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07 May, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 23 — Deuteronomy 32:1-47

Study 23 From The Book of Deuteronomy is: Deuteronomy 32: 1-47
The analysis of this magnificent poem is as follows:
(a)             The writer’s purpose and hope, verse 1-3 (see Note 1 below).
(b)             God’s perfection, and Israel’s perversity, verses 4-6.
(c)              God’s goodness to Israel, verses 7:14
(d)             Israel’s backsliding, verses 15:18
(e)              Divine judgement upon Israel, verses 19-29.
(f)               The victory of heathen nations over Israel is of God’s permitting, verses 30-35.
(g)             But He will finally avenge His people and show them His mercy, verses 36-43.
1.      What is said of God is His essential attributes?  And what, in contrast, of the nature of Israel?
2.     What did God do for Israel (at least seven things are mentioned in verses 7:14), and how did Israel requite His loving-kindness?
3.     What is God’s purpose in His judgements, and what will be the final outcome?
1.      Verse 2. ‘May my teaching drop as the rain’: an expression of the writer’s hope that this words may act upon the hearts of men as the rain and dew upon the soil. 
2.     Verse 4. ‘The rock’ (see also verses 15, 18, 30, 31, 37): a figure expressing the through of a refuge and place of defence.
3.     Verse 8. ‘According to the number…’: i.e., He reserved for Israel an inheritance adequate to their numbers.
4.     Verse 15. ‘Jeshurun’: a poetical name for Israel, signifying ‘the upright one’ Cf. Dt. 33: 5, 26; Is. 44:2
5.     Verse 29. “Discern their latter end’; i.e., discern whither their perversity must lead.
6.     Verse 34. God is not unmindful of the sins of Israel’s enemies.

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