Study 14 From the Book of Ezekiel is: Ezekiel
20: 45 – 21:32
The prophet is bidden to
prophesy (a) against the south (of Palestine) 20:45-49), and (b) against
Jerusalem and the land of Israel (21:1-17). The sword of the Lord is drawn from
its sheath (21:1-7), sharpened and polished (21: 8-13), and smites repeatedly
in its deadly work (21:14-17). In
21:18-27, the explanation is given. The
king of Babylon is seen, standing at the parting of the ways, seeking guidance
by divination----Ammon or Jerusalem? The decision falls for Jerusalem, the city
is taken, and the king (Zedekiah) slain.
The closing verses of the chapter (verses 28-32) are a short prophecy of
utter doom upon Ammon as well.
kindles the fire? Whose sword is drawn? Yet it was by a heathen king that the
judgment was effected. What does this teach us concerning God’s methods of
accomplishing His purposes of judgment in the world? Cf. Je. 25:9 (‘my
servant’); Is. 25: 1-4.
human leaders and confidences all fail and are overthrown, where can we still
look for the establishment of a reign of peace? See 21:25-27; cf. Ps. 2:6-9;
Lk. 21:25-28.
refers to three well-known forms of divination practiced by the Babylonians:
drawing marked arrows from a quiver (or throwing them in the air to see how
they fall); consulting the teraphim, the ancestral household gods, in some form
of necromancy; and studying the marks on the entrails of sacrificial victims.
‘Whose right is’: i. e., the Davidic Messiah who is entitled to the kingship.
Cf. Gn. 49:10