1. Those that are
most sanctified have yet a body of sin and death in them, and so also it will
be, while they continue in this world (Rom 7:24). 2. This body of sin strives
to break out and will break out, to the polluting of the conversation, if
saints be not the more watchful (Rom 6:12). Yea, it has broken out in the saddest manner, and that in the strongest saints (Gal 5:17). 3. Christ offered no
new sacrifice for the salvation of his people. "For, being raised
from the dead, he died no more" (Rom 6:9). So then, if saints sin, they
must be saved, if saved at all, by virtue of the offering already offered; and
if so, then all Christ's pleas, as an Advocate, are grounded upon that one
offering which before, as a Priest, he presented God with, for the taking away
of sin. So then, Christians live upon this old stock; their transgressions are
forgiven for the sake of the worth, that yet God finds in the offering that
Christ hath offered. And all Christ's pleadings, as an Advocate, are grounded
upon the sufficiency and worth of that one sacrifice; I mean, all his pleadings
with his Father, as to the charge which the accuser brings in against them. For
though thou art a man of infirmity, and so incident to nothing [so much] as to
stumble and fall, if grace doth not prevent, and it doth not always prevent;
yet the value and worth of the price that was once paid for thee is not yet
worn out; and Christ, as an Advocate, still pleaded, as occasion is given,
that, with success, to thy salvation. And this privilege they have, who indeed
have Christ for their Advocate; and I put it here, in the first place, because
all others do depend upon it.
Second Privilege.
Thine Advocate, as he pleaded a price already paid, so, and therefore, he
pleads for himself as for thee. We are all concerned in one bottom; if he
sinks, we sink; if we sink, he sinks. Give me leave to make out my meaning.
1. Christ pleads the
value and virtue of the price of his blood and sacrifice for us. And admit of
this horrible supposition a little, for argument's sake, that though Christ
pleads the worth of what, as Priest, he offered, yet the soul for whom he so
pleads perishes eternally. Now, where lay the fault? In sin, you say: true;
but it is because there was more virtue in sin to damn, than there was in the
blood pleaded by Christ to save; for he pleaded his merit, he put it into the
balance against sin; but sin hath weighed down the soul of the sinner to hell,
notwithstanding the weight of merit that he did put in against it. Now, what is
the result, but that the Advocate goes down, as well as we; we to hell, and he
in esteem? Wherefore, I say, he is concerned with us; his credit, his honor,
his glory, and renown, fly all away if those for whom he pleads as an
Advocate perish for want of worth in his sacrifice pleaded. But shall this ever
be said of Christ? Or will it be found that any, for whom Christ as Advocate
pleads, yet perish for want of worth in the price, or of neglect in the
Advocate to plead it? No, no; himself is concerned, and that as to his own
reputation and honor, and as to the value and virtue of his blood; nor will he
lose these for want of pleading for them concerned in this office.
2. I argue again; that Christ, as Advocate, must be concerned in his plea; for that everyone,
for whose salvation he advocates, is his own; so, then, if he loses, he loses
his own substance and inheritance. Thus, if he loses the whole, and if he
loses a part, one, any one of his own, he lost part of his all, and of his
fullness; wherefore we may well think, that Christ, as Advocate, is concerned,
even concerned with his people, and therefore will thoroughly plead their
Suppose a man should
have a horse, though lame, and a piece of ground, though somewhat barren, yet
if any should attempt to take these away, he would not sit still, and so lose
his own; no, saith he, "since they are mine own, they shall cost me five
times more than they are worth, but I will maintain my right." I have seen
men sometimes strongly engaged in law for that which, when considered by
itself, one would think was not worth regarding; but when I have asked them,
why so concerned for a thing of so little esteem, they have answered, O, it is
some of that by which I hold a title of honor or my right to a greater
income, and therefore I will not lose it. Why, thus is Christ engaged; what he
pleads for is his own, his all, his fullness; yea, it is that by which he holds
his royalty, for he is "King of saints" (Rev 15:3, John 6:37-39, Psa
16:5,6). It is part of his estate, and that by which he holds some of his
titles of honor (Eph 5:23, Jer 50:34, Rom 11:26, Heb 2:10). Saviour, Redeemer,
Deliverer, and Captain, are some of his titles of honor; but if he lost any of
those, upon whose account he weareth those titles of honor, for want of virtue
in his plea, or for want of worth in his blood, he lost his own, and not only
so, but part of his royalty, and does also diminish and lay a blot upon his
glorious titles of honor; and he is jealous of his honor; his honor he will
not give to another.