This is a Blog for those interested in following hard after His heart. Those willing to strive to live a moment-by-moment life as we go through the transformation process with Him. It is not an easy life, but the Father expects each of us to become an offering for His pleasure. So, if this is you, then let’s journey together hand in hand. I am humbled that you have chosen to walk with me. Thanks!
28 July, 2024
27 July, 2024
26 July, 2024
25 July, 2024
Works of John Bunyan: REASONS WHY FEW ARE SAVED. 385
[USE SECOND.]—My second word is to those upon the potter’s wheel, concerning whom we know not yet whether their convictions and awakenings will end in conversion. I shall say several things to you to further your convictions and to caution you from staying anywhere below or short of saving grace.
1. Remember that but few shall be saved, and if God should count thee worthy to be one of that few, what mercy would that be!
2. Be thankful for convictions; conversion begins at conviction, though all convictions do not end in conversion. It is a great mercy to be convinced that we are sinners and need a Saviour; count it, therefore, mercy, and that thy convictions may end in conversion, do thou take heed of stifling of them. It is the way of poor sinners to look upon convictions as things that are hurtful; and therefore they use to shun the awakening ministry, and to check a convincing conscience. Such poor sinners are much like the wanton boy who stands at the maid’s elbow to blow out her candle as fast as she lights it at the fire. Convinced sinner, God lighted thy candle, and thou put it out; God lights it again, and thou put it out. Yea, “how oft is the candle of the wicked put out?” (Job 21:17) At last, God resolved he will light thy candle no more; and then, like the Egyptians, you dwell all your days in darkness, and never see the light more, but by the light of hell-fire; wherefore give glory to God, and if he awakens thy conscience, quench not thy convictions. Do it, saith the prophet, “before he causes darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the dark mountains, and he turns” your convictions “into the shadow of death, and make them gross darkness.” (Jer 13:16)
(1.) Be willing to see the worst of thy condition. It is better to see it here than in hell, for thou must see thy misery here or there. (2.) Beware of little sins; they will make way for great ones, and they again will make way for bigger, upon which God’s wrath will follow; and then may thy latter end be worse than thy beginning. (2 Peter 2:20) (3.) Take heed of bad company and evil communication, corrupting good manners. God saith, evil company will turn thee away from following him and will tempt thee to serve other gods, devils. “So the anger of the Lord will be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly.” (Deu 7:4) (4.) Beware of such a thought as bids thee delay repentance, for that is damnable. (Prov 1:24, Zech 7:12,13) (5.) Beware of taking example by some poor, carnal professor whose religion lies at the tip of his tongue. Beware, I say, of the man whose head swims with notions, but “his life is among the unclean.” (Job 36:14). “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” (Prov 13:20) (6.) Give thyself much to the Word, and prayer, and good conference. (7.) Labour to see the sin that cleaved to the best of thy performances and know that all is nothing if thou be not found in Jesus Christ. (8.) Remember that God’s eye is upon thy heart and all thy ways. “Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord.” (Jer 23:24) (9.) Be often meditating upon death and judgment. (Eccl 11:9, 12:14) (10.) We often think about what a dreadful end sinners who have neglected Christ will make on that day of death and judgment. (Heb 10:31) (11.) Put thyself often, in thy thoughts, before Christ’s judgment-seat, in thy sins, and consider with thyself, Were I now before my Judge, how should I look, how should I shake and tremble? (12.) Be often thinking of them that are now in hell, past all mercy; I say, be often thinking of them, thus: They were once in the world, as I now am; they once took delight in sin, as I have done; they once neglected repentance, as Satan would have me do. But now they are gone; they are in hell, and the pit hath shut her mouth upon them!
Thou may also doubt thy thoughts of the damned thus: If these poor creatures were in the world again, would they sin as they did before? Would they neglect salvation as they did before? If they had sermons, as I have; if they had the Bible, as I have; if they had good company, as I have; if they had a day of grace, as I have, would they neglect it as they did before?
Sinner, coldest thou soberly think of these things; they might help God, bless them, awaken thee, and keep thee awake to repentance, to the repentance that is to salvation, never to be repented of.
Object. But you have said few shall be saved, and some that go a significant way, yet are not saved. Therefore, I am discouraged and weakened; I think I had a good go no further. I am, indeed, under conviction, but I may perish; and if I go on in my sins, I can but perish; and it is ten, twenty, and a hundred to one if I am saved, should I be ever so earnest for heaven.
Answ. That few will be saved must be a truth, for Christ hath said it; that many go far and come short of heaven, is as true, being testified by the same hand. But what then? “Why, then, had I as good never seek.” Who told thee so? Must nobody seek because few are saved? This contradicts the text that bids us to strive; strive to enter in because the gate is straight, and many will seek to join in and shall not be able to. But why return, seeing that is the following way to hell? Never go over the hedge and ditch to hell. If I must go thither, I will go the furthest way. But who can tell, though there should not be saved so many as there shall, but thou mayest be one of that few? They who miss life perish because they will not let go of their sins or because they take up a profession short of the saving faith of the gospel. I say they perish because they are content with things that will not prove graces of a saving nature when they come to be tried in the fire. Otherwise, the promise is free, complete, and everlasting—” Him that cometh to me,” saith Christ, “I will in no wise cast out”; “for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 6:37, 3:16) Wherefore let not this thought, Few shall be saved, weaken thy heart; but let it cause thee to mend thy pace, to mend thy cries, to look well to thy grounds for heaven; let it make thee fly faster from sin to Christ; let it keep thee awake, and out of carnal security, and thou mayest be saved.
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Works of John Bunyan: REASONS WHY FEW ARE SAVED. 384
I come now to make some brief use and application of the whole and
[USE FIRST.]—My first word shall be to the open profane. Poor sinner, thou read that, but a few will be saved; many who expect heaven will go without heaven. What sayest thou to this, poor sinner? Let me say it over again. There are but few to be saved, but very few. Let me add, but few professors—but few eminent professors. What sayest thou now, sinner? If judgment begins at the house of God, what will the end of them be if they do not obey the gospel of God? This is Peter's question. Canst thou answer it, sinner? Yea, I say again, if judgment must begin at them, will it not make thee think, What shall become of me? And I add, when thou shalt see the stars of heaven to tumble down to hell, canst thou think that such a muck-heap of sin as thou art shall be lifted up to heaven? To wit, Peter asks thee another question: "If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?" (1 Peter 4:18) Canst thou answer this question, sinner?
Stand among the righteous thou mayest not: "The ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous." (Psa 1:5). Stand among the wicked thou then wilt not dare to do. Where wilt thou appear, sinner? To stand among the hypocrites will avail thee nothing. The hypocrite "shall not come before him," that is, with acceptance, but shall perish. (Job 13:16) Because it concerns you much, let me repeat it! When thou shalt see fewer sinners than thou art, bound up by angels in bundles, to burn them, where wilt thou appear, sinner? Thou mayest wish thyself another man, but that will not help thee, sinner. Thou mayest wish I had been converted in time, but that will not help thee either. And if, like the wife of Jeroboam, thou shouldst feign thyself to be another woman, the Prophet, the Lord Jesus, would soon find thee out! What wilt thou do, poor sinner? Heavy tidings, heavy tidings, will attend thee, except thou repent, poor sinner! (1 Kings 14:2,5,6, Luke 13:3,5) O, the dreadful state of a poor sinner, an open, profane sinner! Everybody that hath but common sense knows that this man is in the broad way to death, yet he laughs at his own damnation.
Shall I come to particulars with thee?
1. Poor unclean sinner, the "harlot's house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death." (Prov 2:18, 5:5, 7:27)
2. Poor swearing and thievish sinner, God hath prepared the curse, that "everyone that stealth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and everyone that swears shall be cut off as on that side, according to it." (Zech 5:3)
3. Poor drunken sinner, what shall I say to thee? "Woe to the drunkards of Ephraim," "woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of—strong drink; they shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven." (Isa 28:1, 5:22, 1 Cor 6:9,10)
4. Poor covetous worldly man, God's Word says, that "the covetous the Lord abhorred"; that the "covetous man is an idolater"; and that the covetous "shall not inherit the kingdom of God." (Psa 10:3, Eph 5:5, John 2:15, 1 Cor 6:9,10)
5. And thou liar, what wilt thou do? "All liars shall have their part in the lake which burn with fire and brimstone." (Rev 21:8,27)
I shall not enlarge, poor sinner, let no man deceive thee; "for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience." (Eph 5:6) I will give thee a short call, and so leave thee.
Sinner, awake: yea, I say unto thee, awake! Sin lieth at thy door, God's axe at thy root, and hell-fire is proper underneath thee. (Gen 4:7) I say again, Awake! "Therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire." (Matt 3:10)
Poor sinner, awake; eternity is coming, and HIS SON, they are both coming to judge the world; awake, art yet asleep, poor sinner? Let me set the trumpet to the ear once again! The heavens will be shortly on a burning flame; the earth, and the works thereof, shall be burned up, and then wicked men shall go into perdition; dost thou hear this, sinner? (2 Peter 3) Hark again, the sweet morsels of sin will then be fled and gone, and their bitter, burning fruits only left. What sayest thou now, sinner? Canst thou drink hellfire? Will the wrath of God be a pleasant dish to thy taste? This must be thine every day's meat and drink in hell, sinner!
I will propound to you God's ponderous question, and then for this time leave thee: "Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands be strong, in the days that I shall deal with thee?" saith the Lord. (Eze 22:14) What sayest thou? Will you answer this question now, or will you take time? Or wilt thou be desperate and venture all? And let me put this text in thine ear to keep it open; and so the Lord have mercy upon thee: "Upon the wicked shall the Lord rain snares, fire and brimstone, and a horrible tempest; this shall be the portion of their cup." (Psa 11:6) Repent, sinners!
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Works of John Bunyan: REASONS WHY FEW ARE SAVED. 383
Fourth. Do God’s people keep holy fasts? They who are not his people may also keep fasts often, even twice a week. “The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself: God, I thank thee that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice weekly; I give tithes of all I possess.” (Luke 18:11,12) I might enlarge upon things, but I intend but a little book. I do not question, but many Balaamites will appear before the judgment seat to condemnation; men that have had visions of God, and that knew the knowledge of the Most High; men that have had the Spirit of God come upon them, and that have by that been made other men; yet these shall go to the generations of their fathers, they shall never see light. (Num 24:2,4,16, 1 Sam 10:6,10, Psa 49:19) I read of some men whose excellency in religion mounts up to the heavens, and their heads reach unto the clouds, who yet shall perish forever like their own dung; and he that in this world hath seen them, shall say at the judgment, Where are they? (Job 20:5-7) There will be many who were gallant professors in this world, wanting among the saved on the day of Christ’s coming; yea, many whose damnation was never dreamed of. Which of the twelve ever thought that Judas would have proved a devil? Nay, when Christ suggested that one among them was naught, they were more afraid of themselves than of him. (Matt 26:21-23) Who questioned the salvation of the foolish virgins?
The wise ones did not; they gave them the privilege of communion with themselves. (Matt 25) The discerning of the heart and the infallible proof of the truth of saving grace is reserved for the judgment of Jesus Christ at his coming. The church and best of saints sometimes hit and sometimes miss in their decisions about this matter, and the cause of our missing in our judgment is 1. Partly because we cannot always distinguish grace that saves from that which doth but appear to do so. 2. Partly also because some men have the art to correctly name wrong things. 3. And partly because we, being commanded to receive him that is weak, are afraid to exclude the most minor Christian. By a hidden means, hypocrites creep into the churches. But what saith the Scripture? “I, the Lord, search the heart; I try the reins.” And again, “All the churches shall know that I am he which searched the reins and hearts, and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.” (Jer 11:20, 17:10, Rev 2:23) To this Searcher of hearts is the time of infallible discerning reserved, and then you shall see how far grace that is not saving hath gone; and also how few will be saved indeed. The Lord awaken poor sinners by my little book.
22 July, 2024
21 July, 2024
Works of John Bunyan: REASONS WHY FEW ARE SAVED. 381
I will give you some reasons besides the five I have shown you. First, I will show you why the poor, carnal, ignorant world misses heaven, and second, why the knowing professors also miss it.
[First, Why the poor, carnal, ignorant world miss heaven.]
1. The poor, carnal, ignorant world misses heaven even because they love their sins and cannot part with them. “Men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19). The poor ignorant world miss of heaven because they are enemies in their minds to God, his Word, and holiness; they must be all damned who take pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thess 2:10-12) The poor ignorant world misses heaven because they stop their ears against convictions and refuse to come when God calls. “Because I have called, and ye refused, I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded, but ye have set at naught all my counsel, and would none of my reproof; I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh—as desolation, and your destruction—as a whirlwind, when distress and anguish cometh upon you; then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me.” (Prov 1:24-29)
2. The poor ignorant world misses heaven because the god of this world hath blinded their eyes, that they can neither see the evil and damnable state they are in at present nor the way to get out of it; neither do they know the beauty of Jesus Christ, nor how willing he is to save poor sinners. (2 Cor 4:2,3)
3. The poor ignorant world misses heaven because they put off and defer coming to Christ until the time of God’s patience and grace is over. Some, indeed, are resolved never to come; but some, again, say, We will come hereafter; and so it comes to pass, that because God called, and they did not hear; so they shall cry, and I will not hear, said the Lord. (Zech 7:11-13)
4. The poor, ignorant world misses heaven because they have false apprehensions about God’s mercy. They say in their hearts, We shall have peace, though we walk in the imagination of our heart, to add drunkenness to thirst. But what saith the Word? “The Lord will not spare him; but then the anger of the Lord, and his jealousy, shall smoke against that man, and all the curses written in this book shall lie upon him, and the Lord shall blot out his name from under heaven.” (Deu 29:19-21)
5. The poor, ignorant world misses heaven because they make light of the gospel that offers mercy to them freely and because they lean upon their own good meanings, thinking, and doings. (Matt 22:1-5, Rom 9:30,31)
6. The poor carnal world misses heaven because, by unbelief, which reigns in them, they are kept forever from being clothed with Christ’s righteousness and from washing in his blood, without which there is neither remission of sin nor justification. But to pass these till anon.
[Second.] In the next place, I will show you why the professor falls short of heaven.
First, in general, they rest in things below special grace, as in awakenings that are not special, in faith16 that is not special, &c.; and, a little to run a parallel betwixt the one and the other, that, if God will, you may see and escape.
1. Have they that shall be saved, awakenings about their state by nature? So have they, that shall be damned. They who never go to heaven may see much of sin and God’s wrath due to that. This had Cain and Judas, yet they came short of the kingdom. (Gen 4, Matt 27:4) The saved have convictions to have eternal life, but the others’ convictions are not. The convictions of the one doth drive them sincerely to Christ; the convictions of the other doth drive them to the law, and the law to desperation at last.
2. There is a repentance that will not save, a repentance to be repented of, and a repentance to salvation, not to be repented of. (2 Cor 7:10) Yet, there is so great a similitude and likeness between the one and the other that the wrong is often taken for the right, and through this mistake, professors perish. As, (1.) In saving repentance, there will be an acknowledgment of sin, and one that hath the other repentance may acknowledge his sins also. (Matt 27:4) (2.) There is a crying out under sin in saving repentance, but one that hath the other repentance may also cry out under sin. (Gen 4:13) (3.) In saving repentance, there will be a humiliation for sin, and one that hath the other repentance may humble himself also. (1 Kings 21:29) (4.) Saving repentance is attended with self-loathing, but he that hath the other repentance may have a loathing of sin too; a loathing of sin, because it is a sin, that he cannot have; but a loathing of sin, because it is offensive to him, that he may have.
The dog doth not loath that which troubles his stomach because it is there, but because it troubles him; when it has troubled him, he can turn to it again and lick it up as before it troubled him. (2 Peter 2:22) (5.) Saving repentance is attended with prayers and tears, but he that hath none, but the other repentance may have prayers and tears also. (Gen 27:34,35, Heb 12:16,17) (6.) In saving repentance, there is fear and reverence of the Word and ministers that bring it, but this may also be where there is none, but the repentance that is not saving, for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and holy, and observed him; when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly. (Mark 6:20) (7.) Saving repentance makes a man’s heart very tender of doing anything against the Word of God. But Balaam could say, “If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the commandment of the Lord.” (Num 24:13)
Behold how far a man may go in repentance and yet be short of what is called “Repentance unto salvation, not to be repented of.” (a.) He may be awakened; (b.) He may acknowledge his sin; (c.) He may cry out under the burden of sin; (d.) He may have humility for it; (e.) He may loath it; (f.) May have prayers and tears against it; (g.) may delight to do many things of God; (h.) May be afraid of sinning against him—and, after all this, may perish, for want of saving repentance.
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[Second. Particularly—but few of them that profess have been saved.]
7. Christ Jesus casts away two of the three grounds that are said to receive the word. (Luke 8)
The stony ground received it joyfully, and the thorny ground brought fruit almost to perfection. Indeed, the highway ground was to show us that the carnal, while such, receive not the word at all, but here is the pinch, two of the three that received it fell short of the kingdom of heaven, for but one of the three received it to bring forth fruit to perfection. Look at it, professors!
8. The parable of the unprofitable servant, the parable of the man without a wedding garment, and the parable of the unsavory salt, do each of them justify this for truth. (Matt 25:24,29, 22:11-13, 5:13) That of the unprofitable servant is to show us the sloth and idleness of some professors; that of the man without a wedding garment is to show us how some professors have the shame of their wickedness seen by God, even when they are among the children of the bridegroom. That parable of the unsavory salt is to show that as the salt that hath lost its savor is fit for nothing, no, not for the dunghill, but to be trodden under foot of men; so some professors, yea, and great ones too, for this parable reached one of the apostles, will in God’s day be counted fit for nothing but to be trodden down as the mire in the streets. O the slothful, the naked, and unsavory professors, how will they be rejected by God and his Christ in the judgment! Look to it, professors!
9. The parable of the tares also giveth countenance to this truth: though it is said the field is the world, it is said the tares were sown even in the church. “And while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.” (Matt 13:24,25) Object. But some may object, The tares might be sown in the world among the wheat, though not in the churches. Answ. But Christ, by expounding this parable, tells us the tares were sown in his kingdom; the tares, that is, the children of the devil. “As the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and do iniquity and cast them into a furnace of fire; there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” (verse 30,39-43) Look at it, professors!
10. The parable of the ten virgins also suited our purpose; these ten are called the kingdom of heaven, that is, the church of Christ, the visible rightly-constituted church of Christ, for they went all out of the world, had all lamps, and all went forth to meet the bridegroom; yet behold what an overthrow the one-half of them met with at the gate of heaven; they were shut out, bid to depart, and Christ told them he did not know them. (Matt 25:1-13) Tremble, professors! Pray, professors!
11. The parable of the net cast into the sea also countenances this truth. The substance of that parable is to show that souls may be gathered by the gospel—there compared to a net—may be kept in that net, drawn to shore, to the world’s end, by that net, and yet may then prove evil fishes, and be cast away. The parable runs thus:—”The kingdom of heaven,” the gospel, “is like unto a net which was cast into the sea,” the world, “and gathered of every kind,” good and evil, “which when it was full, they drew to shore,” to the end of the world, “and sat down,” in judgment, “and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.” Some evil fishes, nay, I doubt a great many, will be found in the net of the gospel on the day of judgment. (Matt 13:47,49) Watch and be sober, professors!
12. “And—many shall come from the east and from the west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out.” (Matt 8:11,12) The children of the kingdom, whose privileges were said to be there, “to whom pertained the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises.” (Rom 9:4) I take liberty to harp the more upon the first church, because that that happened to them, happened as types and examples, intimating, there is ground to think, that things of as dreadful a nature are to occur among the church of the Gentiles. (1 Cor 10:11,12) Neither have the Gentile churches’ security from God that there shall not be dreadful things happen to them. And concerning this very thing, sufficient caution is given to us also. (1 Cor 6:9,10, Gal 5:19-21, Eph 5:3-6, Phil 3:17,19, 2 Thess 2:11,12, 2 Tim 2:20,21, Heb 6:4-8, 10:26-28, 2 Peter 2, 3, 1 John 5:10, Rev 2:20-22)
13. The parable of the true vine and its branches confirms what I have said. By the vine there, I understand Christ as head; by the branches, I know this church. Some of these branches proved fruitless cast-always, were in time cast out of the church, were gathered by men, and burned. (John 15:1-6)
14. Lastly, I will come to particular instances.
(1.) The twelve had a devil among them. (John 6:70) (2.) Ananias and Sapphira were in the church of Jerusalem. (Acts 5) (3.) Simon Magus was among them at Samaria. (Acts 8) (4.) Among the church of Corinth were those without knowledge of God. (1 Cor 15:34) (5.) Paul tells the Galatians that false brethren crept in unawares, and so does the apostle Jude, and yet they were as quick-sighted to see as any nowadays. (Gal 2:4, Jude 4) (6.) The church in Sardis had but a few names in her to whom the kingdom of heaven belonged. “Thou hast a few names, even in Sardis, which have not defiled their garments, and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy.” (Rev 3:4) (7.) As for the church of the Laodiceans, it is called “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” (Rev 3:17) So that put all things together, and I may boldly say, as I also have said already, that among the multitude of them that shall be damned, professors will make a considerable party; or, to speak in the words of the observation, “when men have put in all the claim they can for heaven, but few will have it for their inheritance.”
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[Second. Mainly—but few of them that profess have been saved.]
Therefore, I come more particularly to show you that few shall be saved. Few of the professors themselves will be saved, for that is the truth that the text does more directly look at and defend. Give me, therefore, thy hand, good reader, and let us soberly walk through the rest of what shall be said; and let us compare as we go each particular with the holy Scripture.
1. It is said, “The daughter of Zion is left as a cottage in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city.” (Isa 1:8). The vineyard was the church of Israel, the cottage in that vineyard was the daughter of Zion, or the genuinely gracious amongst, or in that church. (Isa 5:1) A cottage; God had but a cottage there, but a little habitation in the church, a very few that were genuinely gracious amongst that great multitude that professed; and had it not been for these, for this cottage, the rest had been ruined as Sodom: “Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us,” in the church, a very few, they had been as Sodom. (Isa 1:9) Wherefore, among the multitude of them that shall be damned, professors will make a considerable party.
2. “For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant of them shall return,” “a remnant shall be saved.” (Isa 10:22, Rom 9:27) For though thy people Israel, whom thou brought out of Egypt, to whom thou hast given church-constitution, holy laws, holy ordinances, holy prophets, and holy covenants; thy people by separation from all people, and thy people by profession; though this thy people be as the sand of the sea, “a remnant shall be saved”; wherefore, among the multitude of them that shall be damned, professors will make a considerable party.
3. “Reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them.” (Jer 6:30). The people here under consideration are called, in verse 27, God’s people, his people by profession: “I have set thee for a tower and a fortress among my people, that thou mayest know, and try their way.” What follows? They are all grievous revolvers, walking with slanders, reprobate silver; the Lord hath rejected them. In chapter 7, verse 29, they are also called the generation of his wrath: “For the Lord hath rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath.” This, therefore, I gather out of these holy Scriptures—that concerning profession and church constitution, a people may be called the people of God; but, concerning the event and final conclusion that God will make with some of them, they may be genuinely the generation of his wrath.
4. In the fifth of Isaiah, you read again of the vineyard of God and that it was planted on a very fruitful hill, planted with the choicest vines, had a wall, a tower, a wine press belonging to it, and all things that could put it into proper order and good government, as a church; but this vineyard of the Lord of hosts brought forth wild grapes, fruits unbecoming her constitution and government, wherefore the Lord takes from her his hedge and wall, and lets her be trodden down. Read Christ’s exposition in Matthew 21:33, &c. Look to it, professors. These are the words of the text, “For many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.”
5. “Son of man,” said God to the prophet, “the house of Israel is to me become dross, all they are brass and tin, and iron and lead, amid the furnace they even are the dross of silver.” (Eze 22:18) God had silver there, some silver, but it was but little; the bulk of that people was but the dross of the church, though they were the members of it. But what doth he mean by the dross? Why, he looked upon them as no better, notwithstanding their church membership, than the rabble of the world, that is, concerning their latter end, for to be called dross, it is to be put amongst the rest of the sinners of the world, in the judgment of God, though at present they abide in his house: “Thou put away all the wicked of the earth like dross; therefore I love thy testimonies.” (Psa 119:119)
God told his saved ones, “He hath chosen them in the furnace of affliction.” The refiner, when he put his silver into his furnace, he puts lead in also among it; now this lead being ordered as he knows how, works up the dross from the silver, which dross, still as it rise, he put by, or taketh away with an instrument. And thus deals God with his church; there is silver in his church, aye, and there is also dross: now the dross are the hypocrites and graceless ones that are got into the church, and these will God discover, and afterward put away as dross. So that it will, without doubt, prove a truth of God, that many of their professors who shall put in a claim for heaven will not have it for their inheritance.
6. It is said of Christ, his “fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather his wheat into the garner, but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” (Matt 3:12) The floor is the church of God: “O my threshing, and the corn of my floor!” said God by the prophet, to his people. (Isa 21:10) The wheat are these good ones in his church that shall be undoubtedly saved; therefore, he saith, “Gather my wheat into my garner.” The chaff growth upon the same stalk and ear and so is in the same visible body with the wheat, but there is no substance in it: wherefore in time they must be severed one from the other; the grain must be gathered into the garner, which is heaven; and the chaff, or professors that want true grace, must be collected into hell, that they may be burned up with unquenchable fire. Therefore, let professors look into it!