9 From the Book of Daniel is: Daniel 8
vision of this chapter received historical fulfilment in the overthrow of Persia
by Alexander the Great (330 BC), the division of Alexander’s kingdom into four
(‘but not with his power’, verse 22), and the rise of Antiochus Epiphanes, who
did what is here foretold of him in verses 9-12 and 23-25 (170-164, BC).
Gabriel’s emphasis, however, upon the vision having to do with ‘the time of the
end’ (see verses 17 and 19) suggests that its meaning is not exhausted in Antiochus,
but that he is only a type of one greater than he, and yet to come, who will
act in a similar way. Cf. 7:24-26 and Mt. 24:15; 2 Thes. 2:8-10.
What expression is used both of the ram and of the he-goat in
the time of their prosperity, and also of the king of verse 23? Yet what was
the end of these kingdoms? Notice the repetition of the verb ‘to break’.
Why was Daniel so deeply affected by this vision? Consider how
the prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel seemed to indicate that the return from
exile would coincide with the advent of the kingdom of God (see, e.g., Je.,
32:37-44; Ezk. 37:21-28); but this vision shows long vistas of history
stretching into the future, and further suffering for the Jews.
Verse 9. ‘The glorious land’: i.e., Palestine
Verse 10. ‘The host of heaven… stars’: used figuratively of
Israel and her leaders.
Verse 11. ‘The prince of the host’: i.e., God Himself. Cf. verse
Verse 12. Israel was to be given over into the power of the ‘horn’
because of transgressions, and true religion was to be supressed.
Verse 14. If the burnt offering ceased for 2, 3000 times, that
would be 1, 150 days, which is a little more than three years. It is known that Antiochus did suspend the
burnt offering for three years and possibly a little longer.