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13 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 13 — 1 Chronicles 28

Study 13 From the Book of 1 Chronicles is: 1 Chronicles 28

When David had done all the could in his private and personal capacity in preparation for the building of the Temple, he summoned an assembly of the leaders in all departments of nation’s life to commend the scheme to them, and, as the next chapter shows, was greatly gratified by their response.
1  1-    ‘I had it in my heart to… But God said to me, “You may not”’ (verses 2 and 3). Have we known some such experience in our service of God? How does David bring out that God’s plan was far better?
2  2-    There are two charges to Solomon in this passage, in verses 9, 10 and 20, 21.  Considering them together, (a) what was to be Solomon’s first duty, (b) what the character of the God with whom he had to do, (c) what the two grounds of his confidence, and (d) what consequently the manner and spirit of his service?  What lessons do you find in this for your life?
Note. Verse 19.  Notice the distinct claim here made that the pattern of the Temple and of its service was given to David by revelation.

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