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16 September, 2024

Works of John Bunyan: A TREATISE OF THE FEAR OF GOD. 437


1. That which makes the worship of God so fearful a thing is, for that it is the worship of GOD: all manner of service carries more or less dread and fear along with it, according to the quality or condition of the person is to whom the worship and service is done. This is seen in the service of subjects to their princes, the service of servants to their lords, and the service of children to their parents. Divine worship, then, being due to God, for it is now of Divine worship we speak, and this God so great and dreadful in himself and name, his worship must therefore be a fearful thing.

2. Besides, this glorious Majesty is himself present to behold his worshippers in their worshipping him. "When two or three of you are gathered together in my name, I am there." That is, gathered together to worship him, "I am there," says he. And so, again, he is said to walk "in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks" (Rev 1:13). That is, in the churches, and with a countenance like a sun, with a head and hair as white as snow, and with eyes like a flame of fire. This puts dread and fear into his service, so his servants should serve him with fear.

3. Above all things, God is jealous of his worship and service. In all the ten words, he tells us not anything of his being a jealous God, but in the second, which respects his worship (Exo 20). Look to yourselves, therefore, both as to the matter and manner of your worship; "for I the Lord thy God," says he, "am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children." This, therefore, doth also put dread and fear into the worship and service of God.

4. The judgments that sometimes God hath executed upon men for their want of godly fear while they have been in his worship and service put fear and dread upon his holy appointments. (1.) Nadab and Abihu were burned to death with fire from heaven because they attempted to offer false fire upon God's altar, and the reason rendered why they were so served was because God will be sanctified in them that come nigh him (Lev 10:1-3). To sanctify his name is to let him be thy dread and fear and to do nothing in his worship but what pleases him. But because these men had not grace to do this, therefore they died before the Lord. (2.) Eli's sons, for want of this fear, when they ministered in the holy worship of God, were both slain in one day by the sword of the uncircumcised Philistines (see 1 Sam 2). (3.) Uzzah was smitten and died before the Lord, for but an unadvised touching of the ark, when the men forsook it (1 Chron 13:9,10). (4.) Ananias and Sapphira, his wife, for telling a lie in the church when they were before God, were both stricken dead upon the place before them all because they wanted the fear and dread of God's majesty, name, and service, when they came before him (Acts 5).

This, therefore, should teach us to conclude that, next to God's nature and name, his service, his instituted worship, is the most dreadful thing under heaven. His name is upon his ordinances, his eye is upon the worshippers, and his wrath and judgment upon those that worship not in his fear. For this cause, some of those at Corinth were cut off by God himself, and to others, he has given back and will again be with them no more (1 Cor 11:27-32).

This also rebuked three sorts of people.

[Three sorts of people rebuked.]

1. Regarding not worshipping God at all, be sure they have no reverence of his service nor fear of his majesty before their eyes. Sinner, thou dost not come before the Lord to worship him; thou dost not bow before the high God; thou neither worship him in thy closet nor in the congregation of saints. The fury of the Lord and his indignation must in a short time be poured out upon thee and the families that call not upon his name (Psa 79:6; Jer 10:25).

2. This rebukes such as count it enough to present their body where God is worshipped, not minding with what heart or spirit they come thither. Some go into the worship of God to sleep there; some come thither to meet with their Chapman and to get into the wicked fellowship of their vain companions. Some come thither to feed their lustful and adulterous eyes with the flattering beauty of their fellow sinners. O, what a sad account will these worshippers give when they shall count for all this and be damned for it because they come not to worship the Lord with that fear of his name that became them to come in when they presented themselves before him!

3. This also rebukes those that are not, so they worship, how they worship, how, where, or after what manner they worship God. Those, I mean, whose fear towards God "is taught by the precept of men." They are hypocrites; their worship also is vain and a stink in the nostrils of God. "Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men: therefore, behold I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid" (Isa 29:13,14; Matt 15:7-9; Mark 7:6,7). Thus, I conclude that God is called our dread and fear.

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