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25 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Nahum 2 and 3

Study 2 From the Book of Nahum is: Nahum 2 and 3
With this study we end the book of Nahum today. Tomorrow we will delve into the book of Habakkuk
These two chapters are two separate odes describing the fall or Nineveh. In chapter 2 the prophet depicts the approach of the enemy (verse 1a) and ironically summons the people to defend their city (verse 1b). Then follows a description of the attackers within and without the walls (verses 3-5). The river gates are forced, the palace is in panic, the queen captured, the people flee (verses 6-8), and looting follows (verse 9). The chapter ends with a picture of Nineveh overthrown, lying desolate in her ruins. Chapter 3 declares the city’s guilt and her punishment (verses 1-7), and bids her take warning from the fate of Thebes (verses 8-10).  Nineveh’s strength fails (verses 11-15a). Though her people are without number, and her merchants are as numerous as locust, yet like locust, they will fly away (verses 15b -17). Her rulers perish her people are scattered. All who hear of her fall will rejoice (verses 18, 19).
1.      Read each chapter aloud, if possible in Moffat’s translation.  What were Nineveh’s sins that brought upon her so terrible a retribution? See also 1:11. What does this show of God’s attitude even to non-Christian societies? Does He care whether they are righteous or corrupt? If God cares, should we?
2.     How does Nahum show the converse of Rom. 8:31; i.e., if God be against us, who can be for us? 34:16; Je. 37:9, 10. Have you ever experience this in your own life, with all circumstances going against you, that in fact God was against you?
1.      2:5. ‘Officers’: or ‘elite troops’. The same word is rendered ‘nobles’ in 3:18. A ‘mantlet’ is a missile-proof screen under the shelter of which the attackers advance.
2.     2:7. ‘Mistress’: the word may refer to the queen (cf. verse 6), or to the Assyrians goddess Ishtar or her image.
3.     2:8. ‘Nineveh is compared to a breached reservoir
4.     2:11. ‘Cave’: ‘pasture’ (rsv mg., av), or ‘feeding place’ (rv).
5.     2:13. ‘Messengers’: envoys; cf. 2 Ki. 19:9-23
6.     3:4-6. The use of this figure to symbolize Nineveh was doubtless suggested by the sacred prostitution prominent in the cult of Ishtar.
7.     3:8. ‘Sea’: i.e., the mighty waters of the Nile.
8.     3:9. ‘Put’: an African people, perhaps form Somalia or Libya.

24 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Nahum 1

Study 1 From the Book of Nahum is: Nahum 1
      1.      What do we learn in this chapter about God (a) in relation to His own people, and (b) in relation to His enemies? Cf. Lk. 18:7, 8; 2 Thes. 1: 8; Nu. 14: 17, 18; Ps. 46:1.
      2.     Nineveh’s boastful spirit is seen in Is. 36:18-20; 37:23-25; Zp. 2:15. But how does Nahum regard her in relation to God’s power? See verses 3b-6, 9-12a, 14;  and cf. Ps. 37:35, 36
     3.     Consider how verse 7 is illustrated in the story of 2 Ki. 18 and 19, which happened less than a century before Nahum’s time.  Have  you your own illustration to give out of your own experience?
1.      Verse 1. ‘an oracle concerning Nineveh’, or ‘The burden of Nineveh’: see Note on Je. 23:33-40. Where ‘Elkosh’ was is not known with certainty; it may be in Judah.
2.     Verse 2.  ‘A jealous God’: behind this description lies the figure of the marriage relation used in Scripture of Israel’s relation to God. ‘Just as jealousy in husband or wife is the energetic assertion of an exclusive right, so God asserts and vindicates His claim on those who belong to Him alone.’  Or, in terms of kingship, it is His ‘passionate determination that His sovereignty be recognized among all men, to the benefit of the humble and loyal among his subjects and the confusion of the presumptuous.’ Cf.  Ex. 34:14; 1 Cor. 10: 20-22.
3.     Verse 7. ‘Knows’: i.e., takes care of.
4.     Verses 8-10.  The translation here is often difficult: see mg. The RSV too readily follows alternative readings.  In verse 8 read with mg. ‘her place’ i.e., probably the sanctuary of Nineveh or its goddess Ishtar.  Verse 10 has been rendered (cf. mg.): ‘Though tangled as thorns, and drenched as their drink, they shall yet be consumed as stubble fully dry’. (Eaton), i.e., however tricky an enemy (for men) to deal with, God’s flame will run through them like dry stubble.
5.     Verse 11.  Possibly a reference to Sennacherib Cf. Is. 10:7-11.
6.     Verses 12, 13 and 15 are addressed to Judah, and verses 11 and 14 to Nineveh.
7.     Verse 12b. rv mg. reads: ‘So will I afflict thee, that I shall afflict thee no more’ (i.e., I shall not need to’). Cf. Verse 9. Then the verse is addressed to Nineveh.
8.     Verse 14. ‘vile’ here does not mean depraved, but rather abject, reduced to the meanest condition.
9.     Verse 15. The ‘good tidings’ is the news of Nineveh’s downfall.

23 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Introduction to Nahum

Study 0 From the Book of Nahum is: The Introduction of the Book of Nahum
In the prophet, Nahum God found a man who, with flaming conviction, proclaimed the astonishing message that great Nineveh, still at the height of her power and glory, must fall and disappear. Nahum concentrates on this seemingly incredible event to the exclusion of all else. With great poetic skill and vivid realism, he portrays the attack upon the city and her final end.  We can almost see the battle, the capture, the looting, and hear the noise of her fall and the silence of her desolation. Nahum’s purpose in writing, however, is not to gloat over the downfall of the great enemy of his people. It is to magnify the God of Israel, to declaim that He is, on the one hand, faithful to His promises and strong to save those who put their trust in Him, and on the other hand, the Holy One, who is adversary and Judge of the wicked.  It is because the Assyrian Empire was built with ruthless cruelty upon the principle that might is right that God, as the moral Governor of the world, rises up to smite it to the dust.

Nahum prophesied between the overthrow of Thebes in Egypt, about 663 BC (to which he makes reference in 3:8), and the fall of Nineveh in 612. There is no certain clue as to a more exact date, but the most likely period for his ministry seems to be in the early years of King Josiah. If so, he preceded Jeremiah by only a few years. 

22 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 3 — Zephaniah 3:8-20

Study 3 From the Book of Zephaniah is: Zephaniah 3:8-20
With this lesson we end the book of Zephaniah. We will start the book of Nahum Tomorrow
     1.      Throughout this passage the Lord is seen acting. What is He pictured as doing? How many of these actions were, or can now be, fulfilled in Christ? Are there some which still await fulfillment, and, if so, why?
   2.     Consider the character of the remnant that the Lord leaves (verses 12, 13). Compare 2:3; and contrast 2:1; 3:1, 2.  Does 3:17 suggest a reason for this change of character? How is it brought about? Cf. 2 Cor. 5: 17; Eph. 4:24.
Note. Verses 9:12. To ‘seek refuge in the name of the Lord’ is an expressive figure for trust in the Lord’s revealed character.  Truly to call Him Lord means to acknowledge Him as such, and to give Him the service that is His due. Cf. 1 Pet. 3:6a.

21 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Zephaniah 2:1 – 3:7

Study 2 From the Book of Zephaniah is: Zephaniah 2:1 – 3:7
      1.      What phrases are used to describe the nations over whom Judgment is impending? See 2: 1, 10, 15. What was especially sinful about Nineveh’s attitude (2:15; cf. Is. 47:6-11), and has it a modern counterpart? What qualities does God look for in those who desire his help (2:3)?
       2.     ‘Hidden on the day of the wrath of the Lord’ (2:3). Is there such a hiding-place?  Cf. Je. 23:24; Am. 9:3; Rev. 6:15 – 17; Rom. 5:9; 1 Thes. 1:10.
3.     The indictment against Jerusalem is the most grievous of all (3: 1-7) Cf. Lk. 12:47, 48. List the evils found in her, and consider especially how they were sins against the Lord.
1.      2: 1. ‘ Come together…’ i.e., solemn assembly to seek the Lord.
2.     2: 13-15. No man alive at the time had known anything but the greatness and glory of Assyria. So these words, would have had an astonishing impact.
3.     3: 5-7.  The Lord’s faithfulness in judgment on their enemies is matched by the shamelessness of His people.  They were heedless of the lessons He was seeking to teach them.

20 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Zephaniah 1

Study 1 From the Book of Zephaniah is: Zephaniah 1
The effects of God’s universal judgment (verses 2, 3) upon Judah and Jerusalem are described in detail (verses 4-13).  The chapter ends with a terrifying picture of the day of the Lord (verses 14-18)
      1.      On whom particularly will God’s judgment fall according to this chapter, and why? Can you think of any modern counterparts to the sinful actions described?
     2.     Having considered the reasons for judgment, now ponder the accompaniments of the day of the Lord in verses 14-18. What may we learn from these about God’s view of sin?  Cf. Pr. 11:4; Ezk.
1.      Verse 4.  To ‘cut off… the name of’ mean to ‘obliterate the memory of’
2.     Verse 5.  ‘Milcom’: a foreign deity of this or a similar name was worshipped in several of the countries surrounding Judah.
3.     Verse 12.  ‘Thickening upon their lees’: cf. Je. 48:11. This picture, taken from the wine-trade, refers to the sedimentation of wine.  The idle, stagnant, muddy-minded men in Jerusalem, who thought they could settle down in their godless indifference, will be punished.

19 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — introduction of Zephaniah

Study 0  From the Book of Zephaniah is: The Introduction of the book Zephaniah
Zephaniah prophesied in the reign of Josiah, and probably in the early years of that reign, before Josiah began his religious reforms. For when Zephaniah delivered his message, idolatrous, customs, which Josiah abolished, were still openly practised (cf., e. g. 1: 4, 5 with 2 Ki. 23: 4, 5). Zephaniah was therefore a contemporary of Jeremiah and possibly began his ministry somewhat earlier. If the Hezekiah from whom his descent is trace (1:1) was, as many think probable, the king of that name, then Zephaniah was related to the royal house.
The theme of his prophecy is the day of the Lord, which was about to break.  It is pictured as a day of terrible judgment, under the imagery of war and invasion, in which Judah and Jerusalem would be thoroughly purged of those who practiced wickedness.  But, the judgement would embrace all nations; it was to be a day of universal judgement.
When the judgment was completed there would be a remnant of Israel, a lowly but upright people who, trusting in the Lord would rejoice in His favour. Zephaniah foresaw also that other nations, would ‘call on the name of the Lord and serve him with one accord’ (3:9). His message is marked by breadth of view and profound insight, and charged with an ardent vehemence of moral passion. 

Zephaniah’s word received a striking fulfillment in the fall of Nineveh, and a quarter of a century later in the fall of Jerusalem.  But, the fulfillment is not yet complete. The final day of God’s judgment has yet to come. 

18 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 2 — Joel 2: 18 – 3:21

Study 2  From the Book of Joel is: Joel 2: 18 – 3: 21
With this lesson, we end the book of Joel. Tomorrow we start the book of Zephaniah
    1.      What is God’s reaction to His people’s repentance? What principle does this teach?
    2.     How has the prophecy of 2:28, 29 been fulfilled far more wonderfully than Joel foresaw?
    3.     Chapter 3 is a vision of mercy upon Israel, and judgement on her enemies. In what ways had the nations angered God by their treatment of Israel, and what judgment would fall on them?  What according to 3:17 and 21 is the supreme blessedness of God’s people?

17 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 1 — Joel 1:1 – 2: 17

Study 1 From the Book of Joel is: Joel 1:1 – 2: 17
Two addresses on the plague of locust, both describing in different ways its severity, and summoning the people to repent.
      1.      What teaching is given in this passage on the need for corporate repentance for national sin? What essentials of true repentance are given in 2:12, 13?
      2.     Gather together the teaching on ‘the day of the Lord’ in this passage. What is its significance?

16 February, 2017

Search The Scriptures —Study 0 — Introduction of Joel

Study 0 From the Book of Joel is: The Introduction of the Book of Joel
Nothing is known of this prophet beyond what is stated in the first verse of this book, and the evident fact that he prophesied to Judah. It is generally agreed that he was either one of the earliest of the prophets, or one of the latest. The date is not important for the study of his message.
The occasion of his prophecy was an unprecedented plague of locust, apparently accompanied by drought (1:18-20).  He summoned the people to national repentance and self-humbling, and on their doing this, he was authorized to declare the speedy departure of the locusts, and the restoration of the land.

But, the prophet was given also a more distant vision. The plague of locusts was a symbol of the approaching day of the Lord, and Joel foresees the outpouring of the Spirit, and the gathering of the nations to answer for their misdeeds towards Israel. The Lord will triumph and Israel be blessed.