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16 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 86 — Psalms 107:33-43

Study 86  From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 107:33-44

11-   What is shown about God Himself and His love by these great acts of deliverance? What was required of men to enter into these experiences?
22 -   Study the evidences given here of God’s control of human experiences and circumstances. Cf. verse 34 with Joel 1:19, 20; 2:3; Dt. 29:22-26; and verse 35 with Is. 43:19, 20; 44:3.

15 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 85 — Psalm 107:1-32

Study 85 From the Book of Psalms is: Psalms 107:1-32

This psalm has a general introduction (verses 1-3), then four examples showing God’s steadfast love (verses 4:32), and a conclusion summarizing what is learnt about God from these experiences (verses 33-43).
1 1-   What are the situations of difficulty from which God rescued His people? Study (a) the reasons for these difficulties, (b) the feelings of the people in them, and (c) the way in which they obtained relief.
    2-   What reactions are called for from those who have been delivered in these ways?
3 3-   How do some of the acts of Jesus show the same pattern as God’s acts here? Cf., e.g., verses 23-32 with Mk. 4:35-41; Mt. 14:22-33. What does this show us about Jesus?

14 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 14 — 1 Chronicles 29

Study 14  From the Book of 1 Chronicles is: 1 Chronicles 29

With this study, we end the book of 1 Chronicles. Tomorrow, we will go back again into the book of Psalms
1 1-    Study verses 1-9 as a lesson in giving to the Lord. What did David ask of the people, and on what grounds? What characteristics of their giving are specially emphasized? Cf. 2 Cor. 8:3-5; 9:7. Is our giving of similar quality?
2 2-    Consider in David’s prayer (verses 10-19) (a) what he says of God, (b) what he says of man and of his own attitude of heart, and (c) what he prayed for. Seek to learn from to enrich and enlarge your own praying.

13 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 13 — 1 Chronicles 28

Study 13 From the Book of 1 Chronicles is: 1 Chronicles 28

When David had done all the could in his private and personal capacity in preparation for the building of the Temple, he summoned an assembly of the leaders in all departments of nation’s life to commend the scheme to them, and, as the next chapter shows, was greatly gratified by their response.
1  1-    ‘I had it in my heart to… But God said to me, “You may not”’ (verses 2 and 3). Have we known some such experience in our service of God? How does David bring out that God’s plan was far better?
2  2-    There are two charges to Solomon in this passage, in verses 9, 10 and 20, 21.  Considering them together, (a) what was to be Solomon’s first duty, (b) what the character of the God with whom he had to do, (c) what the two grounds of his confidence, and (d) what consequently the manner and spirit of his service?  What lessons do you find in this for your life?
Note. Verse 19.  Notice the distinct claim here made that the pattern of the Temple and of its service was given to David by revelation.

12 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 12 — 1 Chronicles 25-27

Study 12   From the Book of 1 Chronicles is: 1 Chronicles 25-27

These chapters record the family divisions and the work of (a) the 4,000 choristers mentioned in 23:5 (see chapter 25), (b) the 4, 000 doorkeepers (26:1-19), and (c) the 6,000 officers and judges (26:20-32). All these were Levites. Chapter 27 records the leaders of the tribes, the commanders of the monthly division, and the chief officers of state.
1  1-    Who were the three chief leaders of praise? See 25: 1; also 6:33, 39, 44;15:16, 17. Why is their ministry of praise called ‘prophesying’? Cf. Eph. 5:18, 19.
2  2-    Amidst the many differences of function and service described in these chapters, notice the way in which all contribute to the worship and honour of the Lord. What developments of this lesson do you find in the teaching about Christian service in Eph. 4:1-7, 11, 12; 1 Cor. 12:18-21?
1-    25:1. ‘The chiefs of the service’: the phrase seems to refer here to those in charge of the Temple staff’, ‘the authorities of the temple’ (Moffat).
2-    25:3. ‘Jeduthum’: elsewhere called ‘Ethan’. See 6:44; 15:17, 19.
3-    26:29. ‘Officers and judges’: the officers collected the tithes and other revenue and the judges gave judgement in matters of law.

11 October, 2017

Introductory notes to chapter 23-27 – Before we tackle those studies

These five chapters describe how David and the leaders of the tribes organized
before David’s death the administration of the kingdom. The first matter taken in hand was the ministry of the priests and Levites, who had charge of the Temple and its worship and also administered judgment. This is set forth in chapters 23-26. Chapter 23 speaks of the Levites as a whole, chapter 24, of the priests (verses 1-19), and their attendants (verses 20-32). Then in chapter 27 are given in lesser detail the civil and military leaders of the nation other than Levites.

Study 11  From the Book of 1 Chronicles is: 1 Chronicles 23 and 24

Chapter 3, after telling of the assembly at which these matters were decided (verse 2), first gives the division of the Levites according to their work (verses 3, 4, and then their divisions according to families or house, as descended respectively from the three sons of Levi-from Gershom (verses 7-11), from Kohath (verses 12-20), and from Merari (verses 21-23).  The remainder of the chapter defines their duties. Chapter 24 speaks of those who served within the Temple, distinguishing between the sons of Aaron, who were priests (verses 1-19), and the rest, who were attendants of the priests (verses 20-31). Together these made up the 24, 000 of 23:4a.

1 1-    Compare the special duties of the priests (23:13-see Note below) with those of the other Levites who were not sons of Aaron. What part of the Levites’s former duties were now no longer necessary, and why (23:25-32)?
2 2-   Why has all this elaborate organization passed away? Cf.  Heb. 7:11-25. What has taken its place? Cf. Heb. 8:1, 2; 1 Pet. 2:4, 5, 9; Rev. 1:6.

Note. 23:13. ‘To consecrate…’ : better, ‘to sanctify as most holy him and his sons for ever’ as in RV mg. The burning of incense implies also the sprinkling of the blood of the atonement. Cf . Ex. 3010; Lv. 16:12-14.

10 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 10 — 1 Chronicles 22: 2-19

Study 10   From the Book of 1 Chronicles is: 1 Chronicles 22: 2-19

The thought of building a house for the Lord had been in Davids’ mind, but now the way for action was open. This passage tells of (a) the abundance of what David prepared; (b) his charge to Solomon; and (c) his charge to the leaders of the tribes.
1 1.     What may we learn form David’s high conception of the kind of building that alone would be worthy (verse 5), and from the abundance of his preparations? Contrast the spirit of the people in Malachi’s day (Mal. 1:6-8). What may we learn from David’s willing acceptance of God’s decision that not he, but Solomon, should build the Temple?

22.   Study David’s charge to Solomon and the people. What did he lay down as the all-important secrets of success? What were the people to do before undertaking the task of building (verse 19)? Cf. 2 Cor. 8: 5

09 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 9 — 1 Chronicles 21:1 – 22:1

Study 9  From the Book of 1 Chronicles is: 1 Chronicles 21:1 – 22:1

1-    What circumstances, do you imagine, may have left David particularly prone to temptation at this time? Why was the numbering of the people displease God? Cf. Je. 17:5. What evidence do you find of the genuineness of David’s repentance? Cf.  2 Cor. 7:11.
2-    What two proofs are there in this passage of God’s forgiving mercy? Observe how God turned the incident into blessing by using it to show David the site of the Temple. Cf. 21:18, 22:1; 2 Ch. 3:1.

08 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 8 — 1 Chronicles 18-20

Study 8  From the Book of 1 Chronicles is: 1 Chronicles 18-20

1-    What indications do you find in chapter 18 concerning (a) David’s heart attitude towards God, and (b) the way in which he exercised authority as king? What in turn did God do for him? How? Then, did he come to the sad end described in 1 Ki. 2:31, 32, 34.
2-    How do chapters 19 and 20 show what grave consequences may arise out of a misunderstanding, and what retribution may result from an act of folly?
3-    What good qualities are seen in Joab in these chapters? How then, did he come to the sad end described in 1 Ki. 2:31, 32, 34.

07 October, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 7 — 1 Chronicles 17

Study 7  From the Book of 1 Chronicles is: 1 Chronicles 17

1- From this chapter and other passages where Nathan is mentioned (2 Sa. 12:1-15, 25; Ki. I passim; 4:5), work out what an important place he had in the lives of David and of Solomon. The revelation here made to him and through him to David is one of the chief Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament, and had a profound influence upon the development of the Messianic hope. Cf., e.g., Ps. 89:26, 27; Lk. 1:33; Heb. 1:5.
2- In what sense did God deny David’s desire, in what way modify it, and in what way answer it above all that David asked or thought?  Note especially verses 4, 10b, 12a. Have you had any comparable experience of the Lord’s, dealing in your own life?