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22 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 92 — Psalms 115

Study 92  From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 115

       1-   What answer is here given to idolaters who suppose that their gods are real, and that our God does not exist? Of what may we be sure concerning ‘our God’?
        2-   What ought this psalm to stir us to do? What concern and what resolve ought it to prompt in us?

21 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 91 — Psalms 113 and 114

Study 91 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 113 and 114

Pss. 113-118 are psalms of redemption, the Hallel or Hymn of praise that was sung at Jewish festivals in time of Jesus. Looking back on God’s past acts of redemption, particularly in the exodus, the people, were encouraged to believe God would so act again. Jesus and His disciples may have sung these psalms at Passover as He Himself prepared for His act of redeeming us. (Cf. Mk. 14:26
     1-   Ps. What activities are here said to be characteristic of God? Cf. Lk. 1:46-55. What kind of response in terms of both time and place, should their acknowledgement secure from men?
   2-   Ps. 114. What features of the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to Canaan are referred to? Cf. Ex. 14-21, 22; 17:5, 6; 19:18; 33:14; Nu. 20:11; Jos. 3:14-17. To what truths were these events a permanent witness?

20 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 90 — Psalms 111 and 112

Study 90  From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 111 and 112

       1-   Ps. 111. What does the study of God’s works reveal about Him to those who make it their delight to examine them? What response to God should follow?
       2-   Ps. 112. What social and ethical obligations are laid on the man who wants to please God? Cf. Mi. 3:1-4; Je. 22:1-4, 16; Mk. 10:21. What blessings can such a man look for from God, in his own life and in his family’s? 

19 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 89 — Psalm 110

Study 89 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 110

This psalm speaks of the enthronement of a king (cf. Ps. 2), and of God’s proclamation to that king. At the morning time (verse 3b) -symbolizing the newness of the era about to begin-a solemn procession (verses 3, 7) moves by way of the spring (verse 7; cf. 1 Ki. 1:33, 34, 45; 2 Ch. 32:30) to the coronation in the holy city. There the king, as God’s representative, begins his reign.
    1-   In detail, what hopes are expressed for this new epoch, with reference to (a) the rule of the king, and (b) the response from the people? Jesus applied this psalm to Himself in Mk. 12:35-37. How then is all this realized in His Messianic kingship over us and the world?
    2-   Study the use of this psalm in the New Testament. No Old Testament verse is cited more often in the New Testament than Ps. 110:1 Cf. Mk. 14:62; I Cor. 15: 25ff; Eph. 1:20; Col. 3:1; Heb. 1:13; 10:12, 13. Of what are we thereby assured?
   3-   The promised king is also to be a priest but not a Aaronic one. How does the writer to the Hebrews expound verse 4? Cf. Gn. 14:17-24; Heb. 5:7-11; 6:20-7:28.

18 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 88 — Psalm 109

Study 88  From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 109

This psalm falls into three parts. Verses 1-5 are a prayer to God for deliverance from persecuting opponents. Retribution is then invoked by the psalmist (verses 6-20) upon the leader of his enemies and all that belongs to him. In the third section (verses 21-31) there is a return to prayer, culmination in thanksgiving and faith.
     1-   Verses 1-5. How does the writer show that he has a good conscience, and is not being opposed because of his own offensiveness or evil deeds? Compare Jesus’s attitude in parallel circumstance.  (Lk. 22:32-43; cf. also 1 Pet. 4:12-19).
     2-   Verses 21-31. Instead of himself taking revenge, the psalmist takes refuge in prayer. Study the attitude of prayer in these circumstances.
Note. Verses 6-20. The retribution invoked includes the man himself, his person and office, his wife and children his property and also his prosperity. The place and significance of the imprecatory psalm (of which this is one), as part of the fullness of revealed truth, belong to the general subject of the progress of revelation. It is to be remembered that in pre-Christian days New Testament standards were not yet, reveled. Old testament believers lived in a dispensation in which retribution was a fundamental principle.  Their very faith in a God of righteousness, who would reward the righteous and condemn the wicked, encouraged them to pray for His blessing upon themselves and for His vengeance upon their persecutors; and in this they had scriptural support (e.g., Lv. 24:19; Pr. 17:13). Retribution was therefore prayed for as part of the practical vindication of God’s actual and righteous sovereignty. Note here that the psalmist does not take vengeance himself, but leaves it to God. The New Testament teaches us also to love and pray for them that despitefully use us (Mt. 5:43-45; Rom. 12:19-21).

17 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 87 — Psalm 108

Study 87 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalm 108

   The first five verses of this psalm are taken from Ps. 57:7-11 and the remainder from Ps. 60:5-12.
        1-   Verses 1-5. What moves the psalmist to such determined praise? How do these verses show us the way to appreciate and worship God, and to include praise as a vital part of our prayer?
        2-   Verses 6-13. In the agony of wondering whether God is helping them any longer, how does the psalmist anchor his faith? Cf. Heb. 6:17; 10:23; 13:5, 6.
Note. Verses 7-9. The promise God gave in the Temple enforces His sovereign claim over these territories. The mention of Shechem and Succoth emphasized God’s claim over both sides of Jordan (cf. Gn. 33:17, 18). Ephraim and Judah, paired, bind north and south. (For the sceptre see the promise of Gn. 49:10.)  Moab, Edom and Philistia are traditional enemies and hostile neighbours of Israel. A campaign against Edom seems to be in mind (verse 10).

16 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 86 — Psalms 107:33-43

Study 86  From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 107:33-44

11-   What is shown about God Himself and His love by these great acts of deliverance? What was required of men to enter into these experiences?
22 -   Study the evidences given here of God’s control of human experiences and circumstances. Cf. verse 34 with Joel 1:19, 20; 2:3; Dt. 29:22-26; and verse 35 with Is. 43:19, 20; 44:3.

15 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 85 — Psalm 107:1-32

Study 85 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 107:1-32

This psalm has a general introduction (verses 1-3), then four examples showing God’s steadfast love (verses 4:32), and a conclusion summarizing what is learnt about God from these experiences (verses 33-43).
1 1-   What are the situations of difficulty from which God rescued His people? Study (a) the reasons for these difficulties, (b) the feelings of the people in them, and (c) the way in which they obtained relief.
    2-   What reactions are called for from those who have been delivered in these ways?
3 3-   How do some of the acts of Jesus show the same pattern as God’s acts here? Cf., e.g., verses 23-32 with Mk. 4:35-41; Mt. 14:22-33. What does this show us about Jesus?

14 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — 1 Chronicles 29

Study 14  From the Book of 1 Chronicles is: 1 Chronicles 29

With this study, we end the book of 1 Chronicles. Tomorrow, we will go back again into the book of Psalms
1 1-    Study verses 1-9 as a lesson in giving to the Lord. What did David ask of the people, and on what grounds? What characteristics of their giving are specially emphasized? Cf. 2 Cor. 8:3-5; 9:7. Is our giving of similar quality?
2 2-    Consider in David’s prayer (verses 10-19) (a) what he says of God, (b) what he says of man and of his own attitude of heart, and (c) what he prayed for. Seek to learn from to enrich and enlarge your own praying.

13 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 13 — 1 Chronicles 28

Study 13 From the Book of 1 Chronicles is: 1 Chronicles 28

When David had done all the could in his private and personal capacity in preparation for the building of the Temple, he summoned an assembly of the leaders in all departments of nation’s life to commend the scheme to them, and, as the next chapter shows, was greatly gratified by their response.
1  1-    ‘I had it in my heart to… But God said to me, “You may not”’ (verses 2 and 3). Have we known some such experience in our service of God? How does David bring out that God’s plan was far better?
2  2-    There are two charges to Solomon in this passage, in verses 9, 10 and 20, 21.  Considering them together, (a) what was to be Solomon’s first duty, (b) what the character of the God with whom he had to do, (c) what the two grounds of his confidence, and (d) what consequently the manner and spirit of his service?  What lessons do you find in this for your life?
Note. Verse 19.  Notice the distinct claim here made that the pattern of the Temple and of its service was given to David by revelation.