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09 December, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 39 — John 19:38 – 20:10

Study 39 From the Book of John is: John 19:38 – 20:10

1. What made both Joseph of Amarithea and Nicodemus now come out into the open? With 19:38, cf. Lk. 23:50, 51; and trace Nicodemus's growing faith, 3:1-15; 7:45-52. Both were members of the Sanhedrin, the Council of the Jews which had condemned Jesus.
2. 20:1-10. How do these verses show that the disciple were not expecting the resurrection of the Lord? What does the description of Peter and John's visit to the tomb reveal about each of their respective temperaments? What was it that John believed?
  1. 19:39. 'About a hundred pounds' weight': an exceptionally lavish amount.
  2. 20:5, 7. The position of the clothes showed that they had not been unwound from Jesus' body. He had gone out, just as later He came in, where the door were shut, without the doors being opened (20:19, 26)

08 December, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 38 — John 19:17-37

Study 38 From the Book of John: John 19:17-37

1. The story of the crucifixion is told in seven incidents, namely verses 17-18, 19-22, 23-24, 25-27, 28-29, 30, 31-37. How does each incident manifest some fresh aspect of the glory of the suffering Saviour?

2. Which scriptures are quoted in this portion as having found fulfillment in this hour? To which aspect of Jesus's sufferings and of His saving work do they point?

07 December, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 37 — John 18:28 – 19:16

Study 37 From the Book of John: John 18:28 – 19:16
The trial before Pilate.
  1. Trace through this passage the attempts made by Pilate to spare Jesus from death, and the steps taken by the Jews to counter his efforts. The full charge brought against Jesus is given in Lk. 23: 2. (Note the Jews' use of both religious and political threats to overcome Pilate's resistance; see 19:7, 12.) What features of the character of Pilate and of the Jews are revealed here? Could we be guilty of similar injustice?
  2. The King of the Jews.” Note how this title forms the central interest from 18:33 to 19:22. What is the real nature of Jesus's Kingship? How does it differ from the world's? How is Jesus' royal dignity shown here? How does the use of the title reveal the sin of the Jews, and the glory of Jesus' sacrifice?
  1. 18:28. “Praetorium”: the headquarters of the Roman governor.
  2. 18: 31b. The Romans did not allow the Jews to inflict capital punishment. Hence Pilate's word in 19:6 imply that there was no ground in Roman law for Jesus's death. However he spoke a deeper truth than he realized.

06 December, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 36 — John 18:1-27

Study 36 From the Book of John is: John 18:1-27
Jesus' arrest and trial before Caiaphas.
1. In verses 4-11 and 19-23 what qualifies of our Lord's character appear in relation to (a) those who came to arrest Him, (b) His disciples, and (c) His accusers?
2. How did Peter's own actions contribute to his fall? Of what was he afraid? Does fear ever prevent you from declaring your association with Jesus Christ?
Note. Verses 5, 6, 8. 'I am he': the thrice-repeated use of this phrase point to its special significance. It is virtually a reiteration of the divine name, 'I AM'. Cf. Ex. 3:14; Jn. 8:58. Note the effect of Christ's statement on the hearers.

05 December, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 35 — John 17 (second study)

Study 35 From the Book of John: John 17 (second study)

1. What is our relationship to the world? How should we ourselves pray regarding people in the world?
2. Verses 20-23. Is the Lord praying for the uniting of all branches of the Christian Church as in the ecumenical movement? What is the object of His prayer? What will its fuller realization means?
3. Observe the significance of the 'word' or 'words' of the Father and the Son in this passage.

04 December, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 34— John 17 (first study)

Study 34 From the Book of John: John 17 (first study)

Jesus's prayer falls into three divisions: (a) verses 1-15, for Himself; (b) verses 6-19, for the immediate circle of disciples; (c) verses 20-26, for the great company who should afterwards believe.
  1. The hour of Jesus's supreme sacrifice has come (verse 1; cf. 2:4; 7:6, 30; 8:20; 13:1). How is this related to the glorifying of the Son and the Father (verses 1-4)? Already the glory of God has been seen in Jesus (1-4); how is it seen also in His disciples (verse 12)? When will they see the full glory of the Son (verses 5, 24)?
  2. In verses 6-14 note how many things Jesus has already done for His disciples.
  3. What does our Lord pray that the Father will do for those whom He has given Him? Is this prayer being answered in you? Are you 'consecrated in truth'.
  1. Verse 2. 'Power': better, 'authority', as in RV, The whole of humanity lies within the sphere of Christ's commission. Cf. Ps. 2:8; Mt. 28:18, 19.
  2. Verse 5. A prayer that the glory of which for a time He had 'emptied himself' (Phil. 2:6, 7) might be restored to Him.
  3. Verses 17, 19. Note the repetition of the word ' to consecrate'. Jesus consecrated Himself to the holy Father in fulfillment of His perfect will, particularly in offering Himself as the sacrifice for sin. Cf. Heb. 10:5-10. This shows what true consecration involves.

03 December, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 33 — John 16:16-33

Study 33 From the Book of John is: John 16:16-33

1. 'A little while'. In the light of verses 16:22 do you consider that this refers to the time between the death of Jesus and His resurrection; between His ascension and Pentecost; or both?
  1. Note the RSV in verse 23, 'You will ask me no questions.' With the Spirit to enlighten (cf. Verses 12-15) and the Father to supply our needs, what do we learn in verses 23-28 about the place of prayer? On what do we rely when we pray in the name of Jesus Christ? Cf. 14:13, 14; 15:16.
  2. In verse 33 Jesus sums up the situation. In what two opposing spheres would the disciples live? What would be their expeirence in the one and in the other? What can be the ground of your courage and confidence?

02 December, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 32 — John 15:26 – 16:15

Study 32 From the Book of John: John 15:26 – 15:15

  1. What evidence do you find in 16:1-7 that the disciples were cast down by Jesus words? Why did He say that He had not spoken of these things before, and why He speak of them now? Notice, however, that He did not lighten in any way the dark picture He had drawn, but rather shaded it more deeply (16:2)
  2. What new force, does Jesus say, will be brought to bear upon the world, and through whom (see 15; 26, 27)? What threefold result will follow (16: 8-11)? How would this make Jesus's departure an advantage instead of a loss?
  3. What results ought this situation to have upon the disciples (a) in their dependence on the Holy Spirit, and (b) in the place of the Holy Spirit and the person of Jesus Christ in their thinking? Is this true of us? See 16:14, 15.
  1. 16:2. 'Put you out of the synagogues' see note on 12:42.
  2. 16: 5. The questions of Thomas (14:5) and Peter (13:36, 37) concerned their own following of Jesus. No-one was now asking about the glory to which Christ was going in His return to the Father.
  3. 16:8-11. The Holy Spirit will convince men of their false standards of sin, righteousness and judgment (cf Is. 55:8, 9). He will show them that the essence of sin is unbelief in Christ; that true righteousness is not that of the Pharisees (works of the law) but the righteousness seen in Christ, and declared in the gospel; and that judgment awaits all who follow the ruler of this world. At Pentecost the heavens were convinced by the Spirit 's witness through the apostles, exactly as Jesus says here.
  4. 16:13. 'Declare to you the things that are to come': i.e, interpret the significance of Christ's impending crucifixion and resurrection, as well as other divine actions.

01 December, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 31— John 15:9-25

Study 31 From the Book of John: John 15:9-25

1. People think of the Christian life as a joyless observance of rules. What answer to this idea is contained in these verses? Is it your experience?
2. If we are disciples of Jesus, why must we expect hatred from the world? Why did many hate and persecute Jesus?
3. Love not only feels, but acts. By what actions is (a) the love of the Father shown to the Son, (b) the love of the Son to His disciples, and (c) the love of the disciples to one another? Cf. 3:35; 5:20; 1 Jn. 3:16-18.

30 November, 2016

Search The Scriptures —Study 30 — John 14:25 - 15: 8

Study 30 From the Book of John is: John 14:25 - 15: 8

1. The disciples were distressed at the thought of Jesus going away and leaving them alone in a hostile world; cf. 16:6. What promises does Jesus give in verses 25-29 to answer their fears? Why does His going to the Father bring greater benefit than if He had remained as He was? What also does verse 31 teach about Christ's reason for facing the cross?
2. What does the parable of the vine teach about (a) the purpose for which the branches exist, (b) the vinedresser's dealing with the branches, and (c) the dependence of the branches upon the vine? With verses 3 and 7 compare 14:15, 21, 23; see also 8:31, 32. What kind of fruit do you bear? Cf. Gal 5:22, 23.
1. 14:28. 'The Father is greater than I' cf. 10:29, 30. He is not greater in being more divine, but in the eternal Father -Son and God-man relationships.
2. 14:30. ' The ruler of this world': cf. 12:31; 16:11; 2 Cor. 4:4; Eph. 2:2; 1 Jn. 5:19. The RSV; 'has no power over me' gives the true sense of these words. There is nothing in Jesus over which the devil can claim possession, and therefore domination.