Study 0 From the Book of Judges is: The Introduction of the Book
of Judges
The author of the book of Judges is not known. The most likely date
for the completion of the book is during the reign of David or the early part
of Solomon’s reign (observe the favourable attitude to the monarchy implied in
19:1; 21:25).
The book opens with an introductory
section, in two parts. The first
(1:1-2:5) gives extracts from a history of the conquests, stressing the failure
of many of the tribes to possess their ‘lots’. It also tells how they were
rebuked by the angel of the Lord. The
second (2:6-3:7) show the failing away after Joshua’s death and provides a
summary of the salient features of the period.
The main portion of the book (3:8-16:31) gives the history of the
judges, of whom twelve are mentioned, namely, Othoniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah,
Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephtah, Ibazan, Elon, Abdon and Samson. It will be noted
that the usurper Abimelech is not included. Six of the twelve judges (Othoniel,
Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Jephtah, and Samson) receive extended mention, whilst
the other six are little more than named (for which reason they are sometimes referred
to as ‘the minor judges’). The final section of the book (17:1-21:25). Narrates
two instances of the moral and religious declension which characterized the
period of the judges. The apostasy, lawlessness and immorality which they
reveal are a vivid witness to a situation when ‘every man did what was right in
his own eyes’ (17:6; 21:25).
The book bears testimony to the
faithfulness of God, showing both His righteousness and His enduring
mercy. It contains some memorable
examples of faith, and reveals also the hideous blackness of human sin. There
is also much instructive teaching in it on the workings of God’s providence,
especially in regard to the instruments which He can use in the working out of
His purposes.