36, 37 with 43-45, why do you think some people will not accept Jesus' words? By what steps do others come to experience salvation?
  2. The closing verses 60-71 make clear that what Jesus offers to men is not fleshly or material gain (cf verse 27), but spiritual life through union with Himself. What three reasons does Peter give why he and his fellow disciples remained faithful when many others went back?
  3. How did Jesus give His flesh for the life of the world? What is meant by eating His flesh and drinking His blood?
  1. Verse 62. The return of the Son of man to heaven (cf. 3:13) will be a greater wonder than the words just spoken. It will confirm the divine characters of Jesus and of His words.
  2. The approaching Passover Feast was clearly in our Lord s' thought as He spoke, and there may be anticipating allusions to the Lord's Supper; but Jesus is speaking in this discourse, not of the sacrament itself, but of the truths of which the sacrament is only one expression. Note the manner of true participation (verses 35, 63, 68, 69).

27 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 12 — John 6:22-40

Study 12 From the Book of John is: John 6:22-40

The miracle of verses 4-13 is the basis of the dialogue between Jesus and the Jews in verses 25-59.
  1. The people saw the outward form of the outward miracle, but failed to discern what it signified spiritually (verse 26). Why? From what motives did they seek Jesus? Are you more concerned about spiritual development than material prosperity? (verse 27)?
  2. 'Labour' in verse 27 is literally 'work for'. How did the people relate this word (a) to the work they were expected to do (verse 28), (b) to the work of Moses compared with Jesus (verses 30, 31)? What work did Jesus (a) require from them (verse 29 )and (b) offer from Himself (verse 32-40)? What, therefore is the answer to the question in verse 28?
  3. How do verses 35-40 present God's answer to man's hunger?
Note. Verse 22-25 explain the astonishment of the crowd at finding Jesus next day on the Capernaum side of the lake. They had noticed that He had not gone with the disciples.

26 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 11 — John 6:1-21

Study 11 From the Book of John is: John 6:1-21

  1. Taking this fourth 'sign' in the context of verses 1-13, note what it reveals concerning (a) why the people were attracted to Jesus; (b) His own attitude to the people; (c) His testing of His disciples faith; (d) His use of their co-operation; (e) the source of the answer to men's need. What over all lesson was this miracle intended to convey?
  2. Verse 15. Why did not Jesus wish to be made king by these people? What may we learn from His withdrawing from the place of success to be by Himself? Cf. Lk. 5:15, 16.
  1. Verse 7. A denarius may be valued as a day's wage for a labourer; cf. Mt. 20:2
  2. verse 14. 'The prophet who is to come': cf. Dt. 18: 15; Mt. 11: 3; He is here identified by the people with the Messiah, as verse 15 shows.

25 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 10 — John 5: 30-47

Study 10 From the Book of John is: John 5:30-47

  1. To what four different testimonies to Himself does Jesus appeal? Which does He Himself regard as of least importance, and why? Contrast 8:14.
  2. Verses 39, 40. Is i still possible to study the Bible without finding life? If so, what is lacking? What reasons does Jesus give for the Jews failure? Cf. 2 Cor. 3: 14-16.
Note. Verse 31. 'Not true': in the sense of not being accepted as true. Cf. Dt. 19:15; Mt. 18:16; Jn. 8: 13, 14.

24 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 9 — John 5:1-29

Study 9 From the Book of John is: John 5:1-29

  1. Verses 2-9, the third 'sign'. What features of Jesus' power does it reveal? What did He do for the man, and demand from the man, apart from making him walk? See verses 6 and 14.
  2. Verses 17-29. In what terms is Jesus's relationship with God described? What functions concerning judgment has God given to Jesus, and why? How do these truths concern us?
  3. Verses 16-18. What connection has Jesus' statement in verse 17 with His healing on the Sabbath? How does this agree with Gn. 2:2,3 and how does it answer the Jews' criticism of His action?
Note. Verse 25. What is meant here is spiritual resurrection from the death of sin. Contrast verses 28,29.

23 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 8 — John 4:27-54

Study 8 From the Book of John is: John 4:27-54

  1. How do the previous verses explain and verses 35-38 develop the truth which Jesus expressed in verse 34? What gives you most satisfaction in life?
  2. Two groups of Samaritans and the Carpernauam official all believed in Jesus, but through different means. What was the particular truth about Him which brought each of them to faith? To what did 'the second sign' (verse 54) point? What aspect of the Lord's character or power led you to Him?
  3. Verses 48 seems to be a test of the man's sincerity. How would you explain Jesus words here?
Note. Verses 35-38. In the natural world there were yet four months until harvest, but in the spiritual sphere in this instance reaping was possible at once. Someone else had done the sowing.

22 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — John 4:1-26

Study 7 From the Book of John is: John 4:1-26

  1. What did our Lord mean by 'living water' (verse 10)? Why, when He had wakened in the woman a desire for it, did He not at once grant her request? What was necessary before He could do so?
  2. Trace the successive steps by which Jesus brought the woman to feel her need of Salvation, and pointed her to Himself. What can we learn from this to help us as we seek to lead others to Him?
  3. In verses 19, 20 was the woman evading the demand for a personal response? How does Jesus answer meet the need of those today who evade the claims of God by professing to follow a correct form of worship? Where must all look for salvation?
Note. Verse 20. 'This mountain': i.e., Mount Gerizim, where the Samaritans had built a temple. The temple had been destroyed, but the Samaritans regarded the place as holy.

21 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 6 — John 3:22-36

Study 6 From the Book of John is: John 3:22-36

  1. How might one have expected John to have replied to the statement of verse 26? Consider the quality of character and the principles brought out in his answer. How far do you share his attitude to Christ? How does it apply to your situation?
  2. What is said about Jesus in verses 31, 32, 34, 35, which set Him apart from and above all others?
  3. 'Receives his testimony', believes in the Son', 'does not obey the Son' (verses 33, 36). What kinds of response to Jesus Christ do these phrases describe? To what consequences do they lead?
  1. Verse 32. 'No one': i.e., generally speaking; it is qualified in verse 33.
  2. Verse 33. 'Set his seal': he both confirms his acceptance of the truth of God's word and in his consequent experience proves the truth of it. Cf. 7:17.

20 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 5 — John 2:23 – 3:21

Study 5 From the Book of John is: John 2:23 – 3:21

  1. Why was Jesus not satisfied with the faith spoken of in 2:23? Cf. 4:48; 6:26, 30; Mt. 13:14. Is my faith the kind that pleases God?
  2. What was right and what was lacking in Nicodemus's assessment of Jesus? How did Jesus's answer correct to him. What is involved in being 'born of the spirit', and why is it needed? Cf. Mt. 18:3; Jn. 1:12, 13; 2 Cor. 5:17; Rom. 8:8, 9.
  3. Why was the lifting up of the Son of man necessary? (Note 'must' in verse 14.) On what ground are men judged and condemned? Where do you stand in relation to these truths?
  1. Verse 5. 'Born of water' probably refers to John's baptism.
  2. Verse 8. As with the wind, so with the movement of the Spirit, the effect is real and recognizable, although the process is hidden
  3. Verses 12, 13. The gospel speaks of heavenly things, of which Christ is the sole revealer. Cf. 3:31, 32; Mt. 11:27.

19 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 4 — John 2:1-22

Study 4 From the Book of John is: John 2:1-22

  1. Verses 1 -11. present the first of the seven 'signs' (see introduction), which reveal the identity of Jesus and stimulate faith (verse 11). What particular aspect of Jesus's glory does this miracle display? What change in our life does turning the water into wine represent? Cf. 2 Cor. 5:17. What can we learn from Mary's response to Jesus?
  2. The idea of the 'Temple' unites verses 13-17 with 18-22. How does Jesus appear in each incident? By what authority does He drive out the traders? Cf. Mal. 3:1-3. What crisis does this incident foreshadow in the mind of Jesus? What did He foresee concerning the cost and character of His mission?
  1. Verse 4. The English, even in RSV, makes Jesus' words seem disrespectful, but in the Greek the form of address is perfectly courteous. Jesus makes it clear that He depends upon no human instructions, even from His mother, but only upon that which God appoints. He is awaiting His Father's instructions.
  2. Verses 14-16. See TNTC. (p.61) for discussion whether there were two cleansings of the Temple, one at the beginning of Jesus' ministry, as here, and one at the end, as recorded in the Synopstics

TNTC stands for Tyndale New Testament Commentary
RSV stands for Revised Standards Version (1946-52)

18 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — John 1:35-51

Study 3 From the Book of John is: John 1:35-51

  1. Describe what it was that brought each of these five men to Jesus. How far did they understand who Jesus was? What account of Him can you give to others?
  2. Verses 48, 49. Why did Jesus's answer elicit the response of Nathaniel? See 2:25. What do verses 47-50 reveal of Nathaniel's character?
  1. Verse 42. Cephas – Peter - Rock
  2. Verses 47, 51. An allusion to the story of Jacob in Gn. 32:24-29 and 28:12, 13.
  3. Verse 51. This word, as shown by the plural 'you', was spoken not about Nathanael only, but about all the disciples. Jesus would be revealed to them as the true and final Mediator between God and man.

17 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — John 1: 19-34

Study 2 From the Book of John is: John 1: 19-34

  1. What do we learn here about (a) the character, (b) the work, of John the Baptist? See also verses 6:8 and 3:28-30.
  2. Verses 26-34. What testimony does John the Baptist here bear to Jesus? How much of this did John learn about Him through his experience at Christ's baptism? Do these truths mean something to you?
Note. Verse 29. 'He saw Jesus coming': probably after the forty days in the wilderness, when He was tempted by Satan. That Jesus's baptism had already taken place is shown by verse 32. Cf. Lk. 3:21,22

16 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 1— John 1:1-18

Study 1 From the Book of John is: John 1:1-18

  1. Why is Jesus here called 'the Word'? What is His relation to God; to the world; to men? See the whole passage.
  2. Who does not, and who does become a child of God? By what means is one brought into this new status?
  3. Note all the allusions to 'light' and associated ideas (e.g., 'glory') in this passage. How much of the purpose of Jesus' coming does this explain?
Note. Verse 16. 'Grace upon grace' i.e., one grace succeeding another.

15 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 0— Introduction

Study 0 From the Book of John is: The Introduction of the book of John

The author of this Gospel claims to have been an eye-witness of the scenes that he records (1: 14; 19:35; cf. 1 Jn. 1:1-3), and in 21:24 his identity with 'the disciple whom Jesus loved' is asserted. Among the many reasons for identifying this disciple with John the son of Zebedee, one of the most striking is the Evangelist's habit of referring to the Baptist as 'John' only, and never mentioning the son of Zebedee by name.
The other three Gospels are chiefly concerned with our Lord's ministry in Galilee; a bare hint is all that they give us that He so much as visited Jerusalem between His baptism and the final Passover (Mt. 23:37; Lk.13:34; and Lk. 4:44). John, on the other hand, has little to say about our Lord's work in Galilee (2:1-12; 4:43-54:6); for the most part the scene of his narrative is Judaea, and especially Jerusalem, where almost from the first the Lord was rejected (1:11; 4:43, 44;5; etc.).
It is important to observe that in the record of Jesus's ministry up to His death, seven miracles are recorded in this Gospel. These are (1) the turning of water into wine (2:1-11); (2)the healing of the nobleman's son (4:46-54); (3) the healing of the impotent man (5); (4) the feeding of the five thousand (6:4-13) (5) the walking on the water (6:16-21); (6) the healing of the man born blind (9: 1-7); (7) the raising of Lazarus from the dead (11:1-44). John calls these miracles 'signs', by which he means that they have a meaning beyond themselves, and point to the identity of Jesus as the Christ, and to His corresponding works in the spiritual realm, such as the raising of the spiritually dead, the opening of the eyes of the spiritually blind, etc.
The purpose of the Gospel, and particularly of the signs recorded in it, is clearly stated, 'that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name (20:31). It shows the divine Word coming to His own people, revealing the Father to them both by teaching and by 'signs', and yet rejected and persecuted to the death. To the world this Gospel reveals the tremendous claims of the Lord Jesus and the awfulness of rejecting Him. To the disciple it reveals the implications of accepting Him, showing the interdependence of love and obedience, of life and feeding upon the Lord, of fruit-bearing and abiding in Him.
The section 7:53-8:11 is omitted by all the oldest Greek manuscripts now existing, with one exception, and its style and vocabulary are more like those of Luke (in whose Gospel four manuscripts insert it) than those of John. But though this section was probably not written by John, it bears every evidence of truth, and we may thankfully accept it as part of the inspired Word of God.

14 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 19 — 1 Kings 22

Study 19 From the Book of 1 Kings is: 1 Kings 22

End of the Book 1 Kings - We are starting with the book of John tomorrow

  1. Compare the attitude of the tow kings in regard to asking counsel of the Lord. Did they not both err: Ahab because he would not have done it at all but for Jehoshaphat, and Jehoshaphat because he did it after the decision was made? Di we sometimes find ourselves committing both these errors?
  2. What may we learn from Ahab's foolish hatred of Micah? What was the reason for it, and to what end did it lead? Cf. Jn. 8:40. Are we ever guilty of asking advice only from people who will tell us what we want to hear?
  1. Verse 3. 'Ramoth-gilead': possibly one of the towns mentioned in 20:34.
  2. Verse 6. These prophets were probably prophets of the calf-worship with Jeroboam had established (12:28, 29). In name they may have been prophets of Jehovah, God of Israel, but they were not true prophets as Micah was.
  3. Verse 31. An ungrateful return or Ahab's clemency; see 20:31-34. It underlines the truth of the unknown prophet's prediction in 20:42.

13 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 18 — 1 Kings 21

Study 18 From the Book of 1 Kings: 1 Kings 21
  1. Consider the parts played by Ahab, Jezebel, a
    nd the elders of Jezreel respectively in the murder of Naboth. What was the special guilt of each? What was it that distinguished Elijah from all these? What do we learn from his example of the qualities God wants in us if He is to do His work?
  2. Sum up what you have learnt from Ahab's from chapters 20 and 21.
  1. Verse 2 and 3. Ahab's offer was fair in itself, but when he failed to gain his desire he was displeased. Yet Naboth, according to the law, had the right to refuse. See Nu. 36:7
  2. Verse 15. We learn from 2 Ki. 9:26 that Naboth's son's were also put to death, that there might be no surviving heir.

12 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 17— 1 Kings 20

Study 17 From the Book of 1 Kings is: 1 Kings 20

The reappearance of true prophets of Jehovah in this chapter is striking. It seems to indicate that Elijah's ministry had effected a change in the whole attitude of public opinion, and even in Ahab himself.
  1. What was the difference between Ben-hadad's two demands which made Ahab reject the second, though he had yielded to the first? What threat did Ben-hadad make, and what was Ahab's answer?
  2. How many times in this chapter is the intervention of a prophet recorded? What may we ourselves learn from the messages these men were sent of God to deliver?

11 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 16 — 1 Kings 19

Study 16 From the Book of 1 Kings: 1 Kings 19

Prophets among the people of Israel were held in high regard. Elijah therefore supposed that after so great a moral victory as that won on Mount Carmel king and nation would return to Jehovah. But, Jezebel had no such awe in her heart, and Elijah found himself faced by her wrathful fury. It was a rude shock to all his hopes.
  1. What difference do you notice between the account of Elijah's flight at this time and that of his previous flights to Cherith and Zerephath? What causes for his deep depression and sense of failure can you think of? Read the story of verses 4-18 in the light of Ps. 103, 13, 14. How did God comfort, teach and restore Elijah?
  2. When God's call came to Elisha, how did he respond? Are you thus ready to do God's will, in whatever sphere of service He may appoint? Cf. Mk. 1:15-20. What do we learn from this passage about the way God plans for His work to be begun by one of His servants and carried on by another? Cf. 1 Cor. 3:6.
  1. Verse 8. 'To Horeb the mount of God': the site of God's covenant with Israel (see Dt. 4: 9-20). This was probably the object of Elijah's journey from the first.
  2. Verse 19. 'Twelve yoke of oxen' indicates a wealthy farm.

10 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 15 — 1 Kings 17 and 18

Study 15 From the Book of 1 Kings is: 1 Kings 17 and 18

  1. How was the prophet trained in faith and obedience for the supreme struggle on Mount Carmel? What did the experiences at the brook Cherith and in Zarephath teach him? What was the supreme issue at stake between him and King Ahab?
  2. What was the secret of Elijah's strength and victory? See 18:41-45; Jas. 5:17, 18, and cf. 17: 1 with Heb. 11:27b.
Notes. 18:45, 46. 'To Jezreel': about seventeen or eighteen miles. This extraordinary feat of endurance indicates that the prophet was keyed up to a high degree of nervous tension.

09 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — 1 Kings 16:8-34

Study 14 From the Book of 1 Kings: 1 Kings 16:8-34

  1. In the northern kingdom the dynasties of Jeroboam and Baasha were utterly destroyed, as later was that of Omri (see 21:22). How does the story of this kingdom show that the people departed farther and farther from God until the climax was reached with Omri (verse 25) and Ahab (verse 30)? What may this teach us as to the self-propagating power of sin? Yet in Judah the royal line of David continued. Why this difference? Consider what is said in 11:36 and 15:4.
  2. What was the special sin of Ahab, by which he provoked the Lord to anger? How did he go beyond what previous kings of Israel had done, and what led him to do it?
    1. Verse 24. Omri was an able and powerful ruler, whose name is mentioned in the ancient Assyrian records and in the Moabite stone of Mesha. His selection of Samaria as the capital was an important event in Israel history
    2. Verses 31, 32. The calves set up by Jeroboam (see 12:28) were supposed to represent the God of Israel. Ahab's sin was greater in that he worshiped Baal, the god of Tyre, and built in Samaria a 'home of Baal'.

08 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 13 — 1 Kings 15:1 – 16:7

Study 13 From the Book of 1 Kings is: 1 Kings 15:1 – 16:7

  1. In this portion two kings of Judah are mentioned and two of Israel. Who were they? What facts do we learn about each of them?
  2. What is the one standard by which these men are judged in Scriptures? In relation to this standard, which of them were disapproved, and why? And which of them was approved, and why? What does this teach us concerning eternal values?
  1. 15:10. 'His mother's name':strictly his grandmother (see verses 2 and 8). Maachah apparently continued to be officially 'queen mother' (see verse 13).
  2. 15:17. 'Ramah' was only five miles from Jerusalem to the north.
  3. 16:17. 'Because he destroyed it': cf. 15:27,29.

07 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 12 — 1 Kings 14

Study 12 From the Book of 1 Kings: 1 Kings 14

  1. Jeroboam and Ahijah had both been called of God, the one to be king (11:31), and the other as prophet. What was the difference between them in their carrying out of their office, and how does this show what qualities are required in a servant of God?
  2. What two pictures of Rehoboam's reign are given in verses 21-31?  What light do they throw upon the state of the kingdom of Judah, and upon Rehoboam's character?
  1. The name Abijah, given by Jeroboam to his son, shows that Jeroboam still worshiped Jehovah, for Abijah means 'my father is Jah'.
  2. Verse 17. 'Tirzah' was the residence of the kings of the northern kingdom.
  3. Verses 23, 24. All that is mentioned in these verses was associated with idolatry. Cf. Je.2:20.

06 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 11 — 1 Kings 12:33 – 13:34

Study 11 From the Book of 1 Kings is: 1 Kings 12:33 – 13:34

  1. What was the root fault in Jeroboam's character, and how did God in His mercy seek to show him the folly of the course he was pursuing? See 12:33 – 13:10
  2. What punishment fell upon 'the man of God...out of Judah' and why? Cf. 20:36, and contrast our Lord's firmness in Mt. 16:22, 23.

05 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 10 — 1 Kings 12:1-32

Study 10 From the Book of 1 Kings: 1 Kings 12:1-32

  1. Study the characters of the two kings, Rehoboam and Jeroboam. To what factors would you attribute the division of the kingdom?
  2. What four actions of Jeroboam are spoken of in verses 25-32, and what was their purpose? Clever as they were politically and according to human judgment, wherein lay their fatal error? See verse 30; 13:33, 34; 2 Ki. 17:21.

04 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 9 — 1 Kings 10:14 – 11:43

Study 9 From the Book of 1 Kings is: 1 Kings 10:14 – 11:43

  1. Solomon was outwardly at the height of his power, wealth and fame (see 10:14-29). But what was going on within his heart in respect (a) of his affections, and (b) of his relation to God (see 11; 1-8)? Read Pr. 4:23-27. What was God's chief charge against him?
  2. How does the account of the events of 11:14-40 bring out God's overruling hand? Cf. Dn. 4:34, 35; Ps. 135:5, 6. What effect should this truth have upon a believing heart? Cf. Acts 4:23-30.

03 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 8— 1 Kings 9- 10:13

Study 8 From the Book of 1 Kings is: 1 Kings 9 - 10:13

  1. Comparing 9:3 carefully with 8:29, in what two respects did God exceed Solomon's request? Observe also the close relation between God's promise and His commands, and between His fulfillment of His promise and man's obedience. Cf. Jn. 14:14, 15, 21; 15:7; 1 Jn. 3:22. What do we see in today's passage of the fulfillment to Solomon of God's promises in 3:12,13?
  2. In What ways is the Queen of Sheba an example to us? Consider the purpose of her visit, the difficulties of it, and her reward.
  1. 9:14. A talents of gold, it is reckoned, would be the equivalent of £6,150, but would in those days have a far higher purchasing power.
  2. 9:25. Cf. 8:13, 14.

02 October, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — 1 Kings 8:12-66

Study 7 From the Book of 1 Kings: 1 Kings 8:12-66

  1. Verses 14-21. What promise is here spoken of as having been fulfilled? Are there experiences in your life of which you can say 'God... with his hand has fulfilled what he promised with his mouth'? Observe how, in verses 22-53, thanksgiving for the fulfillment of the promise stimulated further prayer. What seven particular petitions did Solomon make, and on what grounds did he base his prayer?
  2. Verses 54-62. In this 'blessing' how did Solomon sum up Israel's story? What two petitions did he offer, and to what ends, and what charge did he give the people? Consider how applicable his words are to ourselves.
  1. Verse 12. 'Thick darkness': there was no light in the most holy place, to symbolize the inscrutable mystery of the divine nature. The ark symbolized His presence in the midst of His people.
  2. Verse 16. 'My name': a phrase used frequently n this chapter as signifying God in the fullness of His self-revelation.
  3. Verse 51. 'Iron furnace': i.e., one in which iron is smelted.
  4. Verse 65. 'Seven days' or 'seven days and seven days': i.e., seven for the dedication of the altar, and seven for the feast, as explained in 2 Ch. 7:8, 9.